
Visualized Cancer Medicine征稿:最重要的问题
Visualized Cancer Medicine征稿:最重要的问题
Visualized Cancer Medicine征稿:最重要的问题

为了纪念孙中山先生(1866 - 1925)诞辰150周年,Cancer Communication (其前身是 Chinese Journal of Cancer)在2016年发起了一次十分独特的征文活动:在全球范围内征集有关癌症研究领域的最重要的科学问题:The most important questions and cancer research and clinical oncology。

The call for papers received positive responses from colleagues around the world, with a large number of candidate scientific questions. After peer review and editorial selection, 104 scientific questions were published. The three most recently published scientific questions were raised by Professor Lu Zhimin of Zhejiang University, namely:

Question 102: Can non-glucose-based tumor imaging techniques facilitate tumor detection and metabolic classification?

Question 103: how can we develop medicines to inhibit the cancer-specific metabolic functions of metabolic enzymes in tumors expressing wild-type IDH, without interfering with their canonical catalytic activities?

Question 104: Can dietary-based cancer therapy be proven effective in treating cancer?

The published scientific questions have sparked great interest and new ideas in the fields of cancer etiology, epidemiology, metabolism, apoptosis, aging, angiogenesis, cachexia, immunology, therapeutic resistance, and new treatments.

At present, this meaningful paper call has been relayed by the journal Visualized Cancer Medicine (VCM). Founded on September 17, 2020, VCM is the official journal of the Tumor Microenvironment Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association. The three editors-in-chief of VCM are: Professor Qian Chaonan, Founding Chairman of the Tumor Microenvironment Professional Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and President of Guangzhou Taihe Cancer Hospital, Professor Francesco Pezzella, a well-known pathologist from the University of Oxford, and Professor Lu Zhimin, Dean of the Institute of Translational Medicine of Zhejiang University.

In order to promote global colleagues to work together to advance cancer research and accelerate our progress in conquering cancer, we warmly welcome colleagues from all walks of life to continue to actively raise new scientific questions and submit papers to VCM journals.

VCM Submission Notes:

VCM Online Website:

If you are interested, please submit your manuscript to the VCM Editorial Department of Zhongke Digital Media.

Contact: Wang Xiangyu

E-mail: [email protected]

Visualized Cancer Medicine征稿:最重要的问题
Visualized Cancer Medicine征稿:最重要的问题