
Germany and the Netherlands evacuated Lebanon, and US officials issued a warning, Israel will not fight this time?

author:Wishing you prosperity.

The hot land of the Middle East has recently made a stir again, and the two old enemies of Israel and Allah in Lebanon, seem to be holding back their strength, and they are about to go off the cracks, and the whole world is sweating.

Germany and the Netherlands evacuated Lebanon, and US officials issued a warning, Israel will not fight this time?

The governments of Germany and the Netherlands were anxious and issued emergency evacuation notices, urging people from their own countries to leave Lebanon as soon as possible. This action is like toppling dominoes, and other countries have followed suit and began to organize the evacuation of overseas Chinese. The people were panicked, and the atmosphere was so tense that they could wring out water.

The United States stood up at this time and said something that made people's hearts beat drums. Senior officials have publicly stated that they will not stand in the way of Israel. These words sound frivolous, but in fact they are like handing Israel a sword of Shang Fang, making their military plans less constrained and more confident.

On the Israeli side, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is really unambiguous, and it is said that he is already thinking about how to attack southern Lebanon. He sent the Department of Defense to Washington for a long time, not for tourism, but to ask for support, hoping to get a "permit to operate" from the United States.

Germany and the Netherlands evacuated Lebanon, and US officials issued a warning, Israel will not fight this time?

The motivation behind this, in addition to geopolitical considerations, is also mixed with the calculation of his own political career, and Netanyahu may want to use this as an opportunity to divert domestic attention from his personal problems.

When it comes to the grievances between Israel and Lebanon, it is a difficult book to read. There are historical grievances, as well as real geopolitical rivalries, as well as the stimulus to the Iranian camp caused by the détente between Saudi Arabia and Israel. These complex factors intertwine and make the situation even more confusing.

Netanyahu, his mind is not simple. Facing legal challenges at home and a shaky political position, a foreign conflict may become a "lifebuoy" for him, diverting public attention and even consolidating his political position.

And Allah in Lebanon is not a fuel-efficient lamp. They saw it in their eyes and remembered in their hearts that Hamas's raid on Israel may have inspired them to wonder if they could also come and give Israel a little color.

Germany and the Netherlands evacuated Lebanon, and US officials issued a warning, Israel will not fight this time?

As for the United States, its role in this game is always hard to guess. On the surface, it is said to be balanced, but in reality, under pressure from Israel, there is often a tendency to provide some form of support. This not only makes the road to peace in the Middle East more difficult, but also makes the relationship between Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States more delicate and complex.

As for the international community, most people still want peace in their hearts. It is hoped that a diplomatic solution will be resolved to avoid the spread of hostilities, and that regional security mechanisms will be strengthened to prevent further deterioration of the situation.

But then again, the turmoil in the Middle East is, in the final analysis, the result of power and external interference. We cannot ignore that Israel's long-standing expansionist policy and the unconditional support of the United States for it are important factors that exacerbate regional instability.

If we truly want peace, we should not take one-sided sides, but stand on a fair standpoint, call on all parties to exercise restraint, and resolve differences through dialogue and negotiation.

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