
Forget my envy of my six-year-old treasure boyfriend 140: Our two brothers and sisters have done this toast

author:Good mood Yaya entertainment

After saying that, Nie Huaisang himself sighed deeply, and Wei Wuxian turned his head, only to realize that Nie Huaisang's mood was not high

"What's wrong, is your homework stressful? Why are you sad? ”

Nie Huaisang took a sip of coffee and smiled bitterly

"My homework, half-dead, not to the bottom, not to the top, as long as I don't fail, no one will care about me, I'm just a little worried about my grandmother's ......"

"Grandma Nie, what's wrong with her old man?"

"No, don't get excited, you also know that our family has been run by my grandmother for many years, my father is weak, my mother can't manage the company, grandma is not in good health, I don't know what method my brother used, in short, my father and my mother persuaded grandma together, and now the whole Nie family is under the name of the eldest brother......"

Forget my envy of my six-year-old treasure boyfriend 140: Our two brothers and sisters have done this toast

After Li Xiaoyu was discharged from the hospital, Nie Sicheng said that he would concentrate on taking care of his wife and Grandma Nie, and he didn't know how the husband and wife persuaded Grandma Nie, and Grandma actually promised to let Nie Tianjue take full charge of the Nie family. Nie Huaisang has not been valued by his family since he was a child, and he has no intention of arguing with his eldest brother for anything, but what kind of virtue is Nie Tianjue, Nie Huaisang can see it clearly these days, so how can he not worry?

"Huh? Nie handed it over to your brother, that's not a sheep into the mouth of a tiger, can it still be good? ”

"Yes, no matter how you say it, it is also the hard work of several generations of our family, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the ancestral industry, if it is defeated by the eldest brother, I am afraid that my grandmother will be angry at that time......"

Nie Huaisang's worries are not unreasonable, Nie Tianjue is a typical rich second-generation playboy, he has no ability, he will spend all day drinking and filling his head, the Nie family's family business was single-handedly laid down by the Nie family's grandfather, and later under the management of Nie's grandmother, he slowly achieved good results.

However, Nie Huaisang's father Nie Sicheng is not even qualified to be a shoucheng successor, and Nie Sicheng's wife Li Xiaoyu is not even better, what about Nie Tianjue, who used to be disguised like a human dog, and once performed to make Grandma Nie very happy, plus because of Wei Ying, Grandma Nie finally saw hope.

But since Nie Tianjue's true face was exposed, he didn't pretend directly, and now Nie Tianjue is simply a pile of garbage in Wei Wuxian's eyes, not to mention that such a person is the successor of the Nie clan, he will definitely become a ghost who will be the Nie clan's downfall.

Forget my envy of my six-year-old treasure boyfriend 140: Our two brothers and sisters have done this toast

But what's the use of Wei Wuxian worrying? The Wei family doesn't know where to start, even if his feelings for the Nie family are extraordinary, but in the final analysis, it is also the Nie family's business, what can he say as an outsider, and what can he do?

Thinking of this, Wei Wuxian's heart was filled with a sense of powerlessness, and he also ordered a glass of fruit wine for Nie Huaisang

"Come, let's have a toast with this pair of brothers and sisters, I hope everything will get better and better"

Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang didn't drink much, they just had a drink and left the coffee shop.

Wei Wuxian saw that it was only past nine o'clock in the evening, it was too early, and he didn't want to go back so early

"It's not even ten o'clock, you don't have class tomorrow morning, right? Let's go, let's go to the video game city, I haven't been there for a long time"

In fact, Nie Huaisang was a little tired, he took care of his mother Li Xiaoyu during the day, I don't know if it was because of Li Xiaoyu's illness, his temper was weird, it was difficult to serve, Nie Huaisang was commanded by Li Xiaoyu to toss for an afternoon, he would be a little tired, but he couldn't resist Wei Wuxian's enthusiasm, and was dragged to the video game city again.

In the end, it was a young man, as soon as the two of them arrived at the video game city, the stirring music and exciting games quickly made them forget everything for a while, and they released their hearts in a hurry, shouting in the excitement of the game, and came out of the game hall, it was almost early in the morning.

They were each holding a cup of cold drink in their hands, and Wei Wuxian remembered to take out his phone to take a look, and his whole face turned green at this sight

Forget my envy of my six-year-old treasure boyfriend 140: Our two brothers and sisters have done this toast

"Damn, so many phone calls ......"

Nie Huaisang leaned over

"Ah, your man, I made more than a dozen phone calls, but you didn't answer, Wei Wuxian, you're done!"

Wei Wuxian was a little weak-hearted, he looked at the time and saw that it was indeed not early, he really shouldn't have just gotten carried away

"It's all your fault, I've been playing for so long, I have to go back quickly, you can take a taxi back by yourself"

As he spoke, he dialed the phone while stopping the car, and the phone was picked up as soon as it rang, and a man's anxious voice came from the receiver

"Wei Ying, where are you?"