
The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

author:Bureau of Grotesque Science
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked in the article, please be aware.

The Middle East is "lively" again, with Israel bombarding Lebanon, where hundreds of thousands of people have taken refuge in the north. Many countries saw that the situation was not right, and quickly evacuated the local people, and more than 30 countries were very capable of getting involved in this chaos.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

At present, the entire Middle East region can be described as a gloomy cloud, and peace is once again shattered.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out
The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

The Israeli-Lebanese conflict has escalated

How did this scene begin? The cause of the incident is not Israel's recent attack on Allah forces in southern Lebanon. In normal times, this little action would have passed with one eye turned a blind eye.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

The Israeli army did not do this, and directly sent warplanes to attack Naybatiyah, the stronghold of Allah. This was not an easy stepping stone, but a full six hours of indiscriminate bombardment, which blew up people's military facilities to slag.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Allah immediately opened fire on them, rockets whizzed over, and directly blew up a personnel carrier of the Israeli army into scrap metal, causing three buddies to go up to the sky and seven to pieces. At this moment, the two sides really tore their faces, and the original petty fight suddenly added fuel to the fire, and it directly escalated into a full-scale war.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

As soon as the EU heard that the flames of war might rush to Cyprus, they immediately said: "As soon as the flames reach us, our fleet will have to do it immediately." "Look, this big show hasn't even officially opened yet, and the audience outside the venue can't sit still.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

As soon as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates heard that Western countries might be involved, they immediately took a stand and said: "If the West dares to enter the war, we will form a gang with Iran and Allah." "It's clearly a posture and ready to do a big job. If it really starts, at least more than 30 countries will have to be involved in this melee, and the Middle East is afraid that it will become a pot of stew again.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out
The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Balance of power between the parties

According to the annual report of the US Department of Defense, there are about 170,000 active military personnel in Israel, which are well-equipped, with more than 3,900 tanks, more than 670 warplanes, and 62 capital ships. These pieces of equipment can throw Arabs off several streets.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Turn your head and look at Allah, this main force in Lebanon, just 7,000 warm-hearted guys. Yes, they have a lot of toys in their hands - rockets, anti-tank missiles, etc., but when it comes to other conventional firepower, hey, that's pitifully weak. Compared with Israel's iron bucket lineup, they are like guerrillas with stone guns, they have hard energy, but real guns are far behind.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

What's more, Israel is secretly hiding the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East, which is their ultimate trump card. It's like in a game of cards, where someone else only has ordinary poker cards in their hands, but you have a few trump cards hidden in your hand, and the hole cards that can be turned over at the critical moment are in your hand.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Israel's nuclear arsenal puts it far ahead of the region's defense capabilities, as if it had an ultimate weapon that, once revealed, could turn the tide in an instant.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out
The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Civilians have suffered

Once a war breaks out, it is always the common people who suffer the most. This time was no exception, as 500,000 Lebanese were forced to flee their homes and flood into the cities and mountains of the north.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

The United Nations and the Lebanese government were also in a hurry, and immediately launched an emergency evacuation plan, as if they were in a race against time. As soon as they heard the sound of gunfire in the Middle East, the embassies of various countries immediately opened their doors and hurriedly evacuated their citizens, fearing that they would be one step too late, and their own family members would be accidentally injured by this firefight.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out
The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Deep-seated interest games

Why did the Israeli army launch a military strike at all costs, and why did Allah dare to attack this powerful military force head-on?

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

The territory, ethnicity, and religion of the Middle East are all issues like the old calendar, and all kinds of contradictions are mixed together, and they are destined to be a chaotic situation.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Let's start with Israel. As an important ally of the United States in the Middle East, Israel's position is very high. Israel is indispensable to what the United States has to do in the Middle East. And Israel has been constantly brushing up its presence in this eventful Middle East, showing itself as the leading role in this theater.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Looking at Allah, as the main armed force in Lebanon, they have a big backer behind them - Iran. Iran's support for Allah is not just lip service, but also includes aid, weapons, funds, and other aspects. Allah dares to provoke Israel because of this confidence.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

For Iran, Allah is its important spokesman in Lebanon and even in the entire Middle East, and through Allah, Iran can indirectly confront Israel and safeguard its regional interests.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

In fact, this whole drama is not only Israel and Allah pinching each other in the foreground, but also the two bigwigs of the United States and Iran playing a hot game on the chessboard of the Middle East. Israel and Allah? Oh, they're just pawns on the chessboard.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

By supporting Israel on the one hand, the United States wants to suppress Iran's limelight and maintain its status as a big brother in the Middle East. And what about Iran? They support Allah just to hold a big umbrella in their backyard to block the two sunshines that the United States and Israel always love to flicker.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

It can be said that behind this conflict is a fierce collision of the interests of major powers. The land of the Middle East is inherently a meeting point of all kinds of complex contradictions, including religious, ethnic, and territorial disputes. Every exchange of fire between Israel and Allah is not just a military confrontation, but also a microcosm of the great power game.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out
The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

The position and reaction of the Arab countries

In the current situation, the position and reaction of the Arab countries are simply a weather vane, which directly affects the direction of this new crisis in the Middle East.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Let's start with the Sunni powers of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. The strategic relationship between these countries and the United States is quite iron, and it can basically be said that they wear a pair of pants. These Sunni countries-dominated camps have strong support from the United States behind them, and they are also tough on their backs when they start a war.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Saudi Arabia has always played the role of "big brother" in the Middle East, especially against Iran, an old adversary, and they are not ambiguous at all.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Egypt is also a role to be reckoned with, and although it has been busy with domestic construction in recent years, it has not been soft when it should be tough on international affairs.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Not to mention the UAE, which has a strong economy and constantly upgraded armaments, it has long been no longer the small country that it used to be "only doing business".

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

On the other side is the camp led by Shiite countries such as Iran and Syria. Not to be outdone, these countries are also not to be outdone, especially Iran, which is simply the "hard-core big brother" of the Middle East. In the face of persecution from the United States and Sunni countries, Iran is an iron-clad old cannon that will never bow its head weakly.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Syria, although the civil war has made its head bleed, but with Iran behind it, it still sticks to its own one-third of an acre and does not give in.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out
The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out


In this great drama in the Middle East, on the one hand, Israel and Allah are going back and forth, and on the other hand, the major powers are secretly poking and prodding behind their backs. If you want to say what the ending will be, no one really dares to pack a ticket.

But one thing is certain: war is not good, it is always the common people who suffer. We all know that no matter how fierce the fight is, we still have to sit down and talk about it in the end, and peace is the long-term solution.

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

Here are the sources of information:

Israel continues to bomb Lebanon - Xinhuanet

The Israeli army bombarded Lebanon, many nationals evacuated urgently, and the army of 30 countries was on the verge of breaking out

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