
The mortality rate is up to 70%, and the carp "herpes storm" has to be prevented!

author:Haida agriculture and animal husbandry
The mortality rate is up to 70%, and the carp "herpes storm" has to be prevented!

Text/Haida Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

Carp is the most widely distributed freshwater economic fish in mainland China, with the longest breeding history, known for its rapid growth and high meat yield, and is favored by many farmers in Jiangsu, Henan, Tianjin and other places. However, in recent years, carp diseases have occurred frequently, especially carp herpes virus disease. With its rapid onset rate and high mortality rate, this disease poses a serious threat to carp farming.

It is understood that the onset of herpes virus disease this year is earlier than in previous years, and the onset cycle is prolonged, which has caused a lot of losses to the households. Therefore, strengthening disease prevention and control and improving the level of aquaculture management are very important for the healthy development of carp farming.

The incidence of the disease in Jiangsu is continuous and severe

Since mid-May this year, carp herpes virus disease has appeared in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, with an incidence of 10-15%, an onset time of 3-7 days, and a loss of 10-50%, which has not stopped until now; Compared with last year, this year's disease cycle has been significantly extended, and the prevention and treatment has become more difficult.

Some farmers reported that this year, the occurrence time of the herpes virus was advanced and the cycle was extended, and the carp would lose most of their time once they suffered from the disease, which brought them great trouble; Moreover, the high price of hot water fish at this time in previous years did not come as scheduled this year, and the price of 1.5-2.2 catties/tail was about 5.2-5.4 yuan.

According to the analysis of the current market situation, the reasons for the failure of the high-price market are: first, the consumption enthusiasm is not high, and the sales volume is not large, resulting in low prices; Second, in the past month or so, the drought in southern Shandong and northern Jiangsu has been severe, which has brought small reservoirs to the brink of dry ponds, causing many farmers to sell fish in a hurry, and the staged concentrated sale of fish has caused fishmongers to lower prices, which in turn has affected the normal price of fish.

It is understood that with the increase in temperature, the activity of the herpes virus gradually weakens, and it is expected to basically lose its activity after the water temperature exceeds 30 °C; With the recent increase in rainfall, the regional drought is expected to ease in half a month, and a small peak in fish prices is expected at the end of July.

The mortality rate is up to 70%, and the carp "herpes storm" has to be prevented!

Due to the high cost of seedlings this year, coupled with the difficulty of disease prevention and control, some people have reduced the stocking density of summer fish, or even transferred, in order to reduce the cost of investment and avoid the risk of breeding.

It is recommended that the farmers and friends in the breeding should strengthen the prevention of diseases, and use antimicrobial drugs and external disinfection measures in time for the outbreak of the pond; At the same time, pay close attention to market dynamics and reasonably arrange breeding plans to cope with possible market fluctuations.

The onset of the disease in Henan has been alleviated, but the impact still exists

At present, the carp herpes virus in the Henan market has basically ended, but the impact of the virus on carp farming is still significant.

The incidence rate and mortality rate in the core carp breeding area of Zhengzhou are 70-80%, and the mortality rate is 50-70%, mainly gill rot, and the mortality rate is large. Compared to the same period last year, the incidence and mortality of carp herpesvirus have increased this year, and the onset of the disease is earlier than in previous years.

At present, the storage pond of summer carp is not much, the price of 1.5-2.5 catties / tail is about 6.5 yuan, and the price of 0.8-1.3 catties / tail is about 5.2 yuan. In view of the current situation, many farmers who have been injured or injured in ponds have carried out timely seedling replenishment work and stocked summer carp.

The mortality rate is up to 70%, and the carp "herpes storm" has to be prevented!

This year, the overall capacity of carp has decreased slightly, and the amount of fish produced around the Chinese New Year will decrease, but the market demand remains stable; Therefore, it is recommended that farmers and friends appropriately increase the breeding density, use high-grade extruded materials, quickly expand the size, and speed up the capital turnover, shorten the breeding cycle and reduce the risk of breeding by selling 0.8-1.3 kg of small size fish through gradient sales.

At the same time, maintain a keen insight into market dynamics in order to respond to possible market changes.

Actively respond to challenges and seek opportunities

Although carp farming is currently facing many challenges, we should also see the opportunities.

With the increasing consumer demand for high-quality aquatic products, carp farming still has great potential for development; At the same time, with the continuous progress of science and technology and the continuous improvement of breeding technology, we have reason to believe that carp farming will usher in a better future.

Therefore, while we are responding to the current challenges, we must also actively seek new development opportunities. By strengthening disease prevention and control, improving the level of aquaculture management, paying attention to market dynamics and other measures, we will continuously improve our competitiveness and achieve the healthy, high-quality and sustainable development of carp farming.


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The mortality rate is up to 70%, and the carp "herpes storm" has to be prevented!

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