
There is a huge disparity in strength! The Israeli army burned a city with white phosphorus bombs, but Lebanon fired back with 35 missiles

author:Dream chasing Xiao Bang

The Middle East is back in flames: The Lebanese border is full of gunpowder

The Middle East has always been a powder keg, and from time to time there will be sparks. Recently, the tension on the border between Lebanon and Israel has exploded like a lit firecracker, making people shudder to watch.

There is a huge disparity in strength! The Israeli army burned a city with white phosphorus bombs, but Lebanon fired back with 35 missiles

White phosphorus bombs and drones: a prelude to the escalation of the conflict

Speaking of which, we have to mention the Tinakula region. The place was as calm as something, but suddenly it was bombarded by the Israeli army.

There is a huge disparity in strength! The Israeli army burned a city with white phosphorus bombs, but Lebanon fired back with 35 missiles

They still use the kind of thing called white phosphorus bomb, which is not a joke, once it gets on the body, it can make people hurt to death, and it will have a long-term impact on the environment.

You say how ruthless this is, it's like what we usually call "killing chickens and taking eggs", for the sake of a little immediate benefit, regardless of the long-term consequences.

There is a huge disparity in strength! The Israeli army burned a city with white phosphorus bombs, but Lebanon fired back with 35 missiles

As for Lebanon, it is not vegetarian either. On the same day, explosions were heard in the Bekaa Valley to the east of them. A motorcycle rider was hit with precision by an Israeli drone, and it is said that he disappeared on the spot. At this time, the Lebanese side can be regarded as enraged, and the two sides go back and forth like this, and the smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger.

Rockets & Alerts: The night sky is no longer quiet

The Israelis were not idle, and the skies to the north were sieveed by rockets. The rockets flew from the Lebanese side, and it was like rain, and it was terrifying to watch. Fortunately, the Israeli army's Iron Dome air defense system was powerful and stopped most of the rockets.

There is a huge disparity in strength! The Israeli army burned a city with white phosphorus bombs, but Lebanon fired back with 35 missiles

But this series of attacks is like adding fuel to the fire of the land and making the situation even more tense.

Urgent appeal from the international community: calm and avoidance

Faced with this situation, the international community is also anxious. They have called on both sides to calm down and not let the situation escalate again. The U.S. Embassy in Lebanon has issued travel warnings telling everyone not to go there to join in the fun.

There is a huge disparity in strength! The Israeli army burned a city with white phosphorus bombs, but Lebanon fired back with 35 missiles

The United Nations is also anxious, and they warn that if the conflict escalates again, it will "burn down the company camp" and the whole region will suffer. That's right, once chaos breaks out in the Middle East, it's not a joke.

Fragile land, uncertainty about the future

Conflicts in the Middle East are so easy to resolve. There are religious contradictions here, territorial disputes there, and a whole host of historical issues. It is difficult to achieve true peace and stability in this land in a short period of time.

There is a huge disparity in strength! The Israeli army burned a city with white phosphorus bombs, but Lebanon fired back with 35 missiles

If these two sides continue to make trouble like this, it will only cause innocent people to suffer. Finding a mutually acceptable solution is a matter of sitting down and talking. The future of the Middle East is still fraught with uncertainty.

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