
Ten jokes: My dad took me to dinner and said that his old classmate had brought his daughter as well

author:Today's laugh

Let's talk about my brother's troubles when he was a child: I fell asleep in the tank in a peek-a-boo, and my grandparents didn't find me when they were eating, and then I mobilized the whole village to look for them, up the mountain, down the river, and in the woods..... After searching for several hours and still not finding it, my grandparents were desperate and ready to call someone to the town to call the police! At this point, I pushed the lid open from the vat and crawled out. What's wrong, has it been robbed? What about so many people? When my grandfather saw me coming up, my grandmother hugged me tightly: It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.....! My grandfather has been dead for many years, and twenty years have passed since this is still very deep in my mind, maybe for a lifetime! Because, that kick is love!

When I was studying, I bought an electric car, and since I rode it a lot, my leg spacing became wider. Then I got a boyfriend. He asked me why it was so wide underneath, and I said on a bike. He didn't believe it.

Ten jokes: My dad took me to dinner and said that his old classmate had brought his daughter as well

Every time I quarrel with my wife, she has to go back to her parents' house, and I never pick her up, anyway, I will come back in a few days. Yesterday we had another quarrel, and after thinking about it carefully, I felt that I couldn't stand her, so I went to pick her up. As soon as I arrived at my father-in-law's house, my father-in-law said: I haven't seen you once in half a year, where is your wife?

My buddy recently broke up with his female ticket, and he doesn't like drinks, so he said to me: You take all the drinks! Me: Don't you like to drink female tickets? Dude: Don't give it to the dog! I:......

The man made the mistress pregnant, and he was afraid that his wife would know, so he let her have an abortion, and the woman resolutely refused. Helplessly, the man arranged for her to go back to her hometown in the northwest to give birth. The woman said: How can I notify you when the baby is born? Male answer: When I was born, I sent a postcard with "Lanzhou Ramen" written on it. I will send my living expenses on time. One night after October, his wife handed the man a postcard, and the man quietly took it and fainted immediately! The wife immediately called 120, and the doctor asked the wife: Why did your husband suddenly have a heart problem? The wife said she didn't know, and that's it after he read the postcard. I saw that the postcard wrote: There are four bowls of Lanzhou ramen, two bowls have sausages, and two bowls do not!

Ten jokes: My dad took me to dinner and said that his old classmate had brought his daughter as well

There is a goddess-level girl in the dormitory, and she was wearing makeup that day, and I asked her if she had a date? She said that she didn't know where to go yet, so she posted a message in the circle of friends when she was about to draw: It's a weekend, it's boring. After a while, more than a dozen replies were arranged, and she chose one and went. I also learned from her to post one, it was boring on the weekend, and after 20 minutes, I received 7 likes......

My dad took me to dinner and said that his old classmate had brought his daughter to come, and asked me to behave well and try to win, saying that this was also what his old classmate meant. At the dinner table, the girl was playing with her mobile phone without raising her head, and my dad kicked my foot, meaning that I would take the initiative to find something to talk about. I kicked the girl's foot with bad intentions, and the girl stood up and said to her father, "What are you always kicking me for, you two adults are here, what can I talk to people about?" Really! ”

I remember playing with a girl named WX (pinyin abbreviation) when I was a kid. At the end of the day after class, she gave me a note with four letters on it: W X H N. I cried after reading it, why did she hate me.

Ten jokes: My dad took me to dinner and said that his old classmate had brought his daughter as well

When we were poor, we had nothing to do when we were poor, and during a summer vacation, we were picking loaches in the mud in the rice fields with our bare feet with a group of friends in the village. Later, he happily played a mud fight, knocked down a large piece of rice, and the people also made the whole body stinky mud, and only two eyes could be seen moving. Just let my neighbor Aunt Guo see it, and she angrily picked up a branch and greeted me with a "crackle"! Beating and scolding to rush to her house, I was crying and wondering. When I got to her house, I was told to kneel on the ground, and she carried a bucket of water to my head, and washed the mud off my face. Aunt Guo exclaimed in surprise, Huh! What did you do wrong? What about my son Guo Laosan...?

A buddy went to buy chicken rolls and said to the boss: "Give me one, don't have chili, put me more meat, put it, put it again, put it again, put it again, put it again, put it again, put it again......", the boss looked up at him: "I'll roll you a chicken!" ”