
There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

author:Past History

In China's 5,000-year history, a new emperor appears every few decades, and their reigns range from a few days to a hundred years, leaving behind a story worth telling, no matter what the outcome is.

It would be debated to rank these emperors, but there were four emperors, no matter how they ranked, they must be among the best.

There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

Each of these four emperors left an indelible mark on Chinese history in different ways, and their stories are still talked about today.

Who are these four emperors? What are some of their impressive achievements in their reign?

The creator of the title of "Emperor": Qin Shi Huang

When it comes to emperors, it is inevitable that Qin Shi Huang cannot be avoided, after all, it was he who invented the proper noun emperor. It was also with Qin Shi Huang that China began to rule a unified centralized autocracy.

Qin Shi Huang was also the most polarized emperor in Chinese history, and his exploits are as remarkable as his mistakes. In any case, Qin Shi Huang was the emperor who had the greatest influence on later generations of China.

There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

Those who praise Qin Shi Huang and call him the First Emperor of the Ages, he is undoubtedly a legendary and eloquent emperor, and this legend can be glimpsed from Qin Shi Huang's early life.

Qin Shi Huang followed his father Qin Yiren as a proton in Zhao in his early years, and thanks to Lü Buwei's wisdom and vision, he was able to return to Qin safely and obtain the throne of Qin.

Lü Buwei's behavior of solving problems for Qin Shi Huang's father and son also made many people doubt Qin Shi Huang's life experience. Qin Yiren not only left Qin Shi Huang with the throne, but also left the hidden danger of his relatives.

There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

Qin Shi Huang was still very young when he ascended the throne, but he was already very good at strategy, he successively solved his brother's rebellion, his mother's scandal, broke away from Lü Buwei's control, and firmly controlled the real power of Qin in his own hands.

After solving the internal worries, Qin Shi Huang set his eyes on the outside, and with the assistance of Li Si, he encircled Yan Qi, stabilized Wei Chu, eliminated Han Zhao, attacked from afar, broke through one by one, and annexed the Six Kingdoms step by step.

After Qin Shi Huang unified the six countries, he began to continuously expand the country's territory, attacking the Xiongnu in the north, conquering Baiyue in the south, sending troops to garrison the border, expanding China's territory, and China's basic territory was also determined from the time of Qin Shi Huang.

There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

And his measures to unify weights and measures and unify the script played a key role in the unification of China. The high degree of centralization gave Qin Shi Huang supreme power, but it also exacerbated the demise of the Qin dynasty.

Qin Shi Huang's tyrannical rule was as impressive as his eloquence, which led to later generations evaluating him as a tyrant. Despite his mixed reputation, Qin Shi Huang was the most influential emperor in Chinese history.

The most enviable emperor: Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

There is a strange appearance in Chinese history, the prince who was canonized as a prince at a young age generally did not end well, but Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was one of the lucky ones.

There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

Under the favor of his parents, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was canonized as a prince at the age of 7, and successfully ascended the throne and became the emperor at the age of 16. What's even more enviable is that his father, Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, left him a prosperous country, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had a lot of opportunities to display his ambitions.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was not only a reincarnated master, but also a large number of capable people with lofty ideals who served him before and after the saddle. Dong Zhongshu helped him govern the country, Sang Hongyang managed the country's economy for him, and Zhang Qian opened the Silk Road for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

The great general Wei Qing and the young talent Huo Qubing were both loyal generals of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, as well as the "flying general" Li Guang, who attacked the Xiongnu in the north for him and expanded his territory.

There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

Before Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty died, he finally began to reflect on his belligerent shortcomings, and wrote the "Luntai Edict" to convict himself and reflect on his mistakes.

He reintroduced the policy of resting with the people, giving the country a respite. The reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty laid a good foundation for the heyday of the Western Han Dynasty.

There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

The most famous emperor: Tang Taizong

Throughout the dynasties, the momentum of the Tang Dynasty is the most prosperous, and many poems and songs depict the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and the scene of all countries coming to the dynasty, and the founder of the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty is Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin made great military exploits when he was a teenager, made great contributions to the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, and was one of the emperors who really personally led the troops to fight.

Li Shimin is also a famous Ming monarch in Chinese history, and many courtiers hope that they can meet a monarch like Li Shimin.

There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

Tang Taizong is definitely a rare open-minded monarch, he encouraged his courtiers to criticize his policies, and definitely not fishing for law enforcement, he listened carefully to the opinions of his subordinates, some were changed, and if not, he was encouraged, leaving many good stories to history.

During Li Shimin's reign, he actively promoted the equalization of land system, so that the people after the war could live and work in peace and contentment. Under the rule of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, the population of the Tang Dynasty reached 3.8 million households, an increase of nearly 1 million from when the Sui Dynasty fell.

The poetry of the Tang Dynasty has been passed down for centuries, and the cultural policies of Tang Taizong have also played an important role in promoting it. Tang Taizong perfected the imperial examination system, set up the Hongwen Hall in the country, and widely recruited talents from the world.

There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

The policy of Tang Taizong's governance of the country was also compiled into "Zhenguan Political Leaders" for future generations to circulate and study.

Poor counterattack: Zhu Yuanzhang

Zhu Yuanzhang is a famous beggar emperor in history, he counterattacked from the bottom poor to an emperor, which is not legendary. And Zhu Yuanzhang should be one of the most simple emperors, in his imperial garden, there are no exotic flowers and plants, but a vegetable garden.

Zhu Yuanzhang should have experienced all the difficulties that the poor could experience in ancient times, he herded cattle for the landlord when he was a child, but this could not solve the problem of food and clothing.

After becoming the emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang did not dare to forget the period when he was hungry, vigorously developed agriculture, encouraged farmers to return to farmland, and reclaimed wasteland.

There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

In order to develop agriculture, Zhu Yuanzhang liberated slaves and maids, reduced or exempted taxes, organized laborers to build water conservancy, plant cash crops, and restore social production.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely disgusted with official corruption, and also set up a special Jinyi Guard Organization to monitor the movements of hundreds of officials and various places for him.

It is not uncommon for the emperor to live a luxurious life and covet pleasure, but Zhu Yuanzhang is one of the few emperors who live a simple life and are diligent in political affairs.

There are more than 400 emperors in history, but only these four are the ones who have influence in later generations

But this is also because he is very suspicious and wants to control all the power in his own hands. After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he abolished Zhongshu Province and led the ministries by himself, strengthening the centralization of the country.

Zhu Yuanzhang's control freak is not only reflected in the court, but also outside the court. Knowing that the displacement of displaced people would cause social instability, he enacted a draconian criminal law, which measured land, checked household registration, and prohibited people from moving freely.


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