
Jasmine is easy to be "hungry" in summer, feed 3 kinds of fertilizer, the flower buds are swishing, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and wafting all over the house

author:Sister Rong Flower House

When the jasmine flowers bloom, the jade bone ice skin will give people a refreshing feeling after seeing it in the hot summer. In addition, the floral fragrance makes people feel very comfortable, especially when brewing a cup of jasmine tea, it can drive away the heat and make people feel comfortable.

Jasmine is easy to be "hungry" in summer, feed 3 kinds of fertilizer, the flower buds are swishing, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and wafting all over the house

Because the flowering period of jasmine is in summer, it grows very quickly in summer, so it is easy to be "hungry".

1. Alum fertilizer water

Raising jasmine is very suitable for using alum fertilizer water, because this fertilizer belongs to organic fertilizer, and it is a slightly acidic fertilizer, which can be said to have a mild character, does not like to burn roots, and can also meet the growth and flowering of jasmine. I don't know that jasmine leaves are green, and the flowers are many and fragrant.

Jasmine is easy to be "hungry" in summer, feed 3 kinds of fertilizer, the flower buds are swishing, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and wafting all over the house

How to make alum fertilizer water

(1) Raw materials:

The raw materials for making alum fertilizer water are: ferrous sulfate, soybean cake or bean dregs, you can also use fermented cake fertilizer, which is mild and easy to use, manure such as fermented sheep manure, fermented chicken manure, etc., all belong to organic fertilizer, as well as water.

(2) Production method:

1. Mix according to the ratio of ferrous sulfate, soybean cake, manure and water 1:3:5:100. For example, in a two-liter mineral water bottle, 10 grams of manure, 6 grams of bean cake, and 2 grams of ferrous sulfate can be added, and then enough water can be added to two liters.

Jasmine is easy to be "hungry" in summer, feed 3 kinds of fertilizer, the flower buds are swishing, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and wafting all over the house

2. Stir the mixture well and place it in a warm, sunny place to ferment. Be careful not to overfill the bottle as gas is produced during fermentation.

3. The fermentation time is usually 1 to 2 months, but it can take 3 to 5 months in winter. When the color of the fertilizer water changes to dark brown and there is no peculiar smell, it means that the fermentation is complete.

If you use fermented cake fertilizer and fermented sheep manure to make alum fertilizer water, the time to make a fortune will be faster, about 7 to 10 days, because these fertilizers are fermented fertilizers.

Jasmine is easy to be "hungry" in summer, feed 3 kinds of fertilizer, the flower buds are swishing, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and wafting all over the house

(3) How to use

1. During the growth period of jasmine, water the diluted alum fertilizer water for jasmine every 7 days, the ratio is about 1:50, and the concentration is recommended to be thinner, so that the thin fertilizer is applied frequently.

2. When using, it is recommended to use it when the soil is drier, so that the fertilizer efficiency is better. It is also important to ensure that the fertilizer water penetrates the soil sufficiently, but not excessively, and it is not recommended that the concentration is too high, so as not to cause root rot.

Jasmine is easy to be "hungry" in summer, feed 3 kinds of fertilizer, the flower buds are swishing, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and wafting all over the house

2. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers

In addition to using alum fertilizer water to promote the growth of jasmine without yellow leaves, so that the soil is loose and the root system is lush, it is also recommended to use phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote jasmine swishing buds, flowering and fragrant.

When jasmine begins to grow buds, diluted phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, are applied every 10 days at a concentration of about 0.2%. This will help the jasmine to form buds faster and make its flowers more vibrant, and it will also be a little more fragrant.

When the jasmine blooms, you need to stop using phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, as using them will only shorten the flowering period. Wait for the next time the jasmine buds grow again, use it again.

Jasmine is easy to be "hungry" in summer, feed 3 kinds of fertilizer, the flower buds are swishing, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and wafting all over the house

3. Trace element fertilizer

Jasmine also needs some trace elements in the growth process, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, etc., which also play an important role in the growth and flowering of jasmine.

Trace element fertilizers such as chelated iron, magnesium sulfate, etc., can be applied to jasmine once a month. These fertilizers can supplement the trace elements needed by jasmine to promote healthy growth.

When using, you only need to mix it with water and pour the fertilizer on the soil of jasmine roots, in order to ensure that the jasmine analysis can be absorbed, and then slowly released to promote the growth of jasmine. To help jasmine absorption, you can also loosen the soil before use.

Jasmine is easy to be "hungry" in summer, feed 3 kinds of fertilizer, the flower buds are swishing, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and wafting all over the house

In addition to fertilization, it is also necessary to do these well, so that jasmine flowers can bloom more and the flowers are fragrant

Get more sun:

Jasmine is a flower that loves sunlight very much, and more sunlight not only helps photosynthesis and accumulates energy for jasmine growth, but also helps jasmine grow buds and bloom.

Jasmine is not afraid of strong sun exposure, so even if the temperature is above 40 degrees, you can enjoy it to your heart's content. It's just that jasmine flowers that have not been exposed to the sun for a long time are not recommended to be directly exposed to strong light, but gradually receive warm sunlight and then raise them in full sun.

Jasmine is easy to be "hungry" in summer, feed 3 kinds of fertilizer, the flower buds are swishing, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and wafting all over the house

In addition to getting more sun, you also need to do a good job of ventilation, that is, open the windows frequently, or use a hanging flower stand, and hang jasmine flowers outside the balcony, which not only helps to bask in the sun, but also has good ventilation.

Water more

Jasmine loves water because it likes moist soil and moist air. But I don't like standing water, so don't let the pot have water for a long time when watering to prevent root rot.

To water jasmine, it is recommended to water the soil once after drying, that is, when the soil is 1 to 2 cm dry, you need to water it once in time, and don't let the soil be too dry. And when watering, it is recommended to water in the morning or evening.

Jasmine is easy to be "hungry" in summer, feed 3 kinds of fertilizer, the flower buds are swishing, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and wafting all over the house

Prune after flowering

Jasmine is also very resistant to pruning, because its flowers are at the top of the new branches, so it needs to be pruned in time after flowering, that is, leaving a pair of leaves under the flower branches, and all the branches above are cut off. The pruned branches can also be cut so that one pot can become multiple pots.

After the jasmine is pruned, the use of alum fertilizer water can promote the growth of jasmine, and the use of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can make the jasmine bud swish, and the rich fragrance of the flowers fills the house!

Jasmine is easy to be "hungry" in summer, feed 3 kinds of fertilizer, the flower buds are swishing, and the fragrance of flowers is rich and wafting all over the house


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