
Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

author:Maleonn talks about history

Li Yongbo, this name has a place in the history of Chinese badminton and even the world. His story, which started from an ordinary family in Liaoning Province, has gradually grown into a legend in the badminton world.

Li Yongbo's childhood was not wealthy, but it was this environment that cultivated his tenacious character. His father was an ordinary worker, his mother was a housewife, and despite the limited family conditions, his parents were very supportive of his sports dreams. Li Yongbo has had a strong interest in badminton since he was a child, and whenever he gets out of school, he will practice playing with his friends on a humble court. His talent was soon discovered by the local coaches, who began to train more systematically.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

At the age of 16, Li Yongbo's life ushered in an important turning point. With his outstanding performance and potential, he was selected for the Liaoning Provincial Team and officially became a professional badminton player. During his time in the provincial team, Li Yongbo received more professional training, and his technique and physical fitness have improved significantly. He knows that if you want to go further on the road of badminton, you must put in more effort and sweat than others.

In the training of the provincial team, Li Yongbo showed extraordinary perseverance and determination. The daily training is high-intensity, from the physical training in the morning to the technical exercises in the afternoon to the tactical analysis in the evening, and hardly a day is spent with ease. But it is this kind of training that has made his badminton skills more and more refined day by day, and he has gradually stood out in the team.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Soon after, Li Yongbo met an important partner in his career, Tian Bingyi. The cooperation between the two can be said to be a match made in heaven, and their tacit cooperation and excellent technology have allowed them to achieve many good results in the domestic and international arenas. They have won a number of major tournaments, including the All England Open, the World Championships and the World Cup. These results not only proved their strength, but also made Li Yongbo's name famous in the international badminton world.

The combination of Li Yongbo and Tian Bingyi is known as the "golden partner" of Chinese badminton. Their success is not accidental, but stems from their love for badminton, their desire to win, and their tireless efforts. In the game, Li Yongbo is known for his fast pace, accurate landing and excellent tactical awareness. And Tian Bingyi, with his stable performance and strong psychological quality, provided a solid guarantee for the victory of the two.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

With the continuous accumulation of achievements, Li Yongbo gradually became the leader of the Chinese badminton team. Not only did he achieve great results in the men's doubles event, but he also made achievements in the mixed doubles and men's singles events. His all-round skills and competition experience have cultivated batches of young players for the Chinese badminton team.

However, Li Yongbo's badminton career has not been without smooth sailing. While his success has been brilliant, he has also experienced injuries and ups and downs in form. But no matter what difficulties he faced, he never gave up his love for badminton and his pursuit of victory. His persistence and hard work eventually made him a legend in the badminton world in China and even in the world.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Li Yongbo's story is a story of dreams, hard work and perseverance. He used his own experience to tell us that no matter what your background, as long as you have dreams and determination, you can create your own brilliance. His name will forever be engraved in the history of Chinese badminton and even world sports.

In a humble town in China's northeastern province of Liaoning Province, Mr. Li's birth went unnoticed. However, as time went by, this young boy from an ordinary family gradually showed extraordinary talent for badminton and eventually became a legend of badminton in China and even in the world.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Li Yongbo's family is not wealthy, and his parents are ordinary salarymen. Despite the limited family conditions, Li Yongbo's parents paid great attention to his education and nurturing. They found out that Xiao Yongbo had a strong interest in badminton and decided to support him in developing this specialty. With the encouragement of his parents, Li Yongbo began to make his mark in badminton activities at school and in the community.

When he was a child, Li Yongbo showed extraordinary physical fitness and athletic talent. His coordinated movements, quick reflexes, and love for badminton make him stand out from his peers. Whenever after school, he was always the first to rush to the badminton court and practice with his friends. Despite the rudimentary court and outdated equipment, this did not stop him from loving and pursuing badminton.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

As he grew older, Li Yongbo's badminton skills continued to improve. His parents began to realize that if they wanted their son to go further in badminton, they needed to provide him with more professional training and guidance. So, they started asking around looking for professional badminton coaches and training institutions.

When Li Yongbo was 12 years old, he met his first Bole - a well-known local badminton coach. The coach saw Li Yongbo's potential and talent and decided to take him as an apprentice and began to train him more systematically and professionally. Under the careful guidance of his coach, Li Yongbo's badminton skills have been rapidly improved, and his physical fitness and competition experience are also accumulating.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

A few years later, Li Yongbo's badminton career ushered in an important turning point. At the age of the year, he was selected for the Liaoning Provincial Team with his outstanding performance and potential, and officially became a professional badminton player. During his time in the provincial team, Li Yongbo received more professional training, and his technique and physical fitness have improved significantly. He knows that if you want to go further on the road of badminton, you must put in more effort and sweat than others.

Li Yongbo's badminton career has not been smooth sailing. While his success has been brilliant, he has also experienced injuries and ups and downs in form. But no matter what difficulties he faced, he never gave up his love for badminton and his pursuit of victory. His persistence and hard work eventually made him a legend in the badminton world in China and even in the world.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

16-year-old Li Yongbo, with an infinite love for badminton and a desire to win, joined the Liaoning Provincial Team and officially started his career as a professional badminton player. This decision not only marks an important step in his transition from amateur to professional, but also indicates that he will write his own legend in the future badminton arena.

After entering the provincial team, Li Yongbo immediately felt a completely different training atmosphere and competitive pressure from the past. It is home to the best badminton players in the province, and everyone has a dream of becoming a top player. In the face of such a fierce competitive environment, Li Yongbo did not flinch, but inspired his fighting spirit and determination even more. He knows that only by constantly surpassing himself can he stand out in this team of masters.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

The training of the provincial team is comprehensive and rigorous. Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight have not fully illuminated the training ground, Li Yongbo has already started his day's training. The first is physical training, which includes running, strength training, and flexibility exercises, which are essential to improve the physical fitness of athletes. This was followed by technical training, in which Li Yongbo, under the guidance of his coach, practiced his serve, return, pace movement and hitting skills over and over again. Every movement must be precise and every shot must be perfect.

In addition to technical and physical training, tactical analysis is also an integral part of provincial team training. Li Yongbo and his teammates often sit together, watch the video of the game, and analyze the tactical characteristics of their opponents and their own shortcomings. This in-depth tactical study gave Li Yongbo a deeper understanding of the game, and also laid a solid foundation for his adaptability on the field in the future.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In the training of the provincial team, Li Yongbo gradually showed his characteristics and advantages. His speed, power and agility are outstanding, especially his jumping ability and technique in front of the net. These characteristics allow him to play a key role in the Men's Doubles, both offensively and defensively, putting opponents under extreme pressure.

As his training deepened, Li Yongbo began to participate in more competitions, from provincial trials to national championships and then to international open tournaments, and he gradually improved his competitive level and competition experience. Every game, whether won or lost, is a valuable opportunity for him to learn and grow. He learns from every game and constantly adjusts and perfects his technique and tactics.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In the days of the provincial team, Li Yongbo not only made great progress in technology, but also exercised and improved his psychological quality. Against strong opponents and crucial matches, he learned how to stay calm and focused, and how to perform at his best under pressure. These psychological qualities have played a vital role in his stable performance in the international arena in the future.

Li Yongbo's growth experience in the provincial team was a very important time in his badminton career. Here, he not only laid a solid technical foundation, but also cultivated perseverance and courage. These precious qualities will accompany him to a higher stage and meet greater challenges.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In the strict training and fierce competition of the provincial team, Li Yongbo's badminton skills have been greatly improved. His speed, strength, agility and tactical awareness have all been honed to get better. However, what really made him stand out in the field of badminton was his partnership with Tian Bingyi.

Tian Bingyi, who is also a talented badminton player, and his encounter with Li Yongbo can be said to be a match made in heaven. The two complement each other perfectly in their technical styles and personalities. Li Yongbo, with his excellent speed and flexibility, played the role of attacker on the court, while Tian Bingyi created opportunities for Li Yongbo with his solid defense and precise ball control. Their tacit cooperation and changeable tactics soon attracted widespread attention in the arena at home and abroad.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Their first collaboration was at a national badminton tournament. Despite being a first-time pairing, they did exceptionally well, going all the way to winning the championship. This victory not only proved their strength, but also strengthened their confidence to continue to cooperate. Since then, Li Yongbo and Tian Bingyi have become the golden partners of China's badminton men's doubles event.

Subsequently, they began to participate in more international competitions, including important tournaments such as the World Badminton Championships, the World Cup, and the Sudirman Cup. In these high-level arenas, Li Yongbo and Tian Bingyi have shown their strength and determination. They are not afraid of strong opponents, dare to challenge, and play well at critical moments time and time again, winning victory after victory.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In the days of partnering with Tian Bingyi, Li Yongbo's career reached a new height. They have not only won many great results in the domestic arena, but also won the honor of Chinese badminton in the international arena. Their combination, known as the "golden generation" of Chinese badminton, has become the representative and symbol of the Chinese badminton men's doubles event.

However, behind the success is the hard training and unremitting efforts of Li Yongbo and Tian Bingyi countless days and nights. They know that in order to do well in the international arena, they have to put in more effort than others. As a result, they maintain a high level of focus and professionalism at all times, both on the training ground and on the playing field.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In addition to the continuous improvement of technology and tactics, Li Yongbo and Tian Bingyi also attach great importance to the cultivation of psychological quality. They know that at a high level of competition, mental quality often determines the outcome of the game. As a result, they learn how to stay calm under pressure and how to perform at their best in critical moments. This kind of psychological quality training has played a vital role in their stable performance in the international arena.

With the joint efforts of Li Yongbo and Tian Bingyi, they won one major event after another. These achievements are not only an affirmation of their personal ability, but also a great encouragement to Chinese badminton. Their success has inspired generations of badminton players and made indelible contributions to the development of badminton in China.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

The story of Li Yongbo and Tian Bingyi is a story of dreams, hard work and perseverance. They use their own experiences to show us that with strong belief and unremitting efforts, we can succeed in any field. Their legend will forever inspire those who come after them to work hard to achieve their dreams.

When Li Yongbo chose to retire at the golden age of 30, many people were surprised. After all, his achievements as a badminton player are brilliant enough, but Li Yongbo is not satisfied with what he has already achieved, he has chosen a new path - to become a coach, return to the badminton team, and continue to contribute to the cause of badminton in China.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

After retiring, Li Yongbo did not stay away from badminton, but returned to the sport he loved as a coach. Faced with the situation of the Chinese badminton team at that time, Li Yongbo did not flinch, but set a grand goal: to train 100 world champions. This goal seemed almost impossible at the time, but Li Yongbo proved with his practical actions that his promise was not empty talk.

Li Yongbo's coaching career started at the grassroots level, and he went deep into various training bases to personally select and train young athletes. He knows that if you want to produce a world champion, you have to start from the basics, starting with the youngsters. He attaches great importance to the basic training of athletes, emphasizes the all-round development of technology and physical fitness, and also attaches great importance to the cultivation of athletes' psychological quality. He believes that only with good mental quality can athletes perform at their best in critical moments.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Under the careful guidance of Li Yongbo, batch after batch of young athletes have grown up rapidly. They showed great skill and tenacious fighting spirit in the competition, winning victory after victory. Li Yongbo's coaching career began to achieve remarkable results, and his Chinese badminton team led to many international competitions such as the Sudirman Cup and the Olympic Games, winning numerous gold medals and honors.

Lee's coaching style is known for its rigour. He is meticulous in his training and even more so in his games. He often personally coaches the athletes, from technical movements to tactical set-ups, every detail is not missed. His professionalism and professional attitude have deeply influenced the athletes he leads and set a good example for the Chinese badminton team.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In addition to technical and tactical guidance, Li Yongbo also attaches great importance to the psychological construction of athletes. He often communicates mentally with athletes to help them build self-confidence and overcome tension and anxiety during competitions. He believes that a good athlete must not only have excellent technique, but also have a strong heart.

Under the leadership of Li Yongbo, the Chinese badminton team gradually came out of the trough and returned to the pinnacle of world badminton. His coaching career has not only cultivated a large number of outstanding athletes for the Chinese badminton team, but also made great contributions to the development of Chinese badminton.

Li Yongbo's coaching career is a continuation of his brilliant achievements as an athlete. With his wisdom and sweat, he has made indelible contributions to the prosperity and development of badminton in China. His story will continue to inspire generations of badminton players to strive for their dreams.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

When Li Yongbo chose to retire at the age of 30, the golden age of athletes, many people were shocked and regretted. After all, his brilliant achievements as a badminton player are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and his retirement seems to herald the end of an era. However, Li Yongbo did not leave his beloved sport of badminton, but chose to return as a coach to start another chapter in his career.

After retiring, Li Yongbo did not give himself much time to rest. He is well aware that as a coach, he needs to adapt quickly to his new role and take on the responsibility of developing a new generation of badminton players. He began to delve into coaching theories, learn advanced training methods, and constantly improve his coaching skills. At the same time, he is also thinking about how to pass on his experience and skills to young athletes to help them grow quickly.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Li Yongbo's coaching career started at the grassroots level, starting with the youth training team, personally selecting and training young athletes. He believes that only by starting from the basics can we cultivate truly good athletes. He attaches great importance to the basic training of athletes, emphasizes the all-round development of technology and physical fitness, and also attaches great importance to the cultivation of athletes' psychological quality. He believes that only with good mental quality can athletes perform at their best in critical moments.

Under the careful guidance of Li Yongbo, batch after batch of young athletes have grown up rapidly. They showed great skill and tenacious fighting spirit in the competition, winning victory after victory. Li Yongbo's coaching career began to achieve remarkable results, and he led the badminton team to achieve many great results in various competitions and won numerous honors.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

When the Chinese badminton team faced the dilemma of lack of success, Li Yongbo's commitment was like a ray of light, illuminating the way forward. Undeterred by the difficulties ahead, he set the ambitious goal of producing 100 World Champions with even greater determination. This goal seemed almost impossible at the time, but Li Yongbo proved with his practical actions that his promise was not empty talk.

Li Yongbo knows very well that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to start from the foundation and start with the youngsters. He began to go deep into the various training bases, personally selecting and training young athletes. He attaches great importance to the basic training of athletes, emphasizes the all-round development of technology and physical fitness, and also attaches great importance to the cultivation of athletes' psychological quality. He believes that only with good mental quality can athletes perform at their best in critical moments.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In order to achieve this goal, Li Yongbo has developed a systematic training plan. He began by conducting a comprehensive assessment of the existing athletes, understanding their technical characteristics, physical and mental qualities. Then, according to the characteristics of each athlete, he developed a personalized training plan to ensure that each athlete can receive targeted guidance and improvement.

Li Yongbo also attaches great importance to the actual combat experience of athletes. He believes that only through continuous practical training can athletes accumulate experience on the field and improve their adaptability. Therefore, he actively organizes and participates in various domestic and foreign competitions, so that athletes can continue to grow in actual combat.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Li Yongbo's coaching career started off an extraordinary one, and he embarked on a new journey with a deep understanding of badminton and a desire for a championship. His goal is very clear, that is, to make the Chinese badminton team stand on the top of the world again, and his first notable result is the breakthrough in the Sudirman Cup.

As the highest honor in the badminton mixed team competition, the Sudirman Cup has always been the focus of competition among badminton teams from all over the world. Li Yongbo knows that in order to achieve good results in this event, athletes need not only superb skills and tactics, but also strong will and team spirit. He set out to build a cohesive and combative team, from selecting athletes to developing training plans, from technical guidance to psychological counseling, he did everything himself, striving to be the best he could be.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Under the leadership of Li Yongbo, the performance of the Chinese badminton team in the Sudirman Cup was eye-catching. They showed great teamwork and tenacity in the competition, overcoming strong opponents time and time again, and finally stood on the top podium. This is not only an affirmation of Coach Li Yongbo's ability, but also a proof of the strength of the Chinese badminton team.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yongbo set his sights on the more important Olympic Games. As the world's highest level of sporting events, the Olympic Games are the highest honor for any athlete and coach. Li Yongbo knows that if he wants to win a gold medal at the Olympics, he needs to put in more effort and sweat. He began to train his athletes more rigorously, striving for perfection in every aspect, from technical details to tactical use, from physical training to mental adjustment.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In the Olympic Games, Li Yongbo's coaching wisdom has been fully reflected. He developed a detailed game plan based on the characteristics of each athlete and the tactics of the opponent. In competition, he always makes the right decisions in key moments to help athletes adjust their form and perform at their best. Under his guidance, the Chinese badminton team has won gold medals one after another in the Olympic Games, creating a new glory for Chinese badminton.

Li Yongbo's coaching career has not only brought honor to the Chinese badminton team, but also made great contributions to the development of Chinese badminton. His coaching philosophy and approach have had a profound impact on subsequent coaches and athletes. He pays attention to the all-round development of athletes, emphasizes the balance of technical, physical and psychological qualities, and advocates team spirit and fighting spirit, which have become valuable assets of the Chinese badminton team.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In Li Yongbo's coaching career, despite his remarkable achievements and honors, he has inevitably encountered some controversies and challenges. During the London Olympics, the Chinese women's doubles was disqualified due to negative competition, which became a big setback in his career.

In that incident, the Chinese women's doubles pair adopted a strategy that was interpreted as a negative match in order to avoid encountering their own strong opponents in the following matches. This behavior was unsportsmanlike and ultimately led to their disqualification. The incident quickly attracted the attention of international public opinion, and many began to question Lee's cultivation methods and values, believing that he may have been too results-oriented and neglected the cultivation of sportsmanship.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In the face of such doubts, Li Yongbo felt very sad and helpless. He has always emphasized the all-round development of athletes, including the improvement of technical, physical and mental qualities, while also focusing on cultivating athletes' professional ethics and sportsmanship. However, the occurrence of this incident undoubtedly had a negative impact on his coaching career.

Immediately afterwards, the issue of bonus distribution pushed Li Yongbo to the forefront. Allegations that he embezzled prize money spread quickly on the Internet, causing widespread public attention and discussion. Although the accusation turned out to be a misunderstanding after an investigation, Lee's reputation has already taken a toll on him.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

These controversies and challenges are undoubtedly a severe test for Li Yongbo. He not only has to face doubts and accusations from the outside world, but also has to endure inner pressure and struggle. However, as an experienced coach, he is not discouraged or held back by this. Instead, he chose to be more open and honest about the problem, actively communicating with the media and the public to explain his position and views.

Li Yongbo is well aware that as a public figure, he needs to take on more responsibilities and obligations. He began to pay more attention to the moral development of athletes, emphasizing the importance of sportsmanship and professional ethics. At the same time, he also strengthened the management and supervision of athletes to ensure that they follow the rules and show good sporting demeanor during the competition.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In addition, Li Yongbo also actively promoted the reform and development of badminton. He advocates fair competition and opposes any form of unfair behavior. He hopes that through his own efforts, he will establish a positive image for Chinese badminton and create a fair, just and clean competition environment for athletes.

Despite the controversy and challenges, Li Yongbo still stood firm in his beliefs and ideals. He believes that as long as we stick to the right direction and continue to work hard and improve, we will be able to overcome difficulties and win respect and recognition. His story is not only the growth process of a coach, but also a microcosm of the development of badminton in China.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

During the 2012 London Olympics, the Chinese women's doubles badminton team encountered an unprecedented crisis. In a crucial group stage, the Chinese women's doubles pair were disqualified for what was perceived as a negative play strategy. This incident not only shocked the Chinese badminton community, but also attracted wide attention from the International Badminton Federation and the global media.

This behavior of the Chinese women's doubles was interpreted by the outside world as a conscious loss of the match in order to avoid meeting another strong pair of strong opponents in their home country in the knockout round. This behavior violates the Olympic spirit and the principle of fair play, and raises questions about Lee's training methods. Many have begun to question whether Li Yongbo has focused too much on the results of the competition and neglected the cultivation of sportsmanship and professional ethics among athletes.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In the face of such doubts, Li Yongbo felt unprecedented pressure. As a veteran coach, he has always emphasized the all-round development of athletes, including the improvement of technical, physical and mental qualities. However, the occurrence of this incident undoubtedly brought great challenges to his coaching career. He began to reflect on his training methods, whether there were gaps in some aspects, and whether there was a need to further strengthen the moral education of athletes.

After the incident, Li Yongbo did not choose to avoid the problem, but actively faced the doubts of the outside world. Through the media and in public, he expressed his views and attitudes towards the incident. He admits that as a coach, he has deficiencies in managing and educating athletes and needs to take some responsibility. At the same time, he also stressed that the Chinese badminton team has always adhered to the principle of fair play, and this incident is just an individual behavior and cannot represent the entire team.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In order to remedy the impact, Li Yongbo began to take a series of measures to strengthen the management and education of athletes. He organized athletes to learn the Olympic spirit and sports ethics, and strengthened the athletes' sense of professional ethics. At the same time, he also strengthened the supervision and management of athletes' competition behavior to ensure that they abide by the rules and show good sporting demeanor during the competition.

In addition, Li Yongbo also actively communicated with the International Badminton Federation to express the commitment and determination of the Chinese badminton team to fair play. He hopes that through his own efforts, he can rebuild the image of the Chinese badminton team in the international arena and win the respect and recognition of the outside world.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

For Li Yongbo, this incident is a profound lesson and warning. He realized that as a coach, it is important to pay attention not only to the technical training of athletes, but also to their moral development. He believes that only by cultivating athletes with superb skills and good sportsmanship can the long-term development of badminton in China be truly realized.

Despite the controversy and challenges, Li Yongbo did not give up on his coaching career. With a firmer determination and a more open mind, he will continue to contribute to the development of badminton in China. His story is not only the growth process of a coach, but also a vivid portrayal of the continuous self-reflection and self-improvement of Chinese badminton in the face of difficulties and challenges.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In Li Yongbo's coaching career, he has not only achieved brilliant results on the field, but also faced various challenges from off the field. Among them, the issue of bonus distribution once put him on the cusp of public opinion, and even faced accusations of embezzling bonuses.

The incident originated from the distribution of prize money after an international competition. Traditionally, prize money is distributed among the athletes, coaching staff and other relevant personnel in a certain percentage. However, after a competition, a controversy erupted over the distribution of prize money, with accusations that Lee Yongbo had embezzled part of the prize money and did not distribute it in accordance with the regulations.

The accusation quickly caused an uproar online, with many people questioning Mr. Lee's character and work ethic. In the face of such accusations, Li Yongbo was very shocked and helpless. He has always treated his work with impartiality and has never expected to be questioned because of money issues.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In order to clarify the facts, Li Yongbo actively cooperated with the investigation and provided relevant evidence and materials. He firmly believes that as long as the facts are clear, the truth will eventually be revealed to the world. During the investigation, he remained silent and did not make any remarks to the outside world, so as not to affect the impartiality of the investigation.

After a period of investigation, the final result showed that the alleged misappropriation of bonus allegations was a complete misunderstanding. In fact, Li Yongbo strictly followed the rules in the process of prize distribution and did not commit any violations. The announcement of the results of the investigation cleared Li Yongbo's grievances and proved his innocence.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Although the misunderstanding was eventually clarified, the incident had a certain impact on Lee's reputation. He realizes that as a public figure, his words and deeds will be noticed and judged by the outside world. This incident made him realize more deeply that he must always be vigilant and strict with himself, so as not to fall into unnecessary controversy again.

In order to salvage his reputation, Li Yongbo has taken a series of measures. He has strengthened communication with the media, actively responded to concerns from the outside world, and explained his position and behavior. At the same time, he also strengthened the management and supervision of the team to ensure openness and transparency on sensitive issues such as bonus distribution, so as to avoid similar misunderstandings in the future.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In addition, Li Yongbo also actively participates in public welfare activities, giving back to the society with his actions and establishing a positive image. He believes that only through practical actions can we gradually win the understanding and trust of the public.

Although the turmoil over the distribution of bonuses this time has brought some trouble to Li Yongbo, it has also made him more mature and wise. He realized that as a coach, you should not only achieve results on the field, but also establish a good image off the field and win respect and recognition. His story is not only the growth process of a coach, but also a true portrayal of how a public figure sticks to principles and actively responds to controversies and challenges.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

After a series of controversies and dissatisfactions, Li Yongbo made an unexpected decision - to quit the national team. The decision may have come suddenly for many, but for Li Yongbo himself, it was a deliberate choice. He hopes to start a new journey in life, away from the hustle and bustle and stress of the past, and find a new world of his own.

Li Yongbo's transformation path was full of challenges, but he did not choose an easy path. Surprisingly, he chose to devote himself to the durian farming industry, an area that was almost completely unrelated to his previous life. He set his sights on Malaysia, a country known for its high-quality durians. Here, Li Yongbo began his new life as a durian grower.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In Malaysia, Lee Yongbo faces linguistic, cultural and climatic challenges. But he was not intimidated by these difficulties, but quickly adapted to the new environment with an open mind and a strong will. He has studied the relevant knowledge of durian cultivation in depth, from soil selection, variety cultivation to pest control, he strives for excellence in every link.

Li Yongbo's durian orchard is located on the edge of Malaysia's tropical rainforest, where the climatic conditions are perfect for durian growth. He has adopted modern agricultural techniques and combined with local traditional planting experience to cultivate high-quality durians. His durian orchard not only focuses on yield, but also on quality, and each durian is carefully selected and cared for.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Over time, Li Yongbo's durian orchard has gradually grown and expanded. His durians are loved by consumers because of their delicate taste and rich fragrance. His products are not only in short supply in the local market in Malaysia, but also exported to Singapore, China and other countries, becoming a sought-after product in the international market.

Li Yongbo's success is not accidental. He brings the same rigor and attention to detail that he used to be a coach to the durian plantation. He treats every durian like his own athletes, and puts all his heart and soul into it. His durian orchard has also become a model for showcasing modern agricultural technology and sustainable development.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

In addition, Li Yongbo actively participates in local community activities, exchanging planting experience with local farmers, and promoting the dissemination and popularization of agricultural technology. He hopes to contribute to the development of local agriculture through his own efforts, and at the same time add more meaning and value to his second life.

Li Yongbo's transformation and new life are a microcosm of his personal growth and transformation. From a badminton coach to a durian grower, he has proved with his actions that no matter what field he is in, as long as he has passion and determination, he can create his own world. His story inspires people to pursue their dreams and explore the infinite possibilities of life.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

After experiencing controversy in the badminton world and dissatisfaction in his personal career, Li Yongbo made an unexpected decision to quit the national team. This decision may seem sudden to many, but for Li Yongbo, it is a deliberate choice. He hopes to find a new way of life at a new stage of life, away from the hustle and bustle and stress of the past, and start a new journey.

Li Yongbo's transformation path was full of challenges, but he did not choose an easy path. He set his sights on durian cultivation, an area that was almost completely unrelated to his previous life. Durian, known as the "king of fruits", is especially loved in Southeast Asia. Li Yongbo saw the potential and market prospect of durian cultivation and decided to devote himself to it and started his agricultural career.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Li Yongbo's transformation has not been without its challenges. The first thing he had to overcome was a lack of knowledge about agriculture. In order to become a qualified durian grower, he began to learn relevant agricultural knowledge, from soil science, botany to agricultural management, he invested a lot of time and energy. He has studied the growth characteristics of durian in depth, understanding its needs for soil, climate and water, and strives to be scientific and rational in the planting process.

In the process of site selection and planting, Li Yongbo also faced many difficulties. He needed to find suitable land for durian growth, while also taking into account factors such as cost, logistics and market. After many investigations and evaluations, he finally chose an area with a suitable climate and fertile soil as his durian orchard. It was here that he started his durian farming career.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Li Yongbo's durian orchard uses modern agricultural techniques and management methods. He introduced advanced irrigation systems and pest control techniques to ensure the healthy growth of durians. At the same time, he also pays attention to ecological balance and sustainable development, and strives to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and strives to produce green and healthy durians.

Over time, Li Yongbo's durian orchard has gradually grown and expanded. His durians are loved by consumers because of their good quality and unique taste. He is constantly exploring and experimenting with new planting techniques and management methods to improve the yield and quality of durian. His durian orchard has not only become a highlight of local agriculture, but also a symbol of his personal transformation success.

Li Yongbo, who has cultivated 92 world champions, went abroad to grow durian after stepping down, and now what is happening

Li Yongbo's transformation has also brought enlightenment to people. When faced with the dilemmas and challenges of your career, it is a positive attitude to have the courage to change and try new things. Through continuous learning and hard work, people can find their place in new fields and realize their personal values and dreams. Li Yongbo's story is a story of courage, determination and innovation, which is worth learning and thinking about for everyone.

In Malaysia, Lee Yongbo's durian orchard has become an agricultural miracle. With a vision of a new life and a fearlessness for challenges, he threw himself into this foreign land. Durian, a beloved fruit in Southeast Asia, became the starting point of Li Yongbo's transformational career.

Li Yongbo's durian orchard is located on a fertile land in Malaysia, where the climate is warm and humid, which is very suitable for the growth of durian trees. He knows that in order to succeed in durian cultivation, it is necessary to control the quality from the source. Therefore, he put a lot of effort into choosing durian varieties from the beginning. He has selected several of the most popular durian varieties on the market, which not only have a unique taste but also have a strong fragrance and are loved by consumers.

In the process of planting, Li Yongbo adopts scientific management methods and modern agricultural technology. He introduced an advanced irrigation system to ensure that every durian tree receives sufficient water. At the same time, he also adopted biological control technology to effectively control the occurrence of pests and diseases and ensure the healthy growth of durian.

Li Yongbo's durian orchard soon showed its vitality. The durian tree thrives with careful care, producing large, golden durians with an alluring aroma. These high-quality durians quickly won a good reputation in the local market, and consumers were full of praise for Li Yongbo's durians.

With the continuous development of the durian garden, Li Yongbo began to consider promoting the product to a broader market. He introduced the products of Durian Garden to buyers from all over the world by participating in various agricultural product exhibitions and trade fairs. With its excellent quality and unique flavor, his durians quickly attracted the attention of many international buyers.

With Li Yongbo's efforts, Durian Garden's products began to be exported to Singapore, China, the Middle East and other countries and regions. Consumers in these regions have extremely high demand for durian, and Li Yongbo's durian has quickly occupied market share with its high quality. His durian orchard not only creates economic benefits for the local area, but also contributes to Malaysia's agricultural exports.

Li Yongbo's success is not accidental. He brings the rigor and attention to detail of his former badminton coach to durian farming. He treats every durian like his own athletes, and puts all his heart and soul into it. His durian orchard has also become a model for showcasing modern agricultural technology and sustainable development.

Li Yongbo's durian orchard is not only a symbol of his personal transformation success, but also a microcosm of cultural exchanges between China and Malaysia. His success story inspires more people to pursue their dreams bravely and explore the infinite possibilities of life. In this foreign land, Li Yongbo used his wisdom and sweat to write a legend of his own.

Li Yongbo, this name has left a strong mark in the history of Chinese badminton. Although he failed to achieve his ambitious goal of producing 100 World Champions, the 92 World Champions he has produced are a testament to his ability and immense contribution to the sport. The outstanding performance of these champions in the international arena has not only won honor for the country, but also won widespread respect and praise for Li Yongbo.

During his coaching career, Li Yongbo has cultivated generations of badminton elites with his unique insights, rigorous training methods and deep understanding of athletes' psychology. His training methods and philosophies have had a profound impact on subsequent coaches and athletes. The all-round development and training model that focuses on the combination of technology and tactics advocated by him has become a valuable asset for the Chinese badminton team and even the world's badminton sport.

Li Yongbo's coaching career has not been smooth sailing. He has faced controversies and challenges, but he has always been able to overcome difficulties and move forward with a positive attitude and strong faith. His spirit has inspired countless athletes and coaches, and has also injected a strong impetus into the development of badminton in China.

Now, Li Yongbo has moved away from the hustle and bustle and pressure of the past and has lived a leisurely life. He no longer has to face high-intensity training and competitions every day, nor does he have to endure doubts and evaluations from the outside world. He can have more time to do the things he loves and enjoy the pleasures that life brings.

For Li Yongbo, the evaluation of the outside world is no longer important. He knows that he has done his best and made his own contribution to Chinese badminton. The 92 world champions he has cultivated are the best evaluation and recognition of him. Every victory of these champions on the field is the best proof of Li Yongbo's coaching career.

Li Yongbo's legacy lies not only in the number of world champions he has trained, but also in his love for badminton, his care for athletes and his dedication to coaching. His coaching career is a microcosm of the development of badminton in China and a vivid embodiment of China's sportsmanship.

Li Yongbo's story is a story of dreams, hard work and perseverance. He used his actions to tell us that as long as we have firm faith and unremitting efforts, we can overcome difficulties and realize our dreams. His story will continue to inspire generations of badminton players to strive for their dreams.

Today, Li Yongbo's name is closely associated with Chinese badminton. His contributions and legacy will be remembered for generations to come. Although his life has moved away from the court, his spirit and philosophy will continue to influence the development of badminton in China, inspiring more athletes and coaches to work hard to achieve higher goals.

Although Li Yongbo failed to achieve his ambitious goal of producing 100 World Champions, his coaching career was still full of glory and achievement. Under his guidance, 92 badminton players have won gold and silver on the international stage and become world champions. This figure in itself is a strong testament to Coach Lee's ability and the best reward for his hard work and selfless dedication.

Li Yongbo's coaching career is a history full of challenges and struggles. Not only did he teach the athletes techniques and tactics, but more importantly, he taught them how to face difficulties, how to stay calm under pressure, and how to perform at their best in key moments. His training approach focuses on the all-round development of the athlete, striving to be the best in every aspect, from physical to mental, from technical details to competition experience.

Under Li Yongbo's training, batch after batch of athletes have emerged in the international arena. Some of them have won gold medals in important tournaments such as the Olympic Games, World Championships, and Sudirman Cup, while others have achieved excellent results in traditional events such as the All England Open and Asian Championships. These achievements are inseparable from Li Yongbo's hard work and careful guidance.

Although Li Yongbo failed to achieve his goal of producing 100 World Champions, the 92 World Champions he has produced are enough to prove his ability and contribution. Every victory of these champions on the field is the best proof of Li Yongbo's coaching career. His name will forever be engraved in the history of Chinese badminton and even world sports.

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