
This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

author:Project Genius Catcher
This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

There is a movie about the personal experience of a 12-year-old boy who plays himself in the film.

At the beginning of the film, the little boy is brought to court and says to the judge with extraordinary calm: I will sue my parents because they gave birth to me but did not raise me.

The little boy's country was full of war, his parents were living in poverty, and they were still having children. When his sister was only 11 years old, her mother married off the landlord's son and died because of premature childbirth.

What the little boy accused was not so much that his parents did not support him, but that his parents had fulfilled too little responsibility.

The movie is called "What is Home", and the little boy lives with his parents, but he doesn't know what home is.

Doctor Cao Sui told me that when she first met the 15-year-old girl, she thought to herself: what is the home of giving birth but not raising.

It was a girl who had been abandoned by her family, and when she was taken in by Dr. Cao, she had just lost two-thirds of her body's blood, and during the 13 days she was hospitalized, her parents, relatives, community workers, reporters, and police officers took turns appearing.

In the end, Cao Sui was still thinking, can this girl have a real home?

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

On the evening of June 17, 2019, I opened the mobile game and was about to gather my friends for a game. The new messages in the WeChat work group began to pop up continuously, accumulating layer by layer, and instantly bordering on bombardment.

I clicked on the dialog box - the hospital had admitted a girl who was dying.

Half an hour ago, the girl was sent by 120, her face was pale and she didn't say a word, and the white sheet under her body was stained with a large amount of blood.

The results of the preliminary examination shocked everyone: the girl had a nine-month-old fetus in her belly, which had died.

This is the situation that obstetricians and gynecologists are most afraid of encountering - the placenta connected to the uterus is like a tree being uprooted, blood is spurting everywhere, and the child who has been cut off from the source of nutrients falls like fruit.

The mother of the teenage mother loses nearly two-thirds of the blood in her body, and the longer the stillbirth stays in the womb, the more difficult it will be to stop the bleeding by the toxins released, and she will die at any time.

Inadvertently, I swept to the age of the patient in the WeChat conversation - 15 years old!

15 years old? Is there something wrong with the system?

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

In an instant, my mind was filled with questions: The girl hasn't had her period for so long, doesn't the family know? The belly has gotten bigger, and no one notices?

"This kid doesn't know anything, it's really anxious." The consulting doctor was a mother, and she was very angry.

After a moment's emptiness, the junior brother who had just pushed the girl into the operating room was thrown in the group that night—the biggest bomb of my medical career, to be exact:

"During the preoperative conversation, the doctor asked the girl whose child belonged to her, and she replied with certainty - it was the father's!"

Dr. Bao Ma said that she was still very suspicious during the consultation, and she told the girl's father in person that the person who could do such a thing was simply a beast and must go to prison. The father also nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes."

The girl's name is Lu Xiaoying.

I waited for more than an hour with my mobile phone, and my sister replied: "The operation is over, the bleeding has stopped, and the blood in the whole body has basically been replaced." ”

Xiaoying's life was saved. I let out a long sigh of relief and put my phone down.

But more questions came to me: What kind of family is this, where can a father do something to his own daughter? Can her mother indulge her husband's bestiality and do whatever she wants? Why did the little girl accept this behavior? Isn't she afraid?

At this time, the junior brother added a new sentence: "I heard that the girl's mother has schizophrenia and is still taking medicine to control it." Doctor Bao Ma sent a surprised expression, "Could the little girl also have mental problems and talk nonsense here?" ”

On this weekend night, I was overwhelmed by the shocking information and doubts surrounding the tragic teenage mother.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the senior sister posted a circle of friends, four test results, hidden identity, with four words: Sleepless night!

The girl's condition did not continue to deteriorate.

My message: Hard work! I'll take over.

However, during the 13 days that the girl was hospitalized, around her bed 4, parents, relatives, community workers, police, journalists, including our doctors, took turns to show up.

In hindsight, like a drama, the spotlight hit Xiaoying, and even more so on the faces and hearts of these people.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

Early the next morning, through the glass window of the office, I saw Xiaoying from a distance.

She lay upright in bed 4 in the intensive care unit, with a monitor attached to her body, a central venous line, and a thick quilt.

My sister with dark circles reminded me: "Pay attention to uterine contractions, keep an eye on the results of the reexamination, and have blood transfusions if necessary." ”

As soon as the senior sister walked out of the office, she turned her head and said, "Her father is not a good person when he looks at his face." Protect yourselves. ”

I open the course of my illness. Xiaoying doesn't remember the last time she had her period, she weighed 220 pounds, and her food increased greatly when she was pregnant, and her family always thought that the reason was that she ate too much.

If it weren't for the stomachache and coming to the hospital, no one would know that Xiaoying was pregnant.

During the ward rounds, I approached Xiaoying for the first time, and despite my preparations, I was still shocked by the scene in front of me.

I lifted the quilt to see if there was any bleeding, and she was naked. The huge body reminds me of the mascot of Michelin tires, with a pair of chubby little hands resting on the body, and the fingernails are covered in black mud. Because her belly was bulging like a hill, I even thought she was pregnant.

Xiaoying has a round face but pale lips, empty eyes, expressionless face, messy long hair, and no childlike innocence at all.

Again, I had the same doubts as Dr. Bao's mother: Is she really only 15 years old? If the mother has mental problems, does she also have an intellectual disability? Could she have been talking nonsense yesterday?

I'm desperate to validate the doubts. took advantage of the change of dressing and chatted with Xiaoying.

"Were you frightened yesterday?"

During my internship, I saw a pregnant woman who was bleeding profusely. The blood gushed out like a blown water pipe, soaking through the sheets and landing on my feet. For a month in a row, when I close my eyes, the bloody bed comes to mind.

"I'm lying there, and I feel like you're killing pigs." Xiaoying's answer.

I smiled embarrassedly. Rescue is like fighting a war, pay attention to the word "fast", and the scene will inevitably be chaotic.

"Are you still studying?"

Xiao Ying replied calmly: "No." She craned her neck to see the incisions.

"You're still underage, and you have a boyfriend at such a young age?" I recklessly spoke out the doubts in my mind.

Xiao Ying stared straight at me and raised her voice: "I don't have a boyfriend."

"Whose is that kid?"

Xiao Ying didn't look over, panting and not speaking.

I wanted to help Xiaoying and tell her that if she kept silent, she might be violated.

She thought for a few seconds, then turned her head, stared at the door directly across from the hospital bed, and pointed with her finger: "It's my dad outside." ”

When I heard the answer from Xiaoying's mouth, my action of changing the dressing stopped in mid-air: "I can help you call the police and don't let him in." ”

"Oh, I don't want him to be taken away." Xiao Ying turned her head again.

I asked her if she was scared? Was it beaten?

Xiaoying looked at me with a smile: "He was very good to me, bought me something to eat, and chatted with me." ”

I noticed that Xiaoying was missing a front tooth and had a scar the size of a mung bean on her arm and leg.

"Mosquito bites. There are a lot of mosquitoes in my grandfather's house. She explained.

"Why is there a missing tooth?"

"Eating ribs collapsed."

I am worried that Xiaoying was violently impacted or even sexually assaulted last night, resulting in placental abruption. Ask her what she was doing before she had a stomachache last night?

Xiaoying didn't hesitate at all: "I'm eating." ”

"That'...... Do you hate Daddy? "I cursed the beast many times in my heart.

Xiaoying shook her head and paused: "My father is very pitiful, and there are no other women around me besides me, so I'm not afraid." I just want to have a baby with him. ”

I felt dizzy. Sadness, fear, crying, and wanting to bring her father to justice, these reactions I imagined, Xiaoying did not show any of them.

"My family always says I'm like my mother, and I'm stupid." Xiaoying was fostered in a relative's house since she was a child, and her father was imprisoned for ten years for robbery, and when he came out, he said that he wanted to earn money to take care of their mother and daughter.

Listening to the night shift doctor, after Xiaoying woke up from the operation, her eyes widened and she asked with a sad expression: "Does my father know that the child is dead?" Is he happy? ”

I couldn't see through this 15-year-old girl at all, I couldn't tell which of her words was true, and I was worried that she would be brainwashed by her father.

When I returned to the office, I asked as soon as I saw the director, "Do you want to call the police about this?" ”

The director glared at me through the thick lenses: "Don't cause trouble." ”

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

At 4 p.m. on the second day of admission, family members visiting patients walked into the intensive care unit one after another. Xiao Ying craned her neck and stared at the door.

Someone outside the office suddenly said that I was a four-bed family member, and I immediately bounced up from my chair and stepped out the door to see what this beast looked like.

The man had a flat head and dark skin, only 1.6 meters, and was thin and small. He was wearing a pair of torn slippers, his clothes were worn out, a string of keys tied with red ropes was pinned to his waist, and he was carrying a wallet in his right hand, looking at me with a smile and grinning: "I am Xiaoying's father and want to see my daughter." ”

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

The colleague said very unceremoniously: "Xiaoying's condition is not stable. It cost a lot of money to rescue yesterday, so you can wait and pay the fee. ”

He sighed, tucked his wallet in his armpit, and stared at the ground: "Got it, I'm going to borrow money." ”

Looking at him, I only thought of the word "obscene", and I was furious, and whispered "bastard", and wanted to go up and kick twice. My colleague grabbed me: "Be careful that he hits you." You don't even know what's in his bag. ”

I couldn't help but look towards the 4 beds. Xiaoying was half-sitting, and her father bent down and muttered something.

I was worried that he was threatening Xiaoying, pretending to observe the monitor indicators, and approaching to eavesdrop.

Her father glanced up at me, straightened up, touched Xiaoying's head and said, "I'll go first, you listen to the doctor." I'll figure out how to pay for the medical expenses. ”

Xiaoying was almost in shock when she was admitted to the hospital, and now her condition is stable, but combined with the results of blood and urine, we concluded that Xiaoying had high blood pressure during pregnancy, and it was likely that excessive spasm and contraction of blood vessels caused placental abruption.

The following treatments focus on lowering blood pressure, protecting other organs from high blood pressure, and taking good care of the incisions. Due to obesity, there is yellow fat flowing out of the incision, and it does not heal for a long time.

But when Xiaoying was admitted to the hospital, her father only paid 200 yuan. After three days of surgery, rescue and blood transfusion, the arrears have exceeded five figures.

Not only did she have no money for treatment, but Xiaoying didn't even have clothes.

Since she was admitted to the hospital, she couldn't even button the largest size hospital gown wrapped in the quilt, and lay naked on the bed all day, every time she turned over, her buttocks and breasts swayed with the hospital bed. When the bed is raised, the sheets on her body slip off and she has a clear view of her chest.

I discussed with Dr. Mi, who was in charge of ward rounds and medical orders: "Why don't you buy her an oversized dress online." ”

At first she was against it, but an hour later, Dr. Mi sent a screenshot: "How about this nightdress?" Breathable, oversized, I placed an order, and added a little money, expedited express. ”

On the third day of admission, Dr. Mi looked at the payment information in a daze. I cautiously asked, "Will her dad run away in arrears?" ”

"Don't deduct another month's salary. I can't afford to raise my daughter. Dr. Mi smiled helplessly.

Colleagues also said that Xiaoying's father is very likely to be in arrears of medical bills, and it is best to report to the medical department.

I think it is more urgent than reporting to call the police, but I remembered the director's words: "Didn't there be thirteen or fourteen-year-olds who came to give birth before?" The less people know about this, the better, and don't make the dark side of society known to everyone. ”

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

On the afternoon of the third day, before it was time to visit, Xiaoying's father knocked on the door and shouted to see his daughter. He had already broken through the first door, despite the nurse's obstruction.

A few steps away from the man, I smelled a pungent smell of alcohol. Behind him was a woman in a white printed short-sleeved shirt with stains. Although her eyes are big and beautiful, her expression is dull, she must be Xiaoying's mother.

"I don't have any money!" The man blushed and panted, raising his hand to point at us.

The smell of wine poured out of his mouth, and it made my stomach tumble.

was urged by us every day, and Xiaoying's father paid 20,000 yuan, and it can be seen that he is very dissatisfied.

Not to be outdone, Dr. Mi straightened up and said word by word: "Your money, every penny, has been used to save your daughter's life, and not a dime has fallen into the pockets of doctors and nurses." We have continued the treatment in arrears. ”

He lowered his hand, lowered his voice and said, "I want to see my daughter." ”

Two hours before the visitation, I kicked him out the door.

After closing the door, Xiaoying's father began to ring the doorbell and bang on the door again.

I picked up the medical record clip and shook it, it was too light and too small, rushed into the instrument room, fished out an infusion stand and made two strokes. I'm stronger than him, so I shouldn't lose too badly in a real fight.

I glanced at bed No. 4, and Xiao Ying was asleep, completely unaware of what was happening outside the door.

It's time for visiting. The patient in the next bed was talking and laughing with her husband, and Xiaoying was lying on her side, pulling the sheet up to cover her chest.

I found her dad at the top of the stairs in the hallway. The man sat on the steps, legs apart, head down, elbows on knees. Xiaoying's mother stretched her legs and sat on a discarded plastic foam board.

"Families can visit."

According to the rules, only one family member is allowed to visit. Xiaoying's father reached out and took the isolation gown, and said angrily to his wife: "You are standing here!" ”

Xiaoying's mother looked at her husband pitifully, and made an "ahh

I gripped the IV stand and glared at him, with the tall security guard behind me.

He said a few words to Xiaoying and left in a hurry. Xiaoying looked at her father's back, turned over, and closed her eyes again.

In the corridor of the hospital, the police took Xiaoying's father away.

Xiaoying's matter was reported by Dr. Mi. Because it could be a criminal case, the hospital contacted the police station.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

After Xiaoying's father was arrested, two policemen came to the custody room, followed by a TV cameraman wearing flower pants. In order to protect Xiaoying's privacy, I stopped the reporter at the door.

The female reporter who was traveling with me took advantage of the chaos to come in, and when I saw that she didn't have a camera in her hand, I turned my attention to the police.

A policeman in his 50s with a beer belly took out a body camera from his pocket and pointed it at Xiaoying.

Xiaoying rubbed her eyes, and the nurse helped her tuck the sheet behind her shoulders and helped her up to be questioned.

The other policeman, a big man, bent down and got straight to the point: "We are from the police station." There are a few questions for you. What is your name? ”。

"Xiaoying." She clutched at the sheets.

"ID number and household address, do you know?"

Xiao Ying shook her head.

"Whose baby is in your womb?"

Xiao Ying stared at the ceiling, paused for a few seconds and said, "An unknown person." I was knocked unconscious on the road and he dragged me to a house. ”

The nurse and I, who were standing on the side, took a deep breath and frowned at each other - why did Xiaoying lie!

The policeman leaned over sharply, "Then why didn't you call the police?" ”

"The phone is dead." Xiao Ying closed her eyes.

"We do DNA tests and we know right away who it is, so you don't have to lie."

Xiao Ying was like a deflated ball, drooping her head and saying, "It's my dad outside." ”

The policeman's voice was not small, and the other patients heard it.

"Is he your real father?" The policeman with the recorder asked.

Xiao Ying nodded and said what had happened. The situation was worse than I imagined, she was sexually assaulted by her father for 3 years, and the first time it happened at her grandfather's house in Seongnam.

"Did he hit you and threaten you?"

"Nope. I often lost my temper, but my dad didn't get angry and bought me something to eat. He always chatted with me first, and then took off my pants when the conversation was happy. ”

"Last year, he was going to take his mother home from a psychiatric hospital." Dad told Xiaoying that this was the last time she took off her pants.

The police asked Xiaoying if she had ever resisted?

"No, I'm afraid, he's been in jail." Xiao Ying's eyes widened, and she rubbed the sheets with her left hand.

The big policeman straightened up: "Then why did you tell the doctors and nurses here?" ”

"I said it would feel better. Can forgive him. Xiaoying's tone was like that of a middle-aged woman.

"Can you forgive him?" The old policeman asked.

Xiao Ying didn't think about it, and nodded deeply: "I forgive him." ”

The policeman finished questioning and left. Xiao Ying, who was wrapped tightly, couldn't wait to kick off the sheets, revealing her belly and cool. She may not realize how serious she is going through.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

"My husband said that you are also sick." When the police left, a colleague frowned and said, "The hospital has a new policy, and Xiaoying's arrears are distributed to the doctors, and there is not much." Just based on this child's words, you go to the police. If there is no evidence, what if the man comes to retaliate. ”

I'm a little worried, if Xiaoying forgives him and doesn't charge, will he still be sentenced? I walked over to Dr. Mi and sat down and asked, "Are you afraid of retaliation?" ”

"Don't be afraid, we can't let the bad guys do whatever they want. Will you sit idly by? The skinny Dr. Mi didn't even lift his head.

I comforted myself that if that man was sentenced, it would be at least a few years before he was released from prison, and maybe I would change careers at that time, what was I afraid of.

I sent a message to my friend who studied law to ask if Xiaoying didn't prosecute, would her father still be sentenced? A friend told me that rape of an underage girl would definitely be sentenced. My friend also sent me a red envelope asking me to buy something for Xiaoying.

At 8 p.m., Dr. Mi sent a message saying that three more police officers had arrived, this time with a female police officer. Xiaoying's case was handed over to the Chengnan Police Station.

The medical investigation office told us that we don't have to worry about Xiaoying's expenses, we mainly focus on treatment, and we need the guardian's signature, so we will go to the medical investigation office.

When I changed the dressing for the patient in bed No. 6, she pointed to Xiaoying and asked, "Was he really sexually assaulted by his father?" I nodded silently, and she sighed, "What a pity! ”

All day, Xiaoying's mother sat alone in the corridor.

Dr. Mi was afraid that she would be lost or deceived, so he wanted the police to take her home that night, but the police said, "Xiaoying's mother is not aggressive, so she can't take her away." ”

We were afraid that we would get into trouble, and we were worried about what Xiaoying would do next, and Dr. Mi sighed to me: "I'm really sad to die." ”

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

Dad was taken away for investigation, Mom was incapacitated, other family members were delayed, and Xiaoying became an unclaimed child.

On the morning of the fourth day, Xiaoying was sleeping heavily. Finally someone came to see Xiaoying.

She was an old woman in her 60s, with short ear-length hair, short sleeves with baggy flowers, and gleaming gold ornaments at her earlobes and neck.

"What's wrong with Xiaoying? Why did her dad turn it off? ”

After listening to me, the old woman began to wipe the corners of her eyes with her hands, but she did not shed tears: "I am Xiaoying's second aunt, Xiaoying lived with me before she was 12 years old. ”

The nurse helped her put on an isolation gown, and as soon as she walked into the intensive care room, she cried: "Life is hard." This kid is also a fool. I saw her as pitiful, and I kept her by my side for her to go to elementary school. ”

Xiao Ying tilted her head and stared at her second aunt with dripping eyes.

"Her father robbed and went to jail three times." The second aunt leaned over and stretched out three fingers. "When she was 12 years old, her dad was released from prison and took her away. After not seeing each other for so long, who knew this kind of thing happened? The second aunt burst into tears and spoke like a machine gun.

When she finally finished speaking, she stood by the bedside and pointed to Xiaoying's nose, as if she was saying "shameless" in dialect.

Xiao Ying didn't say a word, she looked at her expressionlessly, as if she was listening to someone else's story.

"Her dad was taken away, can you take care of her?" I asked.

The second aunt wiped her tears and stomped her feet: "Hey, I'm also a cancer patient, I just had breast cancer surgery last year, I spent hundreds of thousands, and I don't have any money!" She picked up her clothes to show me the scar on her breast.

"Her brute dad did it. Her uncles and aunts who went abroad and worked as police officers are richer than me, so let them deal with it. After speaking, the second aunt turned her head and left.

I chased it out and said that there was no need to worry about the medical expenses for the time being, and the hospital would be responsible for the follow-up treatment. I want her to send Xiaoying some food and bring clothes that fit, "Little girls can't be naked every day." ”

"Okay, I'll get it!" I just saw that Xiaoying's mother was hiding behind the door, her eyes shining, and she assured loudly.

"Don't, don't." I was afraid that she would get lost again, so I quickly asked my second aunt to take Xiaoying's mother home. The second aunt readily agreed.

But two days later, both of them disappeared.

On the 5th day of admission, Xiaoying's aunt came.

She is in her 70s, with gray curly hair, short sleeves in cotton and linen, black pants, and a handbag, with the same opening statement: "What's wrong with Xiaoying?" Why doesn't her dad answer the phone? ”

"How will this kid see people in the future! It's not an exaggeration to shoot this brute! After I spoke again, my aunt clenched her fists and slammed them down.

The eldest aunt held her bag in both hands and bent down to look at Xiaoying: "Why are you so stupid, don't tell anyone about this kind of thing?" ”

Xiao Ying stared straight at her eldest aunt, until she asked her what she wanted to eat, she was willing to say, "Wonton." ”

That night, Xiaoying experienced dizziness and headache. To determine if high blood pressure is causing the intracerebral hemorrhage, we arranged for a cranial MRI.

I had no family, so I had to run to the medical technology building. The enrolled nurse saw that I was sweating profusely and asked suspiciously, "Is the patient your relative?" ”

I was embarrassed to say that I was just a doctor, and Xiaoying had no guardian.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

On the 7th day of Xiaoying's admission to the hospital, the second aunt finally came back.

I endured my anger, and before I could speak, she wiped her tears first: "Xiaoying's mother is lost!" We don't have the energy to take care of this kid anymore. ”

"Why don't you send her to the doorstep, or send her back to the mental hospital?"

"Oh, my family is also poor, and I have children to take care of. I'm a cancer patient, and I only had breast cancer surgery last year, and it cost hundreds of thousands of ......." The second aunt has to pick up her clothes again.

"Call the police and find someone." I couldn't get angry and turned away. No one in the family is born, old, sick or dead, this person talks about "I am weak and I am reasonable", but he doesn't care about the weaker Xiaoying.

I saw Xiao Ying pout, tears rolling in her eyes.

After the second aunt left, Xiaoying fell asleep, and I wrote medical records in the office. The nurse told me that Xiaoying had an uncle to "get into".

It's the third time I've heard the family say that, but no one really takes responsibility for taking care of Xiaoying.

Uncle Xiaoying is in his 30s, medium height, pink polo shirt, he has dark skin, almond eyes, and prominent cheekbones, which is a little similar to Xiaoying's father. He wore white headphones around his neck, held his mobile phone in his hand, and stood beside a woman with a ponytail.

I repeated the condition again, and Uncle Xiaoying stared at me stunned. "Xiaoying was violated by her father!" I said it out loud.

He opened his mouth wide, shook his head like a rattle, and waved his hand again and again: "My brother is just robbing, it is impossible to do such a thing." ”

He said that the second aunt was "a ruthless woman" and put Xiaoying in the house of the man next door. Xiaoying called the man stepfather, and the man scolded Xiaoying, told her to do housework, was not allowed to study, and burned her with cigarette butts.

He said firmly, "It must be that person who bullied Xiaoying." ”

Xiaoying's childhood came to me more often.

"Xiaoying is a fool, just like her mother, how can you believe the words of a fool?" He said, clutching his phone hard.

The more I listened, the more confused I became, and suddenly I felt a little weak, did I catch the wrong person? "The police did a DNA match. You go ask the police. We doctors only treat the sick. "Now that I think about it, we are doing the right thing, why should we be weak-minded.

Hearing that Xiaoying's father had been taken away, he took a deep breath, took a step back, and said that he was going to the police station to explain the situation.

I hurriedly asked: "Xiaoying has no one to take care of, can you ......?"

The ponytail woman next to me interrupted me: "Impossible! We still have children to take with us, so we don't have time to take care of her. ”

"I'm ashamed to hear that kind of thing. You have lost your conscience! "Outside the door of the guardianship room, Uncle Xiaoying, who was about to leave, met the eldest aunt who came to deliver food.

The eldest aunt complained that our doctor called the police early, and her fist hit Uncle Xiaoying like raindrops, venting her dissatisfaction at him.

More and more people are coming to hear it. There are pregnant women with a straight belly and a crossed waist; There is an aunt with a 3-year-old baby; There were also people who came to watch with melon seeds, and the skin of the melon seeds fell to the ground.

"What's so nice about this kind of family affair." I can't blast away the crowd.

Fortunately, Xiao Ying in the custody room didn't see this scene. I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her what she had talked to her uncle about.

"His surname is Lu, my surname is Lu, and we are a family. He asked me to be discharged from the hospital and go to live at his house. Xiao Ying smiled rarely.

I also laughed, no matter how good we doctors and nurses are, we can't be Xiaoying's "parents", she still has to go home eventually.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

During her hospitalization, Xiaoying barely got out of bed. In order to enter the MRI room, she had to be carried to the examination table at the door, and we were a little worried, could Xiaoying move over the distance of 10 meters.

The nurse covered her waist and said that the night Xiaoying was transferred from the operating room, it took six people a lot of effort to move her to the hospital bed, "My waist is about to break." ”

"Xiaoying, please exercise. Take two steps down. Dr. Mi said with anticipation that it was important for her recovery.

The nurse and I stood on either side of the hospital bed and helped Xiaoying to sit up.

Xiaoying's hair was messy, wantonly on her shoulders, and some of them were erected high, like a golden lion king. The nurse found a headband and helped her tie her balls. "I'm more energetic, but my face is bigger."

Xiao Ying was naked, supporting the side of the bed with both hands, "hehe" laughed, and the head of the ball shook together.

She couldn't be allowed to go for the exam naked, the nurse said to cover her with a sheet. With the support of the two, Xiao Ying, wrapped in a sheet, walked slowly back and forth in the ward, everyone was satisfied, but the sheet slipped from Xiao Ying's chest to her waist.

I temporarily found a wide isolation gown and put on Xiaoying to cover her shame.

Xiaoying's examination report showed that there was no abnormality in the non-contrast scan of the head. I breathe a rare sigh of relief, this is a rare piece of good news in a few days.

However, Xiaoying needs us to worry about much more than just her condition.

It seems that no one has taught Xiaoying the common sense of life. In the intensive care unit, she always spits phlegm on the floor and throws used napkins around.

These days, we take care of Xiaoying's food and clothing, but she doesn't seem to appreciate it very much, and often picks and chooses to play with her temper.

Dr. Mi ordered porridge with green vegetables and lean pork and xiao long bao for Xiao Ying. I saw that she was asleep, so I gently put it on the head of the bed and told the nurse that she would wake up and watch her eat something.

The food was not touched all afternoon. The nurse said angrily: "Xiaoying doesn't want to drink porridge, I want her family to send fruit to eat." Dr. Mi had no choice but to take the apples he bought for his daughter.

There was also a nurse who specially brought shredded meat noodles, Xiaoying lay on the bed and said expressionlessly: "I don't like to eat noodles, I want to eat wontons." ”

"Xiaoying is a little ignorant." The younger sister said, "Someone has to talk about her, how can she be so willful." ”

I recommended myself and woke up Xiaoying: "Little girl, don't pick and choose, we pay out of our own pocket for you to eat and wear." Eat whatever you want, or you'll starve. Also, put on my clothes and show me what it looks like to be bare-chested! ”

Xiao Ying looked at me who was angry with sleepy eyes and nodded slightly.

Although I lost my temper with her, I took a banana and put it on the bedside table to meet her needs as much as I could.

At noon on the 8th day of admission, a woman with unkempt hair and wet pants rang the office doorbell, bowed her head and handed over a thermal lunch box, said "to Xiaoying", and turned around and left.

Looking at the woman's back, Xiaoying shouted: "It's Mom!" ”

We rushed out the door, looking down the corridors and stairs, and the people were long gone.

Xiaoying took the warm noodles, ate two bites, and put them aside, "It's not delicious." ”

The nurse saw blood stains on Xiaoying's mother's pants, as if she was menstruating. The insulated lunch box she sent was dirty and dripping with soup. Xiaoying said that her mother picked up food from the garbage heap to eat. The noodles may have been picked up from the garbage heap as well.

I suddenly remembered my mother. When I was a child, when I came home from school, I could always hear the sound of the wok-spoon colliding with the pot; My mother jumped into the square dance team, I laughed at her like a "bear dance", she pretended to be angry and wanted to hit me; My mom and I listened to the story of "Crazy Girl" on the radio, and she helped me wipe my tears and hugged me tightly in her arms.

I wanted to eat my mother's noodles again, but she left me forever.

Xiaoying still can't understand that having a mother is a kind of happiness.

After being hospitalized for a week, the eldest aunt began to sit in the car for two hours every day to deliver clothes and meals to Xiaoying.

Every time she took the lunch box, Xiaoying devoured it, wiped her mouth with her hands, and fell asleep. Sometimes, she sits upright on the bed, holding her lunch box in both hands, looking straight at her feet, muttering words in her mouth, and scooping up a spoonful of soup and feeding it to her mouth.

I think Xiaoying is deeply stuck in the past, and we, the doctors who are not related to her, can only help her as much as possible in the hospital, and give Xiaoying as much motivation as possible to change.

I looked at the people downstairs and guessed where Xiaoying's mother would go.

I opened the window to breathe, a heat wave accompanied by the chirping of cicadas hit, I quickly closed the window, Xiaoying scratched her head, turned over, and fell asleep again.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

The brief silence was broken by the ringing of the doorbell.

There were two women in the doorway, one wearing yellow sun-protective clothing, and the other with short hair and being older. They wore blue work cards around their necks and carried milk and eggs in their hands.

Huang Yi spoke first, yesterday Uncle Xiaoying went to the community office, "We came to visit Xiaoying on behalf of the community." ”

The nurse blocked the two out of the door, saying that only one person could enter.

The short hair said: "That's not good, condolences to Xiaoying, we have to take pictures for the bottom." ”

Huang Yi put on an isolation gown, hurriedly rushed into the monitoring room, and woke up Xiao Ying, who was sleeping: "We are here to comfort you on behalf of the community, are you okay now?" ”

Xiao Ying looked at the two strangers sleepily.

Short hair urged yellow clothes to take a quick photo. Huang Yi took out his mobile phone and said to Xiaoying: "You stretch out your right hand to pick up the milk, look at the camera and smile." ”

Xiao Ying obediently stretched out one hand to hold the milk crate, and put the other hand on the handle, grinning very stiffly. The short hair made a gesture of handing the milk to Xiaoying.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

At the end of the posing, the phone in yellow clothes rang, and she shouted unscrupulously in the intensive care room: "If you don't understand, just give the phone to the doctor, and I'll tell him!" ”

With this roar, the patient woke up. A patient with high blood pressure suddenly soared to 160.

Huang Yi did not listen to the persuasion, and still spoke loudly as if no one was around, so I had to push her out the door. The nurse shook her head and muttered, "Community worker, that's all there is to it?" ”

Listen to the short haired say, "Mommy has found it". Xiao Ying's eyes widened instantly.

The short-haired eyebrows raised, "With our efforts, she was sent back to the psychiatric hospital." ”

Xiao Ying pursed her lips and pressed the button to lie flat on the bed.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

In her spare time, many doctors, nurses and nurses teach Xiaoying common sense of life. Everyone hopes that after Xiaoying is discharged from the hospital, she can return to her normal childhood.

Nurse Chen has a 2-year-old daughter, and every time she helps Xiaoying change her fluids, she says like a mother: "After you are discharged from the hospital, you have to learn to protect yourself." You know what you can and can't do, right? ”

Xiao Ying looked up at her, and said yes.

There is a nurse aunt in her 50s, whose daughter is a graduate student in Beijing, and she shows Xiaoying the photos on her mobile phone: "If you take care of your body, you must start losing weight." Don't eat to your fullness, don't eat barbecue, don't frying. If you want to exercise more and lose weight, you must be a big beauty. ”

Xiao Ying happily showed her dimples, "I walk briskly along my river, I like to walk." But I need to take care of my body first. ”

Nurse Zheng helped Xiaoying wash her hair and change 4 basins of black water. She told Xiaoying: "You have to take a bath every day in summer, you know?" ”

I also took the opportunity to say, "Do your laundry every day and put it in the sun after washing." Xiaoying affirmed that she would do the laundry.

"You're going to be 16 soon, you're going to try to be independent, you're going to find something to do or learn a skill, you're going to support yourself."

"They all called me stupid." Xiaoying scratched her head and said, "I can't do it well." ”

"If you don't try, if you don't learn, how do you know if you can't do well?" The nurse aunt said, "Sweeping the floor, washing the dishes, you can support yourself." ”

Xiao Ying reached out again and scratched her head, nodding vigorously.

But I'm a little pessimistic and feel that these words can't change a person.

Xiaoying is still picky, and she only wants to eat meat when she eats. I can go to the bathroom, but I like to use the simple toilet next to the bed.

The nightdress given by Dr. Mi has been lying alone in the bedside table, and Xiao Ying would rather be dangling in her underwear.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

On June 30, Xiaoying's 13th day of hospitalization.

Early in the morning, I carefully wrote down 9 doctor's orders: change clothes frequently; To lose weight; Come back in 21 days for a follow-up...... Finally, the department phone number is attached, and if there is any problem, it will be answered 24 hours a day.

When I changed the dressing, I couldn't help but say, "Pay attention to hygiene after being discharged from the hospital, especially change your underwear frequently." If you live in someone else's house, be diligent in doing housework. To lose weight. After the age of 16, I found a job to support myself. ”

Xiaoying ignored me, squinting her eyes and touching both sides of the incision: "Oops, it hurts, will my stomach break?" ”

I said angrily, "You're too fat, it's good that the knife edge can grow like this." ”

Xiao Ying snorted and said lightly: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't grow well." ”

I pressed the incision hard with an iodophor cotton ball: "I can't forget it!" If you change the medicine once a day, I can change three people. ”

I took out the borrowed turpentine and wiped the traces of adhesive tape on Xiaoying's belly. Xiaoying will marry in the future, don't be disgusted because of the ugly scar on her stomach.

Everything was ready, and I began to worry, will someone take Xiaoying home?

At 11 a.m. on the 30th, Xiaoying's family did not show up for a long time. She sat cross-legged on the bed, twinkling her eyes and asked, "Sister, will my family come to pick me up?" ”

Once took advantage of the police to make a record for Xiaoying, but the female reporter who sneaked into the custody room came first.

Before, the publicity department called and said that some media wanted to interview Xiaoying. The last time this female reporter secretly filmed Xiaoying with a miniature instrument, this incident was on TV a few days later. Although the report withheld the name of the hospital and gave Xiaoying a mosaic, I was still angry.

Later, the female reporter visited Xiaoying again and said that she would contact the Women's Federation for help. I have eased my disgust with her, after all, where Xiaoying will go after being discharged from the hospital is our heart disease.

However, this time, she brought bad news - Xiaoying is old and has relatives, which does not meet the acceptance requirements of the Women's Federation. Overheard, I heard a female reporter say to the photographer, "I won't be able to make it this time." ”

When I heard that the Women's Federation could not help, I was confused.

Xiaoying craned her neck to look at the office. We found her looking at her and lying down on the bed again, covered with sheets.

After a while, Uncle Xiaoying came to the hospital, and he was angry: "Why do you contact the TV station about our family?" ”

I explained, Xiaoying was discharged from the hospital today, and none of you came to pick her up, so we could only turn to the media for help.

Uncle Xiaoying kept shaking his head and saying the reason, "busy with work" and "there are children at home"...... In short, I can't take care of Xiaoying.

The community's yellow clothes also came.

She shook the file bag in her hand and said that she would help Xiaoying with the subsistence allowance. She said that if Xiaoying has an intellectual disability, she will receive an extra 2,000 per month.

I consulted a doctor in the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine. Xiaoying's mother took psychotropic drugs when she was pregnant, which may have an impact on Xiaoying's intelligence, which requires going to the outpatient clinic to do an intelligence scale. "But there's nothing wrong with day-to-day communication."

Yellow opened the file bag and drew a cross on the paper.

The eldest aunt came to deliver something to Xiaoying and glared at Uncle Xiaoying. I said to her, "Xiaoying will be discharged from the hospital today, you don't have to bring food tomorrow." ”

The eldest aunt's face changed instantly, snatched the thing handed to the nurse, and shouted, "Then I don't care." There are no such inferior people in our family, my three children are all master's degrees, and my daughter is a university teacher. His father's sin, let her uncle deal with it. ”

I was stunned for a moment.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

Uncle Xiaoying said that Xiaoying used to live at her grandfather's house. Halfway up the mountain, the sanitary conditions are extremely poor, there is no air conditioning, you can't take a bath, and there are construction sites all around.

"That old man is over 80 years old, how can he have the energy to take care of her?" The eldest aunt turned her head and snorted softly.

Reporters, community workers, and family members walked to the benches in the corridor together, saying that they wanted to discuss where Xiaoying would go.

A child who has been traumatized physically and mentally is kicked around like a ball by his family.

I walked into the intensive care unit with a heavy heart. Xiaoying sat on the hospital bed, "Sister, hasn't my family come yet?" ”

I don't want to tell Xiaoying the truth, "You pack your things first, and then you can leave directly later." ”

Xiao Ying patted the plastic bag on the bedside table, grinning and revealing her dimples, "I have already cleaned it up." ”

An hour has passed, and no one has come in to pick up Xiaoying. Xiao Ying looked like she wanted to speak and stopped.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

I didn't dare look at her directly, and walked out of the door of the care room, where there was no one on the bench in the hallway. I called one by one, and it was either busy or off.

Xiao Ying smiled instead, saying that she was not leaving, "There are people here to take care of me and play with me." ”

Doctors can only treat the sick and save people, and hospitals are not welfare homes. I slapped my thigh and said cruelly, "No, you have to go today." We can't take care of you for the rest of your life. ”

Dr. Mi contacted the police station. This means that Xiaoying can only go back to her grandfather's house.

I looked towards bed No. 4, Xiaoying was sitting on the bed, her face expressionless, her eyes were empty, just like when we first met, I couldn't guess what she was thinking.

I felt depressed, my chest tightened, I couldn't breathe, and I wanted to cry without tears. I ran downstairs behind a big tree and gasped for air.

At 5 p.m., Xiaoying got into the ambulance home, wearing the blue short sleeves I gave her.

Dr. Mi said that when Xiaoying left, tears were rolling in her eyes.

That evening, the hospital sent an ambulance to take Xiaoying back to the Nancheng Police Station, where the police took her back to her grandfather's house, and she was regularly supervised by the community in the future.

Uncle Xiaoying took the discharge record and never showed up again. The medical expenses of 26,000 yuan owed were borne by the hospital.

I want to call and ask how Xiaoying is doing, do you have a fever? Is there any infection in the incision? Will there be a follow-up visit? Her family hung up on me.

I am 25 years old, have been practicing medicine for 3 years, and I have come into contact with a child like Xiaoying for the first time. Unfortunately, she went around and went back to her small house, poor, with poor sanitation.

With a beastly father, a demented mother, and an indifferent relative, I know why this girl has fallen to this point.

The help provided to her by community workers, police, journalists, including our doctors, was incomparable. How can this 15-year-old girl break out of the cycle of misery, and will she have a normal future? I do not know.

But during Xiaoying's 13 days in the hospital, many of our medical staff tried their best to take care of her. In fact, the help we gave her was very limited, but I hope Xiaoying understands that she is not an unwelcome child.

This is a very small thought, but maybe it will take root in her young heart and help her get a different fate than before.

This group of female doctors picked up the infusion stand and beat people, just to heal a 200-pound girl

Dr. Cao didn't want to write this story at first, she felt guilty that she couldn't help Xiaoying change her fate.

But I told her that in Xiaoying's life, the doctor may be the only one who did the right thing.

In order to understand the cause of Xiaoying's tragedy, Dr. Cao and I looked up some information, one of which mentioned why a father sexually assaulted his daughter, and it mentioned a concept called "kinship recognition mechanism" imbalance.

According to my understanding, I know that this is my own child, but I can't find my role in my heart.

There are many reasons for the imbalance of the "kinship recognition mechanism": such as the absence of the father from the daughter's childhood, the alienation of the parent-child relationship, and the absence of the mother.

In Xiaoying, the mother is absent, but we can't blame this mother. She herself was delirious and had no time to take care of herself.

If the absence of the mother was the trigger, then everything that happened later was because too many people who were supposed to help Xiaoying were also absent. In the past three years, how many people have turned a blind eye to what happened to Xiaoying.

Once evil thoughts are indulged and deprived of their proper restraints, they are prone to become evil deeds.

Under the avalanche, not a single snowflake is innocent.

The hand that should have held Xiaoying's falling life was evacuated at every moment that could have prevented or even reversed the tragedy.

And if we meet someone like Xiaoying, when her life keeps falling and all support is absent, we can at least, we can be the only sober person present.

A little bit of kindness can make all the difference.

(Some of the characters in the article are pseudonyms)

Editor: Niu Da Bowl Old Waist Flower

Illustration: Big Five Flowers