
After the Philippines softened, the West also became polite. UK: The South China Sea has been Chinese territory since ancient times

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

Abstract: Recently, China's law enforcement actions against the illegal invasion of Philippine ships have surprised many Western countries, triggering a series of reactions and position adjustments from the international community. Particularly striking was the UK's shift in stance, with the UK government emphasizing that the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Agreement is limited to the Philippines and does not include disputed islands in the South China Sea. The University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom published an article pointing out that the South China Sea has always belonged to China's territory, and China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea. Netizen: Since the British are so polite, we can also remain silent on the Falklands issue.

Watch the video: British and French archives recognize that the islands in the South China Sea belong to China


The maritime confrontation between China and the Philippines has drawn international repercussions, and the West's attitude has changed subtly, with the United Kingdom speaking out in support of China's position in the South China Sea

Recently, the maritime confrontation between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea has aroused global attention, especially China's law enforcement actions against the illegal intrusion of Philippine ships, which have surprised many Western countries and triggered a series of reactions and position adjustments from the international community. Within 72 hours of the incident, on June 23 and June 25, the Philippines asked for dialogue with China twice, highlighting the awkward situation.

After the Philippines softened, the West also became polite. UK: The South China Sea has been Chinese territory since ancient times

Australia first showed pragmatism by announcing its readiness to strengthen cooperation with China in the area of ore trade, which seems to contrast with its previous tough rhetoric. This was followed by a closed-door meeting between German automakers and the government to consider putting pressure on China to change its policy towards Europe, demonstrating the importance that the German business community attaches to continued cooperation with China.

After the Philippines softened, the West also became polite. UK: The South China Sea has been Chinese territory since ancient times

Prime Minister of Australia

France's vacillation over whether to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles shows a trade-off between economic interests and geopolitical considerations. Neighboring Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea have remained silent, with no official statements or military moves, and they have not responded directly to the Chinese navy's operational training in the South China Sea and the deployment of amphibious assault ships close to the Philippines.

After the Philippines softened, the West also became polite. UK: The South China Sea has been Chinese territory since ancient times

Particularly striking was the UK's shift in stance, with both the UK government and academics emphasizing that the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Agreement is limited to the Philippines and does not include disputed islands in the South China Sea. The University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom published an article pointing out that the South China Sea has always belonged to China's territory and China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea, and this academic endorsement indirectly denies the rationality of the direct military intervention between the United States and the West in the dispute between China and the Philippines.

After the Philippines softened, the West also became polite. UK: The South China Sea has been Chinese territory since ancient times

Although the United States has condemned China's actions, it has not followed up with substantial military support, and has only paid lip service, showing that the United States is cautious and limited in its handling of such incidents. This series of actions by the United Kingdom not only reveals the pragmatic tendencies in international relations, but also serves as a wake-up call for the Philippines that its provocative actions in the South China Sea will be isolated without clear international law support and substantial external assistance.

After the Philippines softened, the West also became polite. UK: The South China Sea has been Chinese territory since ancient times

This incident once again proves that the international community is more inclined to maintain stability and peaceful development in dealing with complex maritime disputes, rather than simply following the position of a certain country and blindly confronting each other. As for the unrealistic illusions that still exist among the Filipino people, the Chinese side has expressed a clear attitude: it is willing to settle disputes through dialogue, but it will resolutely defend any infringement of China's sovereignty and is ready to respond at any time.

Netizen: Westerners worship the "law of the jungle", if you are stronger than him, he immediately accepts his fate.

The idea that Westerners worship the "law of the jungle" and immediately resign themselves to their fate when they encounter a stronger opponent reflects certain stereotypes and criticisms of Western culture and values. Here's an analysis of that perspective:

After the Philippines softened, the West also became polite. UK: The South China Sea has been Chinese territory since ancient times
  1. Over-competitiveness: This idea implies that Western societies place such an overemphasis on competition that the "law of the jungle" is universally accepted. This can lead to tensions within society, a lack of cooperation between individuals, and a possible erosion of social harmony.
  2. Lack of resilience: The belief that Westerners will immediately "resign" when faced with a stronger opponent may mean that in some cases, there is a lack of perseverance and resistance in the face of adversity, or a tendency to give up in the face of difficulties. France's frequent capitulation is also a corroboration.
  3. Moral relativism: If the "law of the jungle" is seen as a guiding principle, it can lead to the relativization of moral standards, i.e., certain moral principles can be sacrificed for the sake of victory and profit, which may be criticized as a lack of absolute moral positions.
  4. Excessive individualism: Western culture is often perceived as highly individualistic, and this "law of the jungle" concept may exacerbate the phenomenon of individual interests taking precedence over collective interests, which can lead to a decline in social cohesion.
  5. Ignoring fairness and justice: If might is right, then this may mean that in practice, the standards of fairness and justice will change according to the needs of the strong, and the rights and interests of the weak may not be fully protected.
  6. Cultural bias: This view can itself be a cultural bias that simplifies the diversity and complexity of Western culture, ignoring the same pursuit of the values of harmony, cooperation, and fairness that exist in Western societies.
  7. Double standards in foreign policy: In international relations, if the "law of the jungle" is truly followed, it may manifest itself in the oppression of weak and small countries, while at the same time emphasizing democracy and human rights in propaganda, such internal and external inconsistencies may be seen as hypocrisy.
After the Philippines softened, the West also became polite. UK: The South China Sea has been Chinese territory since ancient times

It is important to note that these criticisms are not comprehensive, and similar problems can be found in any culture and society. Every society and culture has its own complexity and diversity that cannot be summed up simply by a single label.

Netizens hotly discussed:

  • Since the British are so polite, we can also be silent on the Falklands issue.
  • Hu people are afraid of power but not virtue, the ancestors have said it a long time ago, why don't they understand.
  • The villain is not afraid of virtue, you have to communicate with him in a way that he can understand, right?
  • It has been like this since ancient times, and I still speak with strength, hoping that my motherland will become stronger and stronger!


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