
Make concerted efforts to fight the rain disaster - a side note of the large grain growers in Tingsiqiao Town to carry out production to save themselves and ensure a bumper harvest

author:Xiangcheng Metropolis Daily

Reporter Ge Jianwei Correspondent Zhu Huarui Liu Jie

From June 21st to 23rd, Xian'an District rained heavy rain and local heavy rain, resulting in the flooding of more than 200 acres of rice in the low-lying area of Huangjingtang Village, Tingsiqiao Town, the district.

Make concerted efforts to fight the rain disaster - a side note of the large grain growers in Tingsiqiao Town to carry out production to save themselves and ensure a bumper harvest

On the morning of the 24th, on the field of Group 13 of Huangjingtang Village, this reporter saw villagers working in the fields, some of them were busy clearing the ditches of the rice fields, widening the ditches, and removing weeds, and spraying pesticides on the farmland that had receded the flood waters to sanitize the fine trees and prevent pests and diseases.

Make concerted efforts to fight the rain disaster - a side note of the large grain growers in Tingsiqiao Town to carry out production to save themselves and ensure a bumper harvest

Kan Wenbo, a large grain grower in Huangjingtang Village, Tingsiqiao Town, told reporters that after receiving the government's information on the disaster situation of heavy rainfall, he quickly organized members of the cooperative to open all the gaps in the ridges of more than 1,000 acres of rice fields, so that the existing water in the fields could be drained to prevent rain from accumulating and flooding the rice.

It is understood that Kan Wenbo's cooperatives have contracted more than 1,400 acres of farmland. Nowadays, we are in the heading period of early rice, and if the water in the field does not recede for a long time, it is easy to lead to the growth of early rice, breed diseases and pests, and make it difficult to harvest early rice.

Make concerted efforts to fight the rain disaster - a side note of the large grain growers in Tingsiqiao Town to carry out production to save themselves and ensure a bumper harvest

It is reported that the area of his cooperative affected by the heavy rainfall has reached more than 200 acres, and the harvest area has reached more than 20 acres. In this regard, he actively organized personnel to carry out post-disaster self-rescue, and timely drained the waterlogged fields, so that the seedlings could "breathe", grow normally, and reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases in the seedlings.

"In the next step, we will immediately replant the area that has not been harvested, and strive to minimize the loss." Finally, Kan Wenbo said.