
At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

Abstract: On June 29, 2024, the world's highest-profile military event of the year, the 2024 Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC), was officially launched in Hawaii and its surrounding waters on June 27. At the critical moment, the Chinese Navy strongly deployed a number of 055 large drives, carrying a large number of YJ-21 missiles, into the South China Sea and surrounding waters to demonstrate its strength. Netizen: At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous.

Watch the video: At the beginning of the RIMPAC military exercise, the Chinese navy may be approaching the doorstep of the United States


Video source: Maritime Pioneer

Preamble: 29 countries participated in the "RIMPAC 2024" exercise to strengthen the joint combat capability of many countries

On June 29, 2024, the world's highest-profile military event of the year, the 2024 Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC), officially kicked off on June 27 in Hawaii and its surrounding waters. The exercise, led by the United States, brought together a large military force from 29 countries and regions.

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

The Rim of the Pacific exercise, the 53rd in a series since 1971, was a massive exercise involving 40 surface ships, three submarines, 14 ground forces and more than 150 advanced aircraft of all kinds. Not only is the exercise unprecedented in scale, but it is also designed to cover a wide range of operational needs, from anti-submarine warfare to multi-ship surface warfare to multi-nation amphibious landings and multi-axis defense of aircraft carrier strike groups.

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

As the exercise progresses, participating countries will further enhance military interoperability through high-intensity, combat-oriented joint exercises, laying a solid foundation for a diverse range of missions such as responding to security threats, natural disaster relief, and humanitarian assistance in the region.

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

Response: The Chinese Navy has deployed a number of 055 large drives, carrying a large number of YJ-21 missiles, to sail into the South China Sea and surrounding waters to demonstrate its strength

In recent days, the Chinese navy has significantly increased its activities in the South China Sea and surrounding waters, demonstrating its growing maritime power and strategic assertiveness. According to reports, at least five advanced Type 055 10,000-ton destroyers are carrying a total of about 560 vertical launch cells and a large number of YJ-21 missiles, marking an unprecedented level of the Chinese Navy's military presence in key waters.

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

Dock landing ship 071

In the direction of the South China Sea, four Type 055 destroyers, the aircraft carrier Shandong, the amphibious assault ship 075, the dock landing ship 071, and other frigates and destroyers formed a large-scale aircraft carrier battle group and carried out a campaign-level deployment. The Shandong's approach to the waters near the Philippines, and its carrier-based J-15 fighter jets cover US military bases on Luzon Island, including newly deployed medium-range missile systems and MQ-9 drone bases, forming an effective deterrent to the Philippines and its backer, the United States.

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

Shandong ship

At the same time, a 055 destroyer and supply ship formation of the Chinese Navy passed through the Sea of Japan, a trip that not only highlighted the Chinese Navy's long-range cruising capabilities, but also hinted at the possibility of joint exercises with the Russian Pacific Fleet in the Sea of Japan or the North Pacific Ocean in the future, further expanding the scope of strategic cooperation.

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

Lhasa ship

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

Supply ships

It is noteworthy that the USS Roosevelt left the South China Sea at a critical period and went to the Middle East, giving up the option of direct involvement in the South China Sea disputes. This move has been interpreted as a sign of the U.S. caution in the face of China's assertive naval deployment, revealing its ambivalence between stirring up regional tensions and actual military involvement.

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

USS Roosevelt

The Chinese Navy's large-scale deployment is not only a demonstration of actual combat deterrence, but also sends a clear signal that China, as a responsible major country, has the ability and determination to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, while resolutely responding to any provocations. The move is a powerful warning to countries such as the Philippines trying to take aggressive action in the South China Sea, and it also forces the United States to reassess its intervention strategy in the region.

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

Amphibious assault ship 075

To sum up, the Chinese Navy's series of actions are not only a direct response to the so-called "freedom of navigation" operation of the United States, but also a powerful countermeasure to the attempts of neighboring countries to create incidents with the help of external forces. In the restructuring of the global maritime security landscape, the Chinese Navy is proving its determination and ability to maintain regional peace and stability with concrete actions.

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous.

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

055 Turn on the hair system

The Type 055 destroyer is a 10,000-ton missile destroyer of the Chinese Navy, with a very powerful firepower configuration and 112 vertical launch units (VLS). These vertical launch units are capable of launching a wide range of missiles, including cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and anti-submarine missiles, and have high combat flexibility and firepower density. The Type 055 destroyer has a firepower range of more than 2,500 kilometers, directly deterring the 29-nation coalition forces that are exercising in Hawaii and nearby waters. In the face of this situation, the United States can only swallow its anger.

At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous
  1. International Law and Freedom of Navigation: The navigation of navies in international waters is based on the right to freedom of navigation guaranteed by international law, including the right of innocent passage on the high seas and in the exclusive economic zone. It is the legitimate right of Chinese naval vessels to enter the Sea of Japan or conduct exercises in international waters, as long as they abide by the rules of international law, and the actions of the United States and its allies in the South China Sea are based on the same legal basis. Therefore, the actions of either party need to be carried out within the framework of international law and will not easily escalate into direct confrontation.
  2. Strategic Balance and Deterrence: China sends advanced ships, such as Type 055 destroyers, to conduct exercises or patrols in the far seas, likely to demonstrate its growing naval strength and determination to protect national interests if necessary. This show of power is aimed at demonstrating to potential adversaries the combat effectiveness and rapid reaction capability of the Chinese Navy, thereby achieving a certain strategic deterrent effect. Even if the United States and its allies are dissatisfied or worried, they will carefully assess the consequences of a direct response to avoid unnecessary escalation of the conflict.
  3. Multilateral Relations and Diplomatic Considerations: In a complex international political and security landscape, direct military confrontation is often not the first choice, and diplomacy and multilateral cooperation have become the main ways to resolve differences. As the leader of multinational joint military exercises, the actions of the United States will be influenced by the policies of its allies, international public opinion, and overall strategic objectives. In the face of the Chinese Navy's actions, the United States may choose to communicate through diplomatic channels, strengthen coordination among allies, or adjust its strategic deployment, rather than direct confrontation.
At the delicate moment of the 29-nation joint exercise, the Chinese 055 destroyer sailed into the Sea of Japan, and the United States was very nervous

055 drive

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Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only

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