
It's hot, don't do this complementary food for the baby to eat, change the pattern of the baby to eat more

author:There is a daddy

"My mother-in-law really dotes on my daughter, and she gets up at 6 o'clock in the morning every morning to prepare mung bean kelp for her granddaughter to cool off the heat", mentioning her mother-in-law's love for her daughter Beibei, her best friend Linlin sighed to herself.

Especially when it comes to my daughter, who has just turned 6 months old, perhaps because of the hot weather, she has a poor appetite and has lost interest in complementary foods such as vegetable puree and meat puree. Grandma felt very sorry for her granddaughter, so she got up at 6 o'clock every morning, cooked the mung bean kelp soup with a certain heatstroke effect, and used a soymilk machine to beat it into a very delicate paste, and patiently fed it to her granddaughter little by little.

It's hot, don't do this complementary food for the baby to eat, change the pattern of the baby to eat more

However, although Bei Bei loves the mung bean kelp paste prepared by her grandmother, she dislikes other complementary foods more and more, and even refuses to drink milk, and even has diarrhea. In just a few days, not only did he lose a lot of weight, but he also lost his previous liveliness, but his listless appearance.

This made Linlin's family anxious, and hurriedly sent the baby to the hospital for examination. What they didn't expect was that after examining and understanding the child's diet in recent days, the doctor came to a conclusion: "The baby's stomach is still very delicate, how can you use cold mung bean kelp soup as a supplementary food?" This is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, causing the appetite to get worse and worse, and diarrhea! ”

It's hot, don't do this complementary food for the baby to eat, change the pattern of the baby to eat more

"I've done something bad with good intentions! Seeing that the baby rarely likes to drink food that is also a heatstroke, I didn't expect it to hurt her", the grandmother felt very guilty at the thought of making her granddaughter suffer.

In order to avoid the wrong food arrangement, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law actively asked the doctor. After learning that millet yam porridge and tomato noodles are more suitable for their baby, the two decided to actively prepare for the child and made up their minds that they would definitely consult the doctor before preparing complementary food in the future.

It is not easy to introduce complementary food to your baby, otherwise the consequences will be serious

For example, Linlin and her mother-in-law have a high incidence of affecting the baby's health due to improper addition of complementary food. For example, the latest "China 0-6 years old children's nutrition development report" pointed out that more than 40% of babies under 1 year old in mainland China suffer from anemia, the main reason is the incorrect introduction of complementary food.

Mistake 1: Adding salt to your baby's complementary food too early

According to the parenting guidelines issued by the World Health Organization and the Chinese Nutrition Society, babies under the age of 1 should not add salt to food, and the daily intake of 1 to 2 years old should not exceed 1.5 grams, and the daily intake of 2 to 3 years old should not exceed 2 grams, even if it is between 4 and 5 years old, it should not exceed 3 grams.

It's hot, don't do this complementary food for the baby to eat, change the pattern of the baby to eat more

Mistake 2: Arrange whole grains too early

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents should not give their babies 8 months to 1 year old coarse grains, such as pumpkin and sweet potatoes. Because their stomach and intestines are not yet mature, not to mention that coarse grains are more difficult to digest, which may lead to indigestion, food accumulation, etc., the nutritional value of coarse grains alone is not as good as children's rice noodles, noodles, etc., so it is not suitable for premature arrangement.

It's hot, don't do this complementary food for the baby to eat, change the pattern of the baby to eat more

However, many parents believe that coarse grains can help gastrointestinal peristalsis, reduce the incidence of constipation, and are not only suitable for adults, but also for babies, so they will choose to add complementary food recipes.

Tips: The American Academy of Pediatrics not only proposes the age suitable for eating coarse grains, but also recommends that babies who have just turned 1 year old and have begun to contact coarse grains should not exceed the standard of age plus 5 grams, that is, 1 year old should maintain about 6 grams.

Mistake 3: Not adapting complementary food recipes to the season

There are differences in temperature and environment in the four seasons, and the requirements of the human body are also different, and dietary requirements must also be adjusted according to seasonal changes. This is also one of the requirements for the addition of baby complementary food in the "Guidelines for Feeding Infants and Young Children Aged 7-24 Months in China" issued by the Chinese Nutrition Society.

It's hot, don't do this complementary food for the baby to eat, change the pattern of the baby to eat more

For example, in the spring when everything is recovering, supplementing vitamins, calcium, and unsaturated fatty acids is conducive to improving immunity and resisting germs. In the hot summer, when the baby has a loss of appetite, it is not only necessary to arrange supplementary foods with more water, but also to enrich the variety as much as possible, so as to stimulate the baby's curiosity about food and be willing to eat.

How to do a good job of adding complementary food?

The White Paper on Infant and Young Child Feeding in China points out that the incorrect addition of complementary food for babies is still one of the biggest factors affecting the health of babies. Therefore, experts from the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Maternal and Child Nutrition Branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society and other institutions have advocated that parents should feed scientifically and correctly!

First, seize the best time to add complementary foods.

Although the World Health Organization, the mainland health commission, etc., have given suggestions that babies from 4 to 6 months old can gradually add complementary food, experts added that parents should not only pay attention to the age of the month, but also combine the physical development of the reasonable arrangement of adding complementary food.

It's hot, don't do this complementary food for the baby to eat, change the pattern of the baby to eat more

For example, when your baby does not make a tongue reflex to the solid food in his mouth, that is, when he uses his tongue to resist the food entering his mouth, or when he shows great interest in adult food, and becomes hungry quickly with age, these are all signals that complementary foods can be added.

Secondly, arrange the supplementary food ingredients according to the age.

Babies of different ages have different ingredients due to differences in digestive function and gastrointestinal development. For babies who are just 4 to 6 months old and have just come into contact with complementary foods, fortified iron rice paste, mashed potatoes, pureed fish, and pureed apples are the most suitable choices. After July to August, you can add boiled noodles and thicker rice porridge.

It's hot, don't do this complementary food for the baby to eat, change the pattern of the baby to eat more

In other words, the mode of arranging complementary food for babies is not only gradual, but also the ingredients and methods are gradually enriched and solid, and different ingredients are arranged at different ages.

Finally, different recipes for different seasons.

The four seasons change, the temperature is different, the types of ingredients are different, the human body needs nutrients are different, etc., all require parents to prepare different complementary food recipes for their babies according to different seasons.

If everything recovers in spring, the baby's body has also entered a period of rapid development, and spring is also the season for bacteria to breed, so parents should pay attention to supplementing the baby with unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, many vitamins, etc. to help him improve immunity and promote physical development. For example, spinach, yams, shrimp skin, lilies, etc.

It's hot, don't do this complementary food for the baby to eat, change the pattern of the baby to eat more

In summer, it is mainly to improve the baby's appetite and appetite and resist hot weather. For example, loofahs, fruits, grains, etc. can become suitable ingredients. In autumn, the hot and dry environment determines that the baby's supplementary food is mainly to clear heat and detoxify, nourish yin and moisten the lungs. For example, white radish, autumn pear, etc.

In winter, because of the need for sufficient physical strength to resist the cold and resist the immunity of germs, etc., it is necessary to prepare foods rich in protein, trace elements and vitamins for the baby, such as beef, sea bass, white radish, etc.

Baby's appetite in summer? These recipes are worth a try

Summer is the most abundant, with a variety of vegetables and fruits, and it is easy to choose the right ingredients for your baby. For example, celery and winter melon are boiled into porridge, which is not only the staple food porridge, but also celery and winter melon that can clear heat and nourish blood and be appetizing, and only need to chop them and cook them together with rice to make porridge.

It's hot, don't do this complementary food for the baby to eat, change the pattern of the baby to eat more

Next is the red date yam porridge, the red date is pitted and chopped, the yam is also peeled and cut into pieces, and then about 30 grams of rice are added, and the three are cooked into soft porridge, which can become the baby's supplementary food in summer. Because both have the function of regulating the stomach and intestines, which is conducive to solving the problem of poor appetite.

It's hot, don't do this complementary food for the baby to eat, change the pattern of the baby to eat more

Finally, you can also try to cook a chicken and carrot porridge for your 10-12-month-old baby, just chop the 2 and cook them, mash them into a puree, and feed them to your baby. This is also conducive to supplementing enough nutrients to resist the heat in the hot summer.

Broken thoughts:

As the saying goes, "food is the sky", as a fragile and fast-growing baby, preparing scientific, appropriate and nutritious complementary food for them is related to their health and growth. Therefore, parents must not ignore or fall into the misunderstanding of complementary food!

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