
Strive to sail and be strong, bravely stand at the head of the tide and chase the waves - Bali Town, Danchang County, has made more efforts to promote rural revitalization with high quality

author:Gansu Economic Net

□ Liu Feng Liu Guoqing

The village road is wide and clean, the fields are full of greenery, and the square is full of laughter......

In the middle of summer, walking into Bali Town, which is located in the northeast of Danchang County, the fertile fields are "blue waves", the fields are brocade, the plastic greenhouses are neatly arranged, the beautiful courtyards are full of flowers, and the cement roads connect the villages and households...... A beautiful picture of the countryside that is suitable for living, working and traveling.

In recent years, Bali Town, Danchang County, has conscientiously implemented the overall work idea of "1346" of the county party committee and county government, taking the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy as the general starting point, closely focusing on industrial development, infrastructure construction, people's livelihood and well-being, ecological livability, and grassroots governance level improvement, focusing on highlighting the location and industrial advantages, highlighting the characteristics of the town, effectively promoting high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and workable villages, and prosperous farmers, and taking solid steps and achieving fruitful results in accelerating the new journey of rural revitalization.

Strive to sail and be strong, bravely stand at the head of the tide and chase the waves - Bali Town, Danchang County, has made more efforts to promote rural revitalization with high quality
Strive to sail and be strong, bravely stand at the head of the tide and chase the waves - Bali Town, Danchang County, has made more efforts to promote rural revitalization with high quality

Strong engine: Let "characteristic industries" become the leader of development

For rural revitalization, industry is the root.

Bali Town adheres to the industrial revitalization as the foundation and key to rural revitalization, focuses on strengthening the leader, replenishing the chain, developing business formats, building brands, expanding multiple functions of agriculture, and realizing the upgrading of the whole industrial chain.

In the past two years, Bali Town has taken effective measures to create a strong atmosphere of valuing business and revitalizing business, pro-business and loving business, protecting business and securing business, and benefiting businessmen and wealthy businessmen, so as to attract businessmen from all over the world to invest in Bali Town. It has successively reached cooperation with Black Horse Agricultural Science and Technology Company and Gansu National Deer Breeding and Breeding Company, and introduced two projects of sheep breeding and sika deer breeding respectively. After the farm is put into use, the scale will reach more than 1,000 basic ewes, more than 4,000 fattening sheep, and more than 5,000 sheep can be slaughtered annually. The project can fully drive the surrounding people to plant forage, and at the same time absorb the local people to work nearby, broaden the income channels of farmers and herdsmen, and drive the town's sheep herd to reach 10,000 through demonstration.

At the same time, relying on the abundant grassland resources and a strong industrial development foundation, Bali Town has comprehensively revitalized idle factories, pastures and other resources, promoted the deep integration of animal husbandry and rural tourism, continuously improved the added value of the industry, and built the sika deer breeding, production and processing industry into a "model of Danchang". The total investment of the sika deer breeding project in Bali Town is 80 million yuan, the grassland fence is 4,000 acres, and the current stock reaches 1,100, and the annual output value is expected to reach 50 million yuan. The sika deer breeding project and the deer product production and processing project have become a new engine for the economic and social development of Bali Town, and a characteristic benchmark for the development of the county's animal husbandry industry.

Bali Town, combined with the green standardized planting of Chinese medicinal materials and the creation of GAP base, has revitalized the forces of all parties, and used the model of "party building + cooperatives + farmers" to build 3 centralized and continuous planting demonstration sites such as Zhongla, Xiala, and Shanzhuang, driving the planting area of Chinese medicinal materials for the masses in the town to reach 14,200 mu, with an estimated annual output value of more than 70 million yuan.

Relying on the three-year doubling plan of Danchang County, Bali Town has improved the quality and efficiency of the vegetable industry, combined with the measures of stubble inversion of traditional Chinese medicine, and grasped the development of the plateau summer vegetable industry as the leading industry for agricultural restructuring and farmers' income, and adopted the development and management model of "cooperatives + farmers" to guide the masses to transfer land and promote the continuous cluster development of plateau summer vegetables. Vigorously promote the planting of cauliflower and other plateau summer vegetables, build a large-scale and standardized planting demonstration base of 300 acres in Xiala Village, and break out a new way to plant stubble with Chinese medicinal materials and the income is not reduced. Relying on the research project of Professor Wang Tianzhi of the School of Environment of Tianjin University - the efficient vegetable planting technology of micro and nano bubble irrigation facilities, and the introduction of pollution-free cultivation technology, seedling substrate formula and seedling management technology of Tianjin University provides high-quality vegetables for the market. technology, providing the market with high-quality vegetables. The vegetable industry has become a characteristic industry for farmers in Bali Town to increase their income and get rich, and truly integrate the industrial development with the people's income and prosperity.

Strive to sail and be strong, bravely stand at the head of the tide and chase the waves - Bali Town, Danchang County, has made more efforts to promote rural revitalization with high quality
Strive to sail and be strong, bravely stand at the head of the tide and chase the waves - Bali Town, Danchang County, has made more efforts to promote rural revitalization with high quality

Beautiful Exterior: Let the Living Environment Shift to "Global Butterfly Change"

Walking into Shimen Village, Bali Town, the farmhouse courtyards are scattered, with white walls and red tiles, small bridges and flowing water, lush trees, flowers in full bloom, the road is in the green, and people are in the scenery...... "Speaking of the changes in the past few years, I am deeply touched. In the past, there were no more mounds of soil and firewood piled up in front of and behind the house, and there were special personnel responsible for collecting garbage; At night, when the lights are on, people dance square dances, and now we live more and more comfortably, and the days are getting better and better. Ma Heya, a villager in Shimen Village, was full of emotion.

Bali Town regards the improvement of the rural living environment as the key task of implementing rural revitalization, continues to increase the intensity of environmental sanitation rectification, and makes every effort to create a better environment for the production and life of the masses.

In the process of promoting the renovation of the human settlements, Bali Town has innovated and formed a good working model of the party committee leading, party members taking the lead, mass participation, and public welfare posts, combined with the improvement project of the human settlements environment, based on the village conditions and village appearance of Zhagu Village, focusing on the details and focusing on the actual situation, actively carrying out village purification, greening, beautification, and creating small scenic spots according to local conditions, planting red leaf plums, willows, marigolds, zinnias, cosmos, clovers, etc. on both sides of the road, paving and hardening the village roads and lanes, and comprehensively improving and upgrading the living environment.

Nowadays, strolling in the streets and alleys of Bali Town, the green, clean and beautiful pastoral picture is displayed everywhere, showing a fresh and elegant beautiful scenery, which makes people forget to return and feel relaxed.

Strive to sail and be strong, bravely stand at the head of the tide and chase the waves - Bali Town, Danchang County, has made more efforts to promote rural revitalization with high quality
Strive to sail and be strong, bravely stand at the head of the tide and chase the waves - Bali Town, Danchang County, has made more efforts to promote rural revitalization with high quality

Convex Advantage: Promoting Rural Governance to a "New Height"

Rural governance, people's security, and national stability. How to stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses for self-government and let the masses actively participate in rural governance has become a new topic in front of Bali Town.

Bali Town, Danchang County, actively explores a new model of rural governance, with the goal of improving the ability of grassroots governance, establishes a village-level comprehensive management center organization, and deeply integrates the "1234" work method of Longnan Civil Straight Talk, the "Thursday People's Face-to-face" activity, the petition work, the "big visit, big investigation, big resolution" work of contradictions and disputes, and the grid management work, and goes deep into the masses to take the initiative to popularize the law, and effectively solve the village affairs in the village, the neighborhood affairs in the community, and the family affairs in the household, and effectively achieve that major events do not leave the town. Small things do not leave the village, and a good legal atmosphere has been created in the whole town to do things according to the law, find the law in case of trouble, solve problems and use the law, and resolve conflicts by relying on the law, guiding the masses to consciously abide by the law, learn the law, abide by the law, and use the law, which has injected a strong force into the construction of a beautiful village.

Li Xiangyu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Bali Town, said: "As the most basic social unit at the grassroots level, we have strengthened grassroots governance through the guidance of party building, focused on promoting social stability, and embarked on a road of party building leading rural good governance. ”

The charm of the eight forces shows a new look, and rural revitalization is sailing. Nowadays, the environment here is clean, the neighbors are helping each other, living in harmony, the village management is orderly, the environment is beautiful, and the industry is thriving, depicting a new picture of the beautiful countryside that is suitable for living, working and traveling, and the villagers have a stronger sense of gain, a higher sense of happiness, and a greater sense of security.