
The "golden formula" for wild carp fishing is all available, from nesting at the fishing position to bait fishing!

author:You're good at fishing

#头条创作挑战赛#怎么才能高效野钓鲤鱼? Many anglers suffer from not having a complete set of strategies, often take care of one or the other, today you fishing fun on your own long-term fishing practice, summed up a set of wild carp fishing "golden formula", from the fishing position to the bait fishing method, all have, I hope to read carefully, will definitely bring you help.

The "golden formula" for wild carp fishing is all available, from nesting at the fishing position to bait fishing!

1. The golden rule of fishing spot selection

Veteran anglers often say that "the right spot doubles the catch", which highlights the importance of spot selection. In fact, a good fishing spot will not only improve the efficiency of fishing, but also increase the odds of catching a big fish.

There are several factors to consider when choosing a fishing spot, including currents, topography and vegetation. For example, in a river, it is often a good choice to choose a fishing position at the bottom of the river, an inlet at a bend in the river, or an inlet in a large area of water and grass beach. These places usually have more fish to eat and the current is slower, making them suitable for fish to inhabit.

In addition, it is important to note that the choice of fishing spot also takes into account the season and weather factors, such as in summer, a shady place may be more suitable for fishing than a place with direct sunlight.

2. The art of nesting: the way to lure fish

Nesting is another skill that should not be ignored during the fishing process. By placing the right amount of bait at the fishing spot, you can attract schools of fish to gather, which can increase the success rate of fishing. However, nesting is not a simple throw, it requires a certain amount of skill and strategy.

The "golden formula" for wild carp fishing is all available, from nesting at the fishing position to bait fishing!

The ideal way to make a nest is to control the area and amount of nest material. The litter area should not be too large, so as not to scatter the fish, and the amount should not be too much, so as not to cause waste. In addition, when nesting, try to avoid placing the nest material in the middle of the fishing spot, and choose to stock it around the fishing spot to avoid disturbing the fish that have gathered.

In addition, you can choose smaller particles such as wheat and millet as nest feed, and use larger particles such as corn for fishing, which will ensure that the bait is attractive to the fish.

3. Revealing the habits of carp: fishing is easier

As a common species of freshwater fish, carp is very important for anglers due to its habits and behaviors. Carp like low light and love to move, and these characteristics need to be specially considered when choosing a fishing position and fishing method. For example, during the day when the sun is strong, choosing a shady spot for fishing tends to give better results, as carp tend to move in low-light environments.

In addition, carp are cunning by nature and extremely vigilant, which puts forward higher requirements for the location and method of throwing bait. When throwing bait, you should avoid throwing it directly to the center of the nest, but choose to cast it around the nest, which can reduce the disturbance to the fish and improve the attractiveness of the bait.

The "golden formula" for wild carp fishing is all available, from nesting at the fishing position to bait fishing!

At the same time, choosing a bait with larger grains and a strong flavor, such as corn, can further attract the attention of the carp and increase the chance of biting.

Fourth, bait selection and matching: the key to fishing

In the process of fishing, the choice and use of bait is an important factor in determining whether or not you can successfully catch a fish. For the choice of bait for carp, it is necessary to consider the feeding habits and habits of carp. Fermented corn, wheat kernels, bran cakes, etc., are all preferred foods for carp, so they can be used as nest material to attract fish.

In practice, the mix of bait needs to be adjusted according to the fish conditions. For example, when the temperature is low or the mouth is weak, a more intense bait may be necessary to stimulate the carp's appetite. Sweet potato-flavored and snail-flavored baits are the preferred flavor types of carp, and they can be used in combination with wheat kernels, corn and other nest materials to increase the success rate of fishing.

In addition, it is also possible to choose the right bait according to the taste preferences of the carp in the local waters, which requires the angler to constantly try and summarize in practice.

The "golden formula" for wild carp fishing is all available, from nesting at the fishing position to bait fishing!

5. Selection and use of fishing tackle: the basis of fishing

Choosing the right tackle is the first step in the start of a fishing activity and the key to ensuring successful fishing. For larger fish such as carp, it is recommended to use a rod of more than 5.4 meters, which allows for better control of the fish. The combination of a long rod and a long line has an advantage when fishing for carp, it can provide more space for walking and improve the success rate of fishing.

In terms of the collocation of the line group, it is recommended to use the main line of 2.0 or more and the subline of 1.5 or more. This combination not only ensures the strength of the line set, but also maintains sufficient sensitivity to detect fish bite signals in time.

The choice of hook is also very important, and hooks from Iseni No. 5 are a good choice for carp fishing, as they have enough strength to cope with the carp's struggles. In addition, when fishing, it is necessary to adjust the fishing tackle according to factors such as season, water depth, and flow speed to ensure the best fishing effect.

6. Practical skills and experience: the essence of fishing

In actual combat, mastering some key skills and experience can greatly improve the success rate of fishing. First of all, it is crucial to choose the prime time for fishing. 5 a.m. to 9 a.m., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., and 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. tend to be more active times for carp, so fishing is often better when these times are chosen.

The "golden formula" for wild carp fishing is all available, from nesting at the fishing position to bait fishing!

During the fishing process, it is very important to accurately judge the species and size of the fish. By looking at the fish bubbles on the surface of the water, you can roughly judge the type and size of the fish. For example, carp usually have larger bubbles and bubble less frequently. Knowing these characteristics can help anglers choose the right fishing method and bait.

Walking skills are also a part of the fishing process that should not be overlooked. When the fish bites, do not rush to lift the rod, but should use the elasticity and toughness of the rod to walk the fish. This not only prevents the rod from breaking and cutting, but also reduces the chance of the fish struggling to escape. When walking the fish, be patient and wait for the fish to run out of water before recovering the net to ensure a successful fishing.

In the end, the above six plates together form a set of "golden formulas" for wild carp fishing, and we can achieve good results by copying and using them in actual fishing, we feel useful, please like and follow!

I am good at fishing, and I will continue to share what I see, hear, and feel about fishing, and I look forward to the attention and support of fishing friends, and we will see you next time!

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