
Dong Dong's latest video exposes the company's internal situation! It's really as Dong Yuhui said

author:Mushroom heads

The secret of the "refrigerator office" behind Dong Yuhui's live broadcast room is revealed: happiness and creativity in the busy

In the busy world of live broadcasting, there is a live broadcast room that is particularly eye-catching, that is, behind Dong Yuhui's live broadcast room. Recently, Dong Yuhui joked that "our staff all work on the refrigerator!" "There was a heated discussion on the Internet. At first, everyone thought it was just a humorous joke, but after digging deeper, they found that behind it was the hard work and infinite creativity of a group of young people.

Dong Dong's latest video exposes the company's internal situation! It's really as Dong Yuhui said

Walking into the back of Dong Yuhui's live broadcast room, you will be shocked by the scene in front of you. A variety of samples fill the entire space. From hot to cold dishes, from fresh fruit to frozen foods. And behind this, there is a group of busy figures. They are busy carrying goods for a while, and preparing goods for the next time, as if everyone is three-headed and six-armed, and can do anything.

Dong Dong's latest video exposes the company's internal situation! It's really as Dong Yuhui said

Among them, the most eye-catching is the beauty of Xiaobei. She sits in a messy pile of samples, but she doesn't look embarrassed at all, but gives people a different kind of beauty. Her smile was always so bright, as if it could dispel all the tiredness. And her presence has also added a lot of vitality to this live broadcast room.

Dong Dong's latest video exposes the company's internal situation! It's really as Dong Yuhui said

Although the work is busy, the team behind Dong Yuhui's live broadcast room is happy. They enjoy the challenges and fun that come with each live broadcast, and they also cherish the time they spend interacting with their audience. Whenever they see the audience leaving messages, likings, and sharing in the live broadcast room, they will feel extremely satisfied and proud.

Dong Dong's latest video exposes the company's internal situation! It's really as Dong Yuhui said

However, behind this seemingly glamorous live broadcast room, there are also many difficulties and challenges. Due to limited space, many samples cannot be stored for long periods of time. As a result, after each live stream, the staff needs to spend a lot of time and effort to organize, clean up, and reimburse samples. Although the process was tedious, they never complained. Because they know that it is their job and their responsibility.

Dong Dong's latest video exposes the company's internal situation! It's really as Dong Yuhui said

In addition to these daily challenges, Yuhui's live broadcast room is also facing competitive pressure from the market. In this highly competitive industry, only continuous innovation and continuous progress can win the love and recognition of the audience. Therefore, the team in Yuhui's live broadcast room is always trying new live broadcast methods, new product combinations and new forms of interaction. They hope to bring a better live streaming experience to their viewers through their own efforts.

Dong Dong's latest video exposes the company's internal situation! It's really as Dong Yuhui said

Of course, in the process, they also gained a lot of touching and warmth. There are many viewers who left messages in the live broadcast room: "Thank you for bringing us so many good goods every day!" "You've worked hard!" These simple words gave them endless motivation and confidence. They know that as long as they keep working hard, there will be more people who like and support them.

Dong Dong's latest video exposes the company's internal situation! It's really as Dong Yuhui said

Overall, behind Dong Yuhui's live broadcast room is a vibrant and creative place. There is a group of young, dreamy, and talented people working towards the same goal. They have used their sweat and wisdom to create a unique live broadcast world, and also let us see the infinite possibilities of the live streaming industry. If you also want to know more about the story and behind-the-scenes footage of Dong Yuhui's live broadcast room, you may wish to pay more attention to their live broadcast, let us witness their growth and transformation together!

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