

author:Hee-Chun Music

In the vast river of time, we are often intoxicated by the beautiful poems that depict growing old together, as if the picturesque scene is the most brilliant final chapter of love. However, the truth of life is often more nuanced and complex. Youth, this splendid and warm world, not only gives birth to endless vitality and hope, but also quietly hides some indescribable regrets.

These regrets are like a touch of light ink on the picture scroll of youth, although they are not strong, but they add a bit of truth and depth. They may be because of a missed encounter, or because of an unfinished dream, or because of an unexpressed emotion. But it is these regrets that make the memories of youth so vivid and unforgettable.


They are like crystalline pearls, connecting the memories of our youth, making every moment shine with a unique light. Those regrets are not only the testimony of our growth, but also the most precious wealth in our hearts. Because they make us cherish every moment in front of us more and pursue our dreams more courageously.

When we look back on the past, we might as well look at those regrets with a grateful heart. It is they that make our youth more complete and more moving. In the long river of years, let us embrace every regret with an open-minded heart and let them become the eternal scenery in our lives.


Youth is a time full of dreams and pursuits. With a vision for the future, we are courageously pursuing our ideals. In the process, we have met many people, experienced many things, and left many indelible memories. These memories may be sweet or bitter, but they are the truest portrayal of youth.

On the stage of youth, love always plays an important role. We are eager to spend our lives hand in hand with our loved ones, and look forward to the beauty of growing old together. However, the reality is often not as good as it could be. Sometimes, we miss each other for a variety of reasons; Sometimes, we hurt each other because we are young and vigorous. These regrets make us more mature on the road of growth, and also make us cherish the happiness in front of us more.


It is these regrets that make youth more colorful and colorful. They are like a unique landscape, decorating our youth. When we look back, those regrets may become our most valuable treasure. Because they allow us to learn to cherish, learn to grow, and learn to be strong.

In the journey of life, we will encounter many people and things. There are people and things that will accompany us through long years; Others are just passing by. But no matter what, we should cherish every experience, every relationship. Because it is these experiences and feelings that make up our colorful life.


When we face the regrets of our youth, we don't have to be too sad and regretful. Instead, we should learn to draw strength and wisdom from it. Let us embrace every regret and cherish every moment with a grateful heart. Because it is these regrets and moments that make our lives more exciting.

Let us express our deepest gratitude to those who have painted a colorful picture of youth for us. They are the companions of the years, accompanying us through the river of youth and stirring up the waves of youth; They are also a catalyst for growth, allowing us to spread our wings and fly high in the tempering of regrets, like a phoenix nirvana.


These precious souls, like stars, dot the night sky of our lives, becoming the brightest light in the depths of our hearts. Let us have a grateful heart, remember their every contribution, and cherish their every companionship. It is with them that our youth can bloom with brilliant and colorful light, shine brightly and never fade.