
How to spend the 8 million yuan bonus? Donate it all!

author:8099999 the streets and alleys
How to spend the 8 million yuan bonus? Donate it all!

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference was held

2023 National Science and Technology Award Conference

It was solemnly held in the Great Hall of the People

85-year-old academician Li Deren

Won the highest national science and technology award

How to spend the 8 million yuan bonus? Donate it all!

After winning the highest national science and technology award, Academician Li Deren and his wife Professor Zhu Yixuan took a group photo in front of the rostrum. @ToSun press corps

In an interview with a CCTV reporter,

Li Deren said

All the prize money of 8 million yuan will be donated

Among them, 5 million yuan will be handed over

Wuhan University "Wang Zhizhuo Innovative Talent Scholarship"

3 million yuan to be handed over

Wuhan University "Zhu Yubi Medical Award"

He said:

"Supporting the cultivation of innovative talents,

This is the right thing to do! ”

According to the Wuhan release:

In Wuhan University, the "Wang Zhizhuo Innovative Talent Award" has been held for 25 consecutive years, which aims to commemorate Wang Zhizhuo's outstanding contributions to the cause of surveying, mapping and remote sensing, carry forward Mr. Wang Zhizhuo's scientific spirit and academic thoughts, commend students who have made important achievements in the fields of remote sensing, surveying and mapping, and environmental protection, and encourage them to be realistic and innovative, and serve the society. Academician Wang Zhizhuo is the main founder of aerial photogrammetry and remote sensing in mainland China, and is also the mentor of Li Deren.

The "Zhu Yubi Medical Award" is the highest-level award in the medical field of Wuhan University, which rewards teachers and students who have made outstanding achievements and important contributions to the medical profession every year. Zhu Yubi is the founder of Wuhan University Medical Center and the father of Professor Zhu Yixuan, the wife of Academician Li Deren.

One of his records, which has not been surpassed to this day

85-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Li Deren

It is a continent with high precision and high resolution

One of the pioneers of Earth Observation System

In 1982, 43-year-old Li Deren went to Germany for further study

He spent less than two years

The theory of error distinguishability is solved

This is an academic problem

The doctoral dissertation thus completed was:

Highest score in the history of the University of Stuttgart

No one has surpassed it so far!

At the time of his Ph.D., he worked at several institutions in Germany

Extend an olive branch to Li Deren

He did not hesitate to choose to return to China

Faced with severe constraints of the embargo on core devices

He spearheaded the research

Greatly improve domestic satellite remote sensing images

Autonomous positioning accuracy

Reversed the situation

How to spend the 8 million yuan bonus? Donate it all!

85-year-old "trapeze"

"365 days a year,

He spent more than 200 days traveling all over the country."

In the eyes of the students

This academician is in his old age

Energetic like a lad in his twenties and thirties

"Encountering some major incidents,

When the country needs it most

Mr. Li will always be the first to stand up."

Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing Information Engineering of Wuhan University

Professor, State Key Laboratory,

Li Xi, a doctoral supervisor, told a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network

As a student of Lee De-jen

He remembers the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake

Li Deren was quickly established

Earthquake Remote Sensing Information Collection and Disaster Assessment Project Team

Make use of airborne lidar

Carry out remote sensing information collection and disaster assessment

Provide decision-making and support for earthquake relief

A reporter once asked Li Deren

When are you going to retire?

"My teacher died at the age of 93

He worked until the last minute

I also want to learn from the teacher, live to be old, and learn to be old."

Li Deren said

Since 1985, he has been teaching at Wuhan University

Master student under Li Deren and

There are no less than 200 doctoral students

He once said to his students

"While seeking development for the team

It is necessary to meet the needs of the country

It's not about publishing papers and competing for fame and fortune

We are engineers and we must contribute to the country

This is the number one."

How to spend the 8 million yuan bonus? Donate it all!

At the 25th Wang Zhizhuo Innovative Talent Award in 2024, Academician Li Deren presented the autographed book "Senior Academician Wang Zhizhuo" to the winners of the doctoral special prize. (Source: Wuhan University)

In 2008, Lee published a book

It's called "Never Stop Thinking"

"Never stop thinking" and


It was something he used to say to his students

Nowadays almost every student has it

All have this book

On the title page, he wrote it in his own hand

Student's name and words of encouragement.


Source: China Youth Daily, CCTV News, Voice of China, Wuhan University official website, etc.