
Eat beans in the summer and meat in the summer! Share 3 nourishing delicacies to nourish the deficiency and yang, and strengthen the body

author:The gastronomic culture of the sea

Today, the maximum temperature in Beijing has risen to 34 degrees, and even the best areas in the northeast of the country, Dalian and Shenyang, are approaching 30 degrees. I looked at the calendar and found that it would be one of the 24 solar terms in a few days. As the saying goes: a small summer, a big summer, steaming and cooking! The arrival of the summer solar term means that dog days, the hottest phase of the year, are coming. At this time, there has been such a food saying among the people: eat beans in the summer and meat in the summer! Why?

Eat beans in the summer and meat in the summer! Share 3 nourishing delicacies to nourish the deficiency and yang, and strengthen the body

It turns out that when the summer heat is approaching, the temperature in many places across the country is generally high, so under such a hot and sultry weather, the body's own metabolism will be accelerated, and energy consumption will also increase.

Therefore, the ancients described it in the folk food saying, and its main intention is to supplement the weak body by eating: beans, vegetables, grains, and meat, so as to achieve the effect of strengthening the body. Share 3 delicacies, which can replenish the deficiency and nourish the yang, strengthen the body, it is recommended to save the collection and try it at home:

Eat beans in the summer and meat in the summer! Share 3 nourishing delicacies to nourish the deficiency and yang, and strengthen the body

1: Beans

Beans have always been the "leader" among vegetables, especially the "oil beans", a specialty of the Northeast region, have been high in recent years. I once saw farmers in the Northeast selling in the live broadcast room, and the price was 15 yuan a catty, which is really comparable to eating pork.

But who called it high in nutritional value and delicious in taste, even at such an expensive price, I saw that some Northeast Lao Tie in the developed areas of the south in the live broadcast room were still placing orders to buy. It can be seen that the quality of Northeast oil beans is really not ordinary, and it is delicious.

Eat beans in the summer and meat in the summer! Share 3 nourishing delicacies to nourish the deficiency and yang, and strengthen the body

Recommended recipe: Stewed potatoes with carob oil

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients: Prepare the ingredients for the processing of oil beans, potatoes, pork belly, green onions, ginger, garlic, star anise, lard (or ordinary cooking oil), thirteen spices, soybean paste, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, minced garlic and corn (optional), select the oil beans, break them into inch segments, peel the potatoes, cut them into hob pieces, and cut the pork belly into small pieces; Slice the green onions, slice the ginger and flatten the garlic.

Step 2: Melt the lard in the pot, add the pork belly, stir-fry over high heat, stir-fry until slightly burnt, add green onions, ginger, garlic, star anise, thirteen spices, stir-fry to bring out the fragrance, turn to the lowest heat, add soybean paste and light soy sauce, stir-fry over low heat to bring out the flavor of the sauce, pour in the beans, turn on high heat and stir-fry evenly, and fry all the beans until they are tender green.

Step 3: Add the potatoes, stir-fry evenly again, add water, the water does not need to be over the beans, it seems to be the end of the state, add the oyster sauce, stir well, after the water boils, cover the lid, turn to a slightly larger fire than low heat, simmer for 30 minutes, during which turn the bottom of the pot to avoid pasting the pot, turn to high heat to collect the juice, don't collect the soup too dry, add corn and minced garlic, and sprinkle some minced garlic before leaving the pot.

Eat beans in the summer and meat in the summer! Share 3 nourishing delicacies to nourish the deficiency and yang, and strengthen the body

2: Edamame

Edamame is also a "side dish" that many families who like to drink alcohol and eat cold vegetables in summer.

And the protein nutritional value of edamame is also very high, especially some elderly uncles, who often buy 3 taels of "salted braised edamame" when they drink at home, and then go home to fry a plate of peanuts, and then you can drink two cups with friends. In fact, this is also a kind of food culture that many people in Northeast China spend their time in summer.

Eat beans in the summer and meat in the summer! Share 3 nourishing delicacies to nourish the deficiency and yang, and strengthen the body

Recommended recipe: Edamame in salted water

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients: Prepare fresh edamame, star anise, bay leaves, cinnamon, cumin, dried chilies, ginger slices, green onions, salt, chicken essence, edible alkali, cool white boil, put the edamame into a large basin, add an appropriate amount of edible salt and water, scrub and rinse twice with running water.

Step 2: Use kitchen scissors to cut off a little bit of both ends of the edamame, put star anise, bay leaves, cinnamon, cumin, dried chilies, ginger slices, and green onion knots into a dry pot without oil and water, stir-fry over low heat until dry and fragrant, the salt is slightly yellow, add an appropriate amount of water, put in the green onion section, turn to medium heat and cook for 3-5 minutes after boiling, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste, pour out and cool.

Step 3: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add a little salt and edible alkali, put in edamame, pot under cold water, boil over high heat, turn to medium heat and cook for 5 minutes, remove the edamame, put it in the cool white boil and quickly cool, remove the edamame, put it in the cooled water, soak for more than 1 hour, remove the edamame, and put it on a plate.

Eat beans in the summer and meat in the summer! Share 3 nourishing delicacies to nourish the deficiency and yang, and strengthen the body

3: Lamb

As the saying goes: a bowl of soup for a sheep, no need for a miracle doctor to prescribe medicine! It can be seen that when the dog days of summer are approaching, eating a bowl of hot "mutton soup" during the summer solar term is still very nourishing for the body. Mutton itself has the effect of raising the sun and replenishing deficiency. In summer, the human spleen and stomach are weak and the physical energy consumption is too large, so proper consumption of mutton soup can play a role in nourishing the body and nourishing yang.

Recommended recipe: lamb and radish soup

Step 1: Prepare radish, mutton, green onions, ginger slices, Sichuan pepper, cinnamon, bay leaves, star anise, dried chilies, coriander, rock sugar, cooking oil, dark soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, sesame oil, clean the mutton, cut it into small pieces for later use, clean the white radish, peel and cut it into small pieces with a hob, and prepare an appropriate amount of green onions, ginger slices, peppercorns, cinnamon, bay leaves, star anise, and dried chili peppers.

Eat beans in the summer and meat in the summer! Share 3 nourishing delicacies to nourish the deficiency and yang, and strengthen the body

Step 2: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put the mutton into the pot, boil over high heat, first skim off the foam, then remove the mutton, control the water, add oil to the hot pan, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar or white sugar, boil the sugar color over low heat, wait for the white sugar to boil, boil until it is colored, add the mutton, stir-fry evenly, add the appropriate amount of rice wine or cooking wine to remove the fish, add the appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, stir-fry evenly, put in the prepared green onion segments, ginger slices, peppercorns, cinnamon, bay leaves, star anise, dry chili pepper, stir-fry evenly, stir-fry the seasoning until fragrant, after the mutton is fried until colored, add hot water, Cover the lamb with water.

Step 3: Cover the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, turn down the heat, simmer for 30 minutes, open the lid, add an appropriate amount of salt, cover the pot and simmer for another 30 minutes, put in the radish pieces, stir well, cover the pot, simmer for another 15 minutes, then boil, drop in two drops of sesame oil, stir well, you can turn off the heat and remove from the pot, after putting it out of the pot, sprinkle some coriander to decorate.

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