
Running in the morning, I met 2 wonderful runners, one of whom I was afraid that no one had met

author:Xiang 168

This morning, there is a little more time, so you're welcome, and go straight to the Zhanggongdi Greenway. Every time you come here to run, you can meet some familiar runners, and today is no exception, many runners have very familiar faces, but never speak, and some runners will cheer each other on when they meet.

I met 2 wonderful runners today, and one of them said it, but I am afraid that everyone will not believe it, and there should be few people who have encountered such runners.

1. Who has ever met a runner who runs 10 kilometers with an electric car?

When I first arrived at the Zhanggongdi Greenway and was doing warm-up exercises, I met some runners, who seemed to have completed their running goals, some were taking pictures, and some were stretching.

Running in the morning, I met 2 wonderful runners, one of whom I was afraid that no one had met

At this moment, a running friend walked over to me, this guy I am quite familiar with, so I greeted: Finished running today? He said that he ran 10 kilometers with an electric car today, and then ran a half marathon every weekend.

My God, no wonder I saw him running with an electric car a few times, I thought he was going to lock the electric car and then run, but I didn't expect this guy to run with an electric car every day, is this a method taught by a master? Forgive me for my short experience, I have been running for almost 9 years, and it is the first time I have seen someone push an electric car. Who has ever encountered such a strange running method!

2. There was a running friend who took the steps of not knowing his six relatives and competed with me for a while

The first 5 kilometers are basically 610 pace, control the heart rate jogging, about 4.5 kilometers, and see a running friend, they are running a little strange, shaking their heads when running, they seem to close their eyes slightly, and they are very intoxicated with the appearance of running.

Seeing someone say on the Internet, someone is taking steps that he doesn't recognize his six relatives, and I feel that this guy is. By the time I switched back, the runner, who had taken a step that he didn't recognize, was about 500 meters ahead of me. After the 5th kilometre, I started to pick up a bit of speed, moving up to around 540.

Running in the morning, I met 2 wonderful runners, one of whom I was afraid that no one had met

The back of the runner in front of him is getting closer and closer, this guy is wearing an orange running group costume, I am quite familiar with that running group, and it is a very large running group in Wuhan City. At the 8th kilometer, I was at a pace of around 530 and finally overtook him. He was still like that, shaking his head as he ran, his eyes slightly closed, and he looked like he didn't recognize his six relatives.

When I overtook him, maybe I didn't do it right, I passed from his right-hand side, because there were more people riding electric cars on Zhanggongdi, and I didn't run the overtaking lane according to the rules. When I ran in front, I didn't pay attention to it, and after a while, I felt like someone was following closely behind, and I didn't leave it.

No one wanted to be followed closely like that, so I picked up the speed again, and the fastest pace was about 5 minutes, and this guy seemed to be competing with me, and wanted to keep up, about 500 meters or so with me, to get rid of him completely.

Fortunately, it may be that he really can't run, and I didn't meet him until I finished the 10km and turned back.

Running in the morning, I met 2 wonderful runners, one of whom I was afraid that no one had met

A good day starts with a morning run, and today I ran on the Zhanggongdi Greenway in the morning, and met such two strange and kind runners. As long as you pay attention, every runner has something cute, and as long as you understand it deeply, every runner has their own inspirational story. Come on runners! We all have to be the best version of ourselves, because running is a better version of ourselves. #记录我的2024 ##头条创作挑战赛#