
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

author:Situ Tianmeng

#长文创作激励计划# It's a noisy entertainment these days.

Sun Yang was a fan, Lin Gengxin was on the line with netizens for Fang Xiewen, and Yu Zheng exploded "Between the Ink Rain Clouds" - his proud way is to find everyone who is wrong with him equally.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Let's not talk about whether it's right or wrong, as an adult, walking the rivers and lakes, and arguing without arguing, it's really a great talent. They may not have a smooth life, but they certainly have a good life.

Those who can quarrel enjoy the world first.

Today, the quarrel king who came to a wave of domestic entertainment, did not say that they quarreled well, but purely as a perennial who was sulking in the "quarrel did not play well" group, it is difficult not to envy:

When it's time to shoot, there is a mouth that accurately beeps the opponent, isn't it super cool?

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin


Let's start with the three in this round. In the quarrel Wang array, Yu Zheng and Lin Gengxin are old acquaintances, which is nothing to say - it is very deserving to award a visiting professor to Teacher Yu.

But Sun Yang, his level of quarrel is difficult to evaluate.

He was very much like me, obviously the person who felt uncomfortable at first was me, and the first person to pull the trigger was also me, but as a result, after a biuibiu, I was pressed to the ground and rubbed......

The "Quarrel Didn't Play Well" group welcomed Sun Yang.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

However, this time Sun Yang's fans, in the eyes of most netizens, it is also Sun Yang's fault.

The thing is very simple, the reason is that Sun Yang po a work map that requires demeanor to participate in the ceremony and is impossible to care about the temperature. Anyway, it's all over if you're handsome. Then a fan left him a message:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Three "ha" plus cute emojis, it looks like just a mediocre joke? However, according to Sun Yang's point of view, what he read is a casual mind similar to "your mother thinks you are cold":

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

To add some knowledge:

After "All or Nothing" became popular, Sun Yang was put on the road of a traffic star by fans overnight, giving him support and urging him with data, and he posted a Weibo with a decent style of writing and refused.

At that time, passers-by supported him and praised him for "rectifying the fan circle".

This time, in Sun Yang's logic, it may be that the fan circle is also scared. In addition, wearing black and thick clothes in summer is really hot, and he is angry and swept the message area:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

It may be cool to be angry for a while, but the follow-up is not comfortable, so you have to send a private message to fans to make peace:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

He was also publicly educated by the team:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

The point is that after this verbal battle, Sun Yang's fans ran a lot, of course he never cared; But if you get a bad review on the whole network and feel like you're being talked about, will you still have a nodule?

The way to eliminate nodules can only wait for Sun Yang's next good drama.

Or refer to Lin Xinxing, who is also busy with powder next door? With such a niche and abstract track as fans, it is estimated that the whole internal entertainment can only accommodate one Lin Gengxing. After all, it's a high-end job.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

And Lin Gengxin's fan lore lies in his humor that smells of big scum. Humor is the highest level of human wisdom, which can dissolve not only embarrassment but also hatred.

Isn't Sun Yang planted here, a serious quarrel can be won, provided that the other party is wrong first, and the other party itself has no malice but is reprimanded, it will seem that you are very deep.

How to quarrel with a sense of the net, and make the scene of fans look like filming a variety show, this is a skill that Sun Yang can't learn in his life, but it happens to be Lin Gengxin's bloodline suppression as a Northeasterner.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Should I say this article or not, the workers looked teary-eyed:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

The one time I hilarious for my master was to be a career fan.

Fans are very annoying, not to mention that Sun Yang was kidnapped by the so-called "fans" for no reason and was very devastated, Yang Yang, Nazha, and Yang Zi were born in people who grew up in the fan circle, and they all went crazy because they were "advised" by career fans.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Lin Gengxin also went crazy:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Is there a difference between Pinchu and Yang Yang? Yang Yang is right, but the quarrel outputs a bunch of correct but unimposing nonsense, which will not wake up the fans at all, but scold the fans.

But Lin Gengxin's words are really wonderful, he must be very angry, so angry that he wants to "kill you", but this magic defeats magic, and I have no reason to talk about it if you are unreasonable, it is simply enjoyable.

Key fans don't feel offended, and they can't convince him that he has a stalk.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin


said that Yu Zheng had to bring Guo Jingming-

No one doesn't know, the US imperialist CP in the quarrel circle is "clear and straightforward", the two old brothers have been in the circle for decades, and they have never had a head-to-head confrontation or even the same frame, but they feel that they have been friends for a long time.

Even when it comes to quarrels, they complement each other quite well.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Guo Jingming's main golden sentence crit, beautiful words are stacked one sentence after another, stacked like true feelings, magnificent, and he suddenly pinched the switch of emotions; Actually, he digressed in full.

The time when he became famous was on "Actors Please Be in Place", and Li Chengru broke his head with his famous book "Sadness Flows Into a River". I won't go into detail about the process, in short, I broke it down, and Lao Li was like a fish in his throat.

On the field, Xiao Guo's lyrical argumentative essay from shallow to deep, layer by layer, was confused. After the recording was recorded in the interview, I was still reflecting on myself, explaining "I actually want to express":

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

The biggest victim of Guo's sophistry, Li Chengru.

He didn't even realize that he and Guo didn't quarrel at all, he intended to criticize the work, and Guo perfectly avoided this, and went around talking about some huge, extremely empty, but extremely likable concepts.

This sentence made many young people break their defenses on the spot:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Guo Jingming's "pain" is overflowing, and quarreling with him requires the strength of the core and the ability to be self-consistent to reach full marks, and leaving a trace of leeway may be led off the pace. So—

The one who can "clean up" him should be a logical villain like Yu Zheng + a verbal assassin.

Teacher Yu is also full of emotions, and when he plays a trick, he sees people killing people and encountering Buddhas and killing Buddhas, and he doesn't have time to listen to your value output. This kind of street scolding and arguing method of opening your mouth like a cannon can really make Xiao Guo painful, right?

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Yu Zheng's way of survival of "being invincible if you are cheap" is unbearable, but occasionally he will never be wronged for half a second.

He is the kind of person advocated by the Internet, who has a beautiful mental state, can't have a little internal friction, and goes crazy anytime and anywhere. For example, this time, the marketing account said that he dumped Hao Jiji, and he scolded the marketing account:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

The paparazzi hinted that Wang Xingyue and Xiang Hanzhi were tired, and he scolded the paparazzi:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Netizen Yin Yang This scandal, he scolded netizens:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Yu Zheng is worthy of studying under TVB, and TVB's famous saying "If you hit you, you will beat you, do you still pick a day" is embodied in him. The mixed workplace can be so cool and evil, and those who don't die live in heaven.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin


Once when several ripping variety shows were booming, someone proposed:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Of course, the most nominated ones are well-known, Na Ying, Tranquility, Li Chengru, Jin Xing and the like. But don't you think it's a good taste, tranquility is a very classic external strength and middle dryness, and the aura is just bluffing.

Na Ying is at most a true temperament, and when she is angry, she will smash things at the level of reporters. But the most taboo thing to do in a quarrel is to do it first, and the rhythm will be chaotic as soon as you do it, and it is easy to be grabbed by the other party when you mess up.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Li Chengru's defeat to Guo Jingming began with his undisguised dislike for "men and women hugging together". His "dislike" helped Guo stand on the moral high ground.

And Li Chengru gave the public an image of "quarreling quite badly", because he dared to sing red face and say some unpleasant things on the occasion of "always having to be polite...... Nothing more.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

People who dare to speak unpleasantly and successfully create an atmosphere of quarrel are also Venus.

directly named Hua Chenyu as "nothing good to sing", and smiled and put on makeup as "very challenging". is also very brave to package Fan Chengcheng and Wang Yibo for trial.

But I feel that in addition to the commendable courage, I didn't hear the particularly lethal content - the cage scolded the unity, and the scolding may be correct, but it is not as creative as Mr. Li's idiom trifecta.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

The ones that Jin Xing shouted are very in line with the public's voice, and they seem to be the public's mouth, but the level of the mouth is not as good as Xiao Guo's young man.

Of course, Venus also had a crazy time, and Yang Di commented on Xie Na's host:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

There is a bit of Yu Zheng who caught you off guard and ignored it, wonderful. So the ones who really reached the top of the quarrel king are probably two kinds of "crazy people", either crazy and righteous, without any rules and decency, and running away after scolding with dense and smelly words.

Or another extreme sense of madness, light but with something in the words, a sincere face and even a smile all the time, but you know very well that everything is not simple-

He is scolding you, and you can only laugh with him.

For example, two examples, Chen Kaige and Yi Lijing.

On the show "Mentor Please Be in Place", Li Chengru collapsed, and Guo Jingming was scolded and cried by Er Dongsheng - insert a sentence, the person who cries first during a quarrel is also very annoying and incompetent.

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

As soon as his tears fell, it was over, and you wouldn't have become a bully.

And director Kai Ge, in fact, also had a lung tube poked once, which was also a wound that he could not heal in his life: "Wuji". Who kicked this iron plate, Li Chengru.

Mr. Li's unpleasant words for several seasons are not as unpleasant:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Chen Kaige must have felt embarrassed to death, and the way he was furious was to write an 800-word Yin Yang Li Chengru's rotten excellent essay with his mouth on the spot:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

This is really a triple connection of the word "such as".

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Compared with Chen Kaige, Yi Lijing doesn't have those "dirty words" that chew words, she is better at catching a small bug in your speaking logic and launching a fierce attack - a bit of Guo Jingming in the direction.

But Guo Jingming will avoid the important and take it lightly, Yi Lijing is "don't talk about it, just say it's not", tearing your fig leaf without warning. Questioning Zhang Wanting:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Listen to Huang Shengyi's rhetorical question about the inclusion of "Tianxian Pei" in his representative work:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Xu Zheng said that "Thai Embarrassment" is a comedy, and she questioned:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Talking to Guo Jingming about "plagiarism", forcing the child to drink water and catch up with the process:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin
In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

There's no place for sophistry or anything.

There is also a food chain in the quarrel, and Li Chengru's "revenge", Yi Lijing avenged him. So it is reasonable to guess that Chen Kaige may also be pressed by Yi Lijing - people with weakness have already lost a son in a quarrel.


In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Rarely, the one who carried Yi Lijing's life-threatening series of questions and answers fluently was Han Hong. Han Hong said that she didn't know the tycoon, and it was easy to try to debunk it, "Han Hong doesn't know who believes the tycoon", Han Hong:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Yi tried to break Han Hong's artist baggage again, "Do you know what you look like in the eyes of the public", Han Hong's eyes were resolute, "I don't need to know", Yi pressed hard, "I disdain to know or ......"

Han Hong directly interrupted:

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

Yi Lijing had a faint sense of madness, and Han Hong went directly to Song's sense of death. Han Hong wins!

In this matter, Sun Yang is really not as good as Lin Gengxin

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