
The mainland's encirclement of Taiwan took shape, and Lai Qingde stopped pretending to kidnap 23 million Taiwan compatriots as a shield

author:Professor Cao Xing

A group of people on the island flew to Beijing and told the truth so that Lai Qingde found out that the situation was not right, and then the Taiwan authorities put forward another plan, which was to use 23 million Taiwan compatriots as a shield.

1. The mainland made a move against "Taiwan independence", but Lai Qingde stopped pretending

At a time when the mainland is making moves against "Taiwan independence" again and again, the Taiwan authorities have stopped pretending and are trying to ensure their so-called "superiority" by expanding their military resources, but some voices on the island have criticized this, holding that this move will put the Taiwan people under pressure every day.

The mainland's encirclement of Taiwan took shape, and Lai Qingde stopped pretending to kidnap 23 million Taiwan compatriots as a shield

(Taiwan Military Compulsory Service Training)

Recently, under the pretext that Taiwan's declining birthrate is serious, the Taiwan authorities plan to raise the threshold for supplementary military service and further increase the number of soldiers. According to the report given by Taiwan's defense department, the number of conscripted men under the control of Taiwan's relevant departments has been decreasing year by year since 2022, and it is expected that it will not exceed 100,000 this year, and by 2031, this number will drop by 23,000.

Kuomintang deputy Lai Shih-pao pointed out that this shows from the side that the Taiwan authorities have realized that they have no superiority in air warfare and that if the mainland launches missiles, the Taiwan military will not be able to deal with them. Since the Taiwan authorities will not know the mainland's next move, they can only make preparations as much as possible, and the purpose of increasing the number of troops is to fight street battles.

Since taking office, Lai Ching-te has not wanted cross-strait relations to develop in a good direction at all, and Lai Ching-te's idea of "Taiwan independence" is harming the interests of the Taiwan people and kidnapping the 23 million people on the island to serve as a shield for himself, so that he can obtain political benefits.

2. 台胞已看清赖清德真面目

However, the people on the island have gradually seen Lai Qingde's true colors, and the fact that nearly 2 million people no longer support him is one of the best examples, and the current young people in Taiwan are not willing to join the army and do not want to go to the battlefield for "Taiwan independence," but they are more willing to cooperate and exchange with the mainland so that cross-strait relations can develop positively.

This can be seen from the fact that young people from Taiwan flew to Beijing not long ago to participate in the event. The "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development" cycling activity has been launched in Beijing, and the Taiwanese youth who participated in it visited many emerging technologies such as commercial aerospace and new energy of private enterprises in the mainland.

The mainland's encirclement of Taiwan took shape, and Lai Qingde stopped pretending to kidnap 23 million Taiwan compatriots as a shield

(Taiwanese youths participate in activities in Beijing)

A young representative from Taiwan said that Chinese he was very proud to see the rapid development of China's aerospace industry, and he also mentioned that Hong Kong people were selected as reserve astronauts, expressing great envy and hoping that Taiwan compatriots would also participate in the future. After seeing the new energy technology of private enterprises on the mainland, the young people in Taiwan were even more surprised, hoping that the island could also become a market for the promotion of this technology.

The statement of Taiwan's young people can be said to have made Lai Qingde break through the big defense, because they can find out what they really want, which is to exchange and cooperate with the mainland, and then make greater progress, but what about the Taiwan authorities? But for their own sake, they are trying to "push Taiwan's young people to the battlefield", and the answer is naturally clear at a glance as to how Taiwan's young people will choose.

3. The encirclement of Taiwan has been formed

All along, the mainland has taken a zero-tolerance attitude toward the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, and not long ago, it even took continuous action within 48 hours, so that the "Taiwan independence" forces really felt the mainland's anger.

Just one month after Lai Qingde took office, the mainland announced the "Opinions" on punishing "Taiwan independence," which detailed the "Taiwan independence" behavior and the punishment methods.

As soon as the "Opinions" were issued, they aroused strong concern on the island, especially one of the articles that stated that "the maximum sentence for serious circumstances may be the death penalty."

The mainland's encirclement of Taiwan took shape, and Lai Qingde stopped pretending to kidnap 23 million Taiwan compatriots as a shield

(Lai Qingde)

Li Zhengjie, a retired general from Taiwan, said that although this is only an opinion at present and has not yet been formally enacted into law, it has fully demonstrated the attitude of the mainland side, and many DPP members will have to live in fear in the future.

In fact, the outside world was not surprised that the mainland made such a move; after Lai Qingde mentioned the "new two-state theory" in his inaugural speech, he openly stressed that he refused to accept "the first war is the final war" and revealed the idea of "leading the war." With such an obvious provocation, the mainland will obviously not sit idly by, and the current promulgation of the "Opinions" on punishing "Taiwan independence" is aimed at combining words with deeds and never tolerating the existence of "Taiwan independence" separatist forces.

Taiwan's defense department said that in just one day, the PLA flew 41 sorties around the Taiwan Strait and 32 flew over the so-called "center line of the strait."

Although Taiwan's defense department has always stressed that it is using all means to monitor and respond to the PLA's movements, the wind direction on the island has changed drastically, and many Taiwan media have clearly pointed out that the PLA is currently "sandwiched from all sides." Taiwan's retired general pointed out even more sharply that Taiwan is not simply "surrounded on all sides" but is now "heavily surrounded," and the mainland has drawn three lines of encirclement in the southern direction alone.

4. The Taiwan authorities are bound to play with fire and set themselves on fire if they "bet on the wrong treasure."

One of the key reasons why the Taiwan authorities have come to such a state is that they are "betting on the wrong treasure." The Taiwan authorities have always believed that the United States is the greatest help in supporting their "pursuit of independence," but more and more cases have shown that the United States has only "greeted the Taiwan authorities with a smile" for the sake of interests.

Take the latest approved arms sales plan to Taiwan by the United States, on the surface, this is a large arms sales order, covering thousands of drones, but discerning people quickly discovered that something was wrong, and the drone models did not have the so-called "combat power advantage", especially the Switchblade-300 UAV, which is a piece of equipment that has lost face on the battlefield in Ukraine, which the United States will not be unaware of.

The mainland's encirclement of Taiwan took shape, and Lai Qingde stopped pretending to kidnap 23 million Taiwan compatriots as a shield

(Switchblade-300 UAV)

What's more, the price at which the United States sells to Taiwan is much more expensive than the international market. This shows that the United States is not only fooling the Taiwan authorities with its "rags," but also wants to use the "rags" to make a windfall in the hands of the Taiwan authorities.

Therefore, it is better for the Taiwan authorities to have a clear understanding of the situation as soon as possible and stop running wildly on the erroneous road of "Taiwan independence," otherwise they will really end up playing with fire and setting themselves on fire.