
After the Taiwan authorities raised the warning for going to the mainland, the mainland line-stepping group successfully arrived in Matsu and will stay for three days and two nights

author:Great light observation

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities recently issued a message raising the warning for traveling to mainland China, calling on Taiwanese people not to travel to mainland China unless necessary. Shortly after the DPP authorities announced the news, the mainland line-stepping group that was originally scheduled to go to Matsu in early June to conduct an inspection finally arrived in Matsu after many twists and turns.

According to the "China Times News Network", Fuzhou tourism operators who were originally scheduled to step on the line in Matsu from June 10 to June 12 finally arrived in Matsu on June 29. The 22-member group boarded a boat from Mawei Langqi Pier in Fuzhou at noon on June 29 and arrived at Fuao Port in Nangan, Matsu at about 2 p.m. It is understood that the group will start a three-day and two-night visit in Matsu and return to Fuzhou on the afternoon of July 1.

After the Taiwan authorities raised the warning for going to the mainland, the mainland line-stepping group successfully arrived in Matsu and will stay for three days and two nights

After the group arrived in Matsu, the Lianjiang County Government held a welcoming ceremony for the group at the Fuao Port Wharf and presented them with local specialties and other souvenirs, in full accordance with the itinerary approved by the relevant departments and the Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council. Not only that, the Lianjiang County Government also held a joint press conference with tourism operators from the two places.

As everyone knows, since Lai Qingde came to power, he has frequently made negative remarks that are unfavorable to cross-strait relations, which has led to a spiraling increase in cross-strait hostility and has also made the hope of resuming normal cross-strait exchanges even more slim. The news of the "raising of the warning for going to the mainland" announced by the DPP authorities is even more that it has created obstacles to cross-strait exchanges, and at the same time, it has also aroused strong dissatisfaction among the people on the island and those in the tourism industry.

After the Taiwan authorities raised the warning for going to the mainland, the mainland line-stepping group successfully arrived in Matsu and will stay for three days and two nights

However, the DPP authorities' move to raise the warning for traveling to the mainland is of little significance, because the DPP authorities' move is only a manifestation of their inability to resolve the cross-strait issue, and it is also an obvious political maneuver. However, the people on the island will not compromise on this, so the measures taken by the DPP authorities are only bought by a very small number of "Taiwan independence" elements. Moreover, many business operators on the island are looking forward to the normalization of cross-strait tourism, and what the DPP authorities have done will only cause them to lose the support of the people on the island, and the mainland will also take tougher measures.

As a matter of fact, the people on the island are very interested in visiting the mainland, and the people on the island know very well that the more tense the cross-strait relations are, the more necessary it is for the two sides of the strait to communicate and exchange. After all, if cross-strait relations continue to deteriorate, the main ones that will be affected are the island's tourism industry, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as many Taiwanese students and Taiwan businessmen on the mainland. Therefore, the masses on the island have been calling on the DPP authorities to lift the ban on Taiwan travel agencies organizing groups to travel to the mainland at an early date.

After the Taiwan authorities raised the warning for going to the mainland, the mainland line-stepping group successfully arrived in Matsu and will stay for three days and two nights

Promoting cross-strait exchanges is not only in line with the interests and well-being of the people on the island, but also in line with the mainstream public opinion on the island. However, the DPP authorities and the "Taiwan independence" forces have ignored the needs and hopes of the Taiwan compatriots, and have not only refused to lift the "ban on group groups" but also raised the warning for traveling to the mainland, which is a naked threat and intimidation of the Taiwan compatriots, which has seriously infringed upon the legitimate rights and interests of the Taiwan people and undermined the development of cross-strait relations.

It should be pointed out that although the actions of the DPP authorities have led to the continuous escalation of cross-strait tensions, the mainland will not stop cross-strait exchanges because of this. At the same time, the mainland also welcomes and supports the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots to participate in cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and will protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots in accordance with the law.

After the Taiwan authorities raised the warning for going to the mainland, the mainland line-stepping group successfully arrived in Matsu and will stay for three days and two nights

The peaceful development of cross-strait relations is the trend of the times, and deepening cross-strait exchanges and cooperation is the aspiration of the people, and the mainland has always encouraged and supported normal and healthy cross-strait exchanges; even if cross-strait relations are tense at present, the mainland will continue to show goodwill, because after all, peace and tranquility are the common aspirations of compatriots on both sides of the strait. It is hoped that the people on the island will see clearly in a timely manner the political selfishness of the DPP authorities in harming the interests of the people, and at the same time realize the extreme importance of peaceful development between the two sides of the strait, resist the "Taiwan independence" stance, remove obstacles to cross-strait exchanges, take concrete actions to safeguard peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and their own security and well-being, and join hands with mainland compatriots to promote the positive development of cross-strait relations.