
and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

author:Game nerds

Feng Xiaogang, a famous director, enjoys a high reputation in the film and television industry, and there are countless stars who have become popular from him. However, he said that what he regretted the most was that he became popular with Wang Baoqiang.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

Wang Baoqiang, who is famous for "stupid roots", his real name is Wang Yongqiang. Born in a rural family in Hebei, his parents made a living from farming, and his family conditions were poor. In addition to him, there are older brothers and sisters at home.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

In 1992, at the age of 8, he left his hometown to learn martial arts in Shaolin Temple.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

And it turns out that the master's choice is not wrong, Wang Baoqiang has a great talent in martial arts, and he can remember the boxing techniques that others have to learn several times.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

What everyone doesn't know is that the reason why Wang Baoqiang wants to go to the Youth Temple to learn martial arts is actually to make movies, because in his cognition, Shaolin Temple practices every day to make movies, so he has to ask the master every day: When will we be able to make movies.

I have to ask several times a day, which annoys the master very much.

In 1996, Wang Baoqiang was selected to perform in the warrior monk troupe because of his solid kung fu foundation, and saved hundreds of yuan in performance fees. At that time, a few hundred yuan was not a lot, but Wang Baoqiang still did not forget his ideal of going to make a movie.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

Finally, when he was 14 years old, he came to Beijing alone with 600 yuan in his pocket.

There are many opportunities in Beijing, but Wang Baoqiang has no drama to shoot in the early stage.

At that time, Wang Baoqiang was short in stature, coupled with his rustic appearance, and even a little stumbling, there were few crews looking for him to film, sometimes he couldn't even receive the role of an extra, and he only had 20 yuan on him when he was the poorest, in order to save money, he was only willing to buy steamed buns for 1 yuan and five, and he didn't dare to drink water after eating, this was not to save money, because as soon as he drank water, the steamed buns would swell, and he was afraid of dying for himself.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

I really had no choice but to write to my family for help, wanting to borrow 200 yuan.

Not long after, he received a letter with 300 yuan in it, which was sent to him by his old father without telling his family.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

The love of his father and the warmth of his family made Wang Baoqiang more determined to make achievements and go home. In this way, for more than 2 years, he endured the longing for his hometown and relatives, and he struggled to survive in Beijing.

Faith is indestructible, and perseverance will always win.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

Once he went to the hotel to deliver materials to the crew, the director ridiculed him for not even being able to speak Mandarin clearly, saying that he was a short winter melon, and threw his materials into the trash can after speaking. But Wang Baoqiang rummaged through the trash cans, picked up his own information and left. After experiencing the cold words of others, Wang Baoqiang did not choose to give up on himself, but chose to stick to his movie dream.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

The hard work paid off, and the heavens began to pity this poor and hard-working young man, and the gears of fate began to turn.

After guest appearances in "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang", "Big Names" and other small roles, he won the "40th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award" in 2003 with "Blind Well".

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

From then on, he began to have some fame. And it is precisely because of this movie that Feng Xiaogang noticed this silly but honest Wang Baoqiang, and because of Wang Baoqiang's wonderful performance, the role of "Yuan Fengming" began to be concretized, which also made this role deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

In an interview with the media, Wang Baoqiang once said: "When I first went to the crew, I didn't understand anything, I messed up the crew, and I always couldn't get into the role of acting, and I was criticized by the director many times. Especially when I saw the landslide in the part of the mine, I was stupid. Later, the director actually asked me to shoot a passion scene, I am a young man, I have never talked about love, where will I shoot this kind of scene.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

Then, I went to the director, and I said I really didn't want to shoot!! But the director insisted on me shooting, so I had to shoot hard.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

I still remember when I was filming, I saw the young lady undressing, I really didn't expect that the girl to really take it off, I didn't even dare to look at it, I could only glance at other places. I thought to myself, this time it must have been a bad shot, and the director must not be satisfied, so I guess I will have to reshoot.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

Unexpectedly, the director said that I acted very realistically, and now I was happy, thinking, fortunately, I don't have to let that girl take it off again.

There are no thieves in the world, and "stupid roots" are famous.

At the Golden Horse Awards ceremony, Wang Baoqiang wore the clothes made for him by the crew, carried the travel expenses lent to him by others, and even the sensor hand washer needed to be taught to him, everything seemed incompatible with the solemnity of the award ceremony. At the time, he was 22 years old, and when he delivered his acceptance speech, his Mandarin was not standard.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

He said with excitement: "Wow, winning the award, I am very excited now, and now I am very grateful to all the judges of the Golden Horse Awards, and I will have more confidence to work hard and make better movies for everyone to see in the future."

After saying this, many people in the audience laughed, but this laugh was not a praise for a grassroots star, but a mockery of this mediocre but shit luck rural person.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

Because no one would believe that a peasant child from a rural family with no money, background and resources could make waves in the entertainment industry, and even felt that he didn't even have the opportunity to make a second movie. But later, under Feng Xiaogang's appreciation, Wang Baoqiang starred in "Silly Root".

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

In 2004, "There Are No Thieves in the World" started filming, starring Andy Lau, Liu Ruoying, Ge You and other big names, and Huayi Brothers as backers. How can such a resource not be able to support Wang Baoqiang?

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

At that time, when Wang Baoqiang saw Andy Lau for the first time, he knelt down directly on one knee and gave Andy Lau a big gift. It really made others stunned. But a big man like Andy Lau has never seen it on any occasion, in the face of Wang Baoqiang's kneeling, Andy Lau calmly helped Wang Baoqiang up.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

After joining the crew, Wang Baoqiang learned the working attitudes of the big stars, studied their acting skills, and used his spare time to discuss martial arts issues with Andy Lau.

In order to play the role well, he spent 3 months going to a school for the blind to experience the life of the blind, carefully observing the words and deeds of the blind people.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

He practiced blind hearing all day long, shaking his ears from time to time, and the people around him thought he was sick in the brain when they saw his strange behavior.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

After the movie was released, posters about Wang Baoqiang were posted everywhere, and the ratings were also very high. Everyone thinks that he acted very well, and he acted in his true colors, and praised his acting skills. At this time, everyone knew that he was really working hard.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

But many people say that Wang Baoqiang can only play a role like "Silly Root", because this role has been finalized, and it is difficult to get out of the role itself.

Even Feng Xiaogang said: I regret praising Wang Baoqiang a little, he acted like a fool too much, making others think he was really a fool, which was not very good for his future acting career.

But Wang Baoqiang felt that he would definitely be able to play other roles well.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

He began to go to the Beijing Film Academy to learn cultural knowledge in order to better understand the script and characters, and it didn't take long for him to receive an invitation to "Soldier Assault", and the director wanted him to play Xu Sanduo. But Wang Baoqiang doesn't like this role, because this character doesn't look very smart, he has already played "stupid root", and he doesn't want to play the same type of role again.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

However, what he didn't know was that this role was "snatched" from Zhang Yi's hands.

At that time, Zhang Yi wrote a 3,000-word petition for war, and often begged the director, but the director was unwilling to give him Xu Sanduo's role.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

After knowing this, Wang Baoqiang began to face up to this character, and he began to analyze the difference between Xu Sanduo and Silly Gen'er, and played this silly character vividly. The TV series became popular all over the Internet as soon as it was broadcast, and he won many best actor trophies, and also appeared in many magazines and newspapers.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

After Wang Baoqiang became popular, he often recalled that when he was not famous, it was Feng Xiaogang who gave him the opportunity to act. In order to express his gratitude to Feng Xiaogang, he often visited Feng Xiaogang. Knowing that Feng Xiaogang had a stomachache, he immediately went back to his hometown and sent Feng Xiaogang his own millet.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

He said to Feng Xiaogang: "I usually have stomach pain, and the home-grown millet has no pesticides, so feel free to eat it." I have to say that Wang Baoqiang is really a sincere person.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

Wang Baoqiang used his strength to prove to everyone that he can break through the limitations of acting roles, not what others think he is, he should be what he should be, he can do what he wants to do.

and Zhang Yi grabbed the starring role, knelt down for Andy Lau, Feng Xiaogang said bluntly: I regret making him popular

From a farmer to a star, no one knows how much hardship Wang Baoqiang has endured and how much effort he has put in behind it to have today's achievements. Most people struggle all their lives and don't get any better. And as a grassroots, he has achieved a life that ordinary people can't reach by his own efforts. No matter how many difficulties he went through before, they have passed, and now he is shining in his acting career and has his own children, which is also the best arrangement for him.

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