
Many countries have evacuated their nationals, and the Israeli army wants to fight Lebanon, and Vučić predicts: A bad situation is about to appear

author:Tani Hihei

As the Israeli army is actively preparing for war in its northern region, especially the USS Eisenhower, which was previously operating in the Red Sea, has also passed through the Suez Canal and arrived in the waters of the eastern Mediterranean, many countries have begun to urgently evacuate their nationals from Lebanon in order to prepare for the Lebanese-Israeli war that may break out at any time.

Many countries have evacuated their nationals, and the Israeli army wants to fight Lebanon, and Vučić predicts: A bad situation is about to appear

(USS Eisenhower goes to the Eastern Mediterranean)

As Israel actively prepares for war on the Israeli-Lebanese border, Kuwait, Bulgaria, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, and other countries have launched emergency evacuation programs to evacuate their nationals from Lebanon in order to escape the fighting. At the same time, in order to show its support for Israel, the United States has transferred its only aircraft carrier in the Middle East, the USS Eisenhower, from the Red Sea to the eastern Mediterranean, preparing to provide air defense cover for Israel's northern region. The US military has made it very clear to the outside world that it will provide air support to the Israeli army, but it will never send a single soldier to participate in the ground operations of the Israeli army.

Many countries have evacuated their nationals, and the Israeli army wants to fight Lebanon, and Vučić predicts: A bad situation is about to appear

(In the 2006 Lebanese-Israeli war, Israel had already kicked the iron plate once, and now it seems that they have forgotten the lesson of the last time.)

In fact, seeing Israel sharpening its knives this time is very reminiscent of the Lebanese-Israeli war in 2006. Between 12 July and 14 August 2006, Israel launched a large-scale attack on Lebanon under the pretext that eight Israeli soldiers were killed in an ambush by Allah Lebanese and two were taken prisoner. After more than a month of fighting between the two sides, the Israeli army was beaten to the ground and finally had to withdraw to its homeland.

Many countries have evacuated their nationals, and the Israeli army wants to fight Lebanon, and Vučić predicts: A bad situation is about to appear

(A popular farm truck in the Middle East, but this one is equipped with a 122mm 9K51 rocket)

Although in terms of war casualties, Israel killed a total of 156 people, wounded 1,750 people, and 2 soldiers were captured, while the Lebanese side killed 1,087 dead and wounded 3,568, but most of Israel's casualties were military, while most of Lebanese casualties were civilians, of which three-tenths were children, and Allah forces only lost a total of 65 people, in other words, in the Lebanese-Israeli war in 2006, the IDF actually failed to defeat Allah's forces. Just to vent your anger by massacring innocent civilians in Lebanon.

Many countries have evacuated their nationals, and the Israeli army wants to fight Lebanon, and Vučić predicts: A bad situation is about to appear

(Allah's rocket artillery)

Today, although the Israeli army is on a posture of large-scale attack, Allah is not a soft persimmon, and the main force of Allah today has 40,000 people, and there are tens of thousands of militia reservists, with a total strength of more than 100,000, and it is also supported by Shiite militias in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and other countries, and even distant Afghanistan has sent troops to support Allah, and all these armed organizations are unified under the command and dispatch of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and the outstretched five fingers are now clenched into fists, Just wait for Israel to rush over and be beaten.

Many countries have evacuated their nationals, and the Israeli army wants to fight Lebanon, and Vučić predicts: A bad situation is about to appear

(Allah drone reconnaissance of the Israeli port of Haifa and photographed the Israeli frigate clearly)

And more importantly, Allah just released a 9-minute video on social media not long ago, which shows a Allah drone, flying over the northern region of Israel, and almost all important military targets such as Israel's Haifa port, military bases, radar stations, command centers, and barracks, as well as important civilian targets such as power stations and waterworks, are all clearly reconnoitred, which means that Allah's intelligence work has been completely in place, and the coordinate parameters of all targets have long been determined. If the Israeli army really dares to attack Lebanon, then Allah will "attack" Israel in the face. Because Allah is different from Hamas, Allah is equipped with a large number of heavy weapons, including more than 200,000 rockets of various types, plus all kinds of missile weapons and drones, etc., Israel also admits that once the Israeli army launches a ground offensive against Lebanon, Allah can immediately make the entire northern region of Israel "power off for 72 hours".

Many countries have evacuated their nationals, and the Israeli army wants to fight Lebanon, and Vučić predicts: A bad situation is about to appear

(Heavy guided rocket weapons armed by Allah)

In fact, Serbian President Vučić made a prediction early on about the continuous deterioration of the current global situation, saying that "in the next three or four months, the world will have the worst situation since 1945." The implication is that a world war is highly likely. In fact, as early as more than a year ago, Vučić told the media that "the world is hovering on the brink of world war," so in order to defend against a possible war, since last year, Vučić has ordered to reserve oil, coal, steel, flour, sugar and other strategic materials in Serbia in order to prepare for a possible war.

Many countries have evacuated their nationals, and the Israeli army wants to fight Lebanon, and Vučić predicts: A bad situation is about to appear

(Serbian President Vučić)

As a small European country, Serbia has very little strategic room for manoeuvre, and it has also been forcibly deprived of control of Kosovo by NATO, so Serbia has no choice but to "dig deep holes and accumulate grain" in order to protect itself in a possible war. But we're different! Today, China is the world's largest industrial power, and we are basically no longer dependent on the West in terms of technology, but have built our own independent industrial system. Our industry is not only perfect, but also extremely large-scale, a very simple example: during the Spring Festival in February this year, during the 7 days of the festival, the gunpowder used in fireworks and firecrackers set off across the country was as high as 400,000 tons, which exceeded the total amount of gunpowder in the ammunition dropped in the two years of the Russian-Ukrainian war!

Many countries have evacuated their nationals, and the Israeli army wants to fight Lebanon, and Vučić predicts: A bad situation is about to appear

With such a huge industrial capacity, of course, we don't need to worry about any "world war", after all, after we decided to ban the export of nitrocellulose to NATO, NATO can't even produce shells at full capacity, such an unbearable industrial level, where does it have the courage to confront us, and what kind of "world war" to fight? It's just a joke!

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