
The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

author:Sina Fujian Sanming Channel

2024 new students of primary schools in Sanyuan District

Registration is coming soon

So how do I register online?

What do I need to pay attention to when registering?

Let's take a look~

01 Registration Period

Registration time: 8:00 on July 1 to 24:00 on July 3

(Tips: In order to avoid network congestion, you can stagger the registration)

Eligible enrollment targets should register on the platform, and if the online registration is unsuccessful or the registration materials cannot be authenticated online, please go to the school in the area from July 2 to 3 to handle it on-site. Parents who fail to register within the time limit will be deemed to have waived their rights.

02 Registration platform

You can enter the registration system through the [eSanming] APP or log in to the [Sanming Online Public Service Platform].

1. e-Sanming APP

Download the [eSanming] APP, click Login/Register in [Personal Center], and complete the L4 face recognition authentication after registration. Note: You can use Min Zhengtong account and password to log in directly.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

Click here to jump directly to download the e-Sanming APP

Landing Page:

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

Registration page:

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

L4 Face Recognition Authentication Entrance:

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

Entrance to point enrollment (entrance opens on July 1st)

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide
The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

2. Log in to the online public service platform of Sanming City

Log in to the website of [Sanming Online Public Service Platform], click [Points Admission] to enter the registration system.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

Screenshot of the website

03 Detailed explanation of the operation of the e-Sanming platform

(1) Enter the registration portal - select the corresponding registration type

The types of enrollment are divided into: the first batch of enrollment ("three unifications" and educational preferential treatment objects), the second and third batches of enrollment ("two unifications" and migrant children).

(2) Basic Information tab

Select the registration area, registration type, and school in the area, confirm that the information is correct, and click [Next].

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

First Batch of Admissions:

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

The second and third batches of enrollment:

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

(3) Student Information tab

On the student information page, please select the student's name, select the type of certificate, fill in the certificate number, gender, date of birth, current residential address, detailed address, upload the original photo of the student's birth medical certificate, if it is "Elder and Young Student", please select [Yes] and fill in the relevant information and upload the relevant materials, and click [Next] after confirming that the information is correct. (Reminder: Those who have already applied for "learning with the elderly" on the platform do not need to apply in writing to the school in the area.) )

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

"Two unifications" have a three-yuan district household registration, and the children who move with them need to upload the original photo of the real estate certificate of the renting owner.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

(4) Guardian Information tab

Fill in the guardian's name, certificate type, certificate number, kinship, mobile phone number, work unit, and the information of the guardian 3 should be filled in for the registration of the grandparents' real estate, and click [Next] after confirming that the information is correct.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

(5) Student's household registration tab

Fill in the student's household registration location, household registration details (click on the small blue print to view the filling specifications), and the relationship with the head of household, and click [Next] after confirming that the information is correct.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

(6) Guardian's household registration page

Fill in the guardian's name, household registration location, and household registration details (click on the blue small print to view the filling specifications), and click [Next] after confirming that the information is correct.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

(7) Real estate information tab

Select the property right type, fill in the property owner, and the property right certificate number (click on the blue small print to view the property right number filling standard).

There is no real estate information tab for education preferential treatment and migrant children.


1. If the proportion of real estate queried by the system does not exceed 51%, or the household registration of the property owner is inconsistent with the real estate, please upload the marriage certificate and other real estate certificates of the property.

2. If you have not registered in the system or cannot inquire about the real estate, please bring the relevant real estate certificate to the registered school for on-site verification from July 2nd to July 3rd.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

[Click to query] will automatically jump out of the property information, and click [Next] after confirming that the information is correct.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

(8) Social Security Information tab

The system automatically identifies the number of months of social security payment of guardians, checks one of the guardians as the scoring basis, and clicks [Submit Registration] after confirming that the information is correct (there is no social security information tab for educational preferential treatment objects).


1. This registration system can inquire about the social security payment time of the insured personnel of the government agencies, enterprises and institutions directly under the municipal government and Sanyuan District. The duration of social security payment for insured personnel of provincial government agencies, enterprises, and institutions directly stationed in Ming shall be certified by the unit where they work, and submitted to the school offline for review and scoring.

2. The working hours of the insured personnel of the endowment insurance institutions and institutions before October 2014 shall be issued by the unit where they work and submitted to the school for review and scoring offline;

3. If the enterprise employee pension insurance (including flexible employment personnel) participates in the enterprise employee pension insurance before January 1, 2008, please go to the social security center to issue relevant certificates and submit them to the school for review and scoring offline;

4. Persons who have made a one-time supplementary payment of social endowment insurance across 2008 (such as a one-time supplementary payment of social endowment insurance from 2006 to 2010 in 2010) shall go to the social security center to issue a payment certificate in person;

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

(9) Residence Permit Information Tab

The "two unified" subjects (students who are not registered in Sanming City) and the children who move with them need to fill in the guardian's residence permit information and student residence permit information tabs (the residence permit status system automatically identifies them).


1. According to the enrollment policy, the guardian of the relocated child or the relocated child holds a residence permit in the Sanyuan jurisdiction (obtained before December 31, 2023) and has actually lived in the jurisdiction for more than 1 year.

2. When the status of the residence permit is: "cancelled", "suspended", "invalid", "(empty)", the system will treat the certificate as invalid according to the policy document.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

(10) Personal Center

[Personal Center] can view basic information, review status, points details, voluntary filling and admission results.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

Voluntary filling objects: "three unification" objects and schools with the number of educational preferential treatment objects exceeding the enrollment plan, "two unification" objects (students have household registration in Sanming urban area), "two unification" objects (students are not registered in Sanming urban area), and migrant children, and the rest of the objects do not participate in voluntary filling.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

Pay attention to the review status, points details, voluntary filling and admission results of [Personal Center] in a timely manner.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

05 Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should I do if the identity information bound to the mobile phone number during authentication is not the person?

If you encounter this prompt, you can use two methods to solve the problem:

(1) Please download the e-Sanming APP, click on the upper corner of the personal center after logging in, click on the avatar - Settings - Account Security - to log out. After cancellation, you can register for real-name authentication immediately.

(2) Since e-Sanming login uses the provincial unified identity authentication platform (Min Zhengtong), if you need an account appeal, it is recommended that you download the Min Zhengtong APP, click [Personal Center] - [Personal Information], enter the personal user profile, and select name change and other operations.

2. What should I do if my account is locked when I log in to eSanming?

If your account is locked due to the verification code reaching the upper limit or the wrong password, please click "Forgot Password" within 24 hours to reset the password and then log in to register. Note: It is recommended that users develop the habit of logging in with a password, and the SMS verification code is only an auxiliary tool when they forget the password.

3. What should I do if the L4 authentication fails?

(1) Confirm that the ID card information is consistent with the face recognition operator. If you fill in the ID number incorrectly, please cancel and re-register.

(2) If the ID card information is correct, you can search for "Min Zhengtong" in the WeChat applet for authentication.

4. Where can I find the platform registration guide?

Click [Points Admission] - [Registration Guide] to view.

06 Points Admission

1. How can I register if my child does not have a household registration and does not have an ID number?

Parents can select "No ID Card" under "Document Type" to continue the registration.

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

2. What should I do if the system can only query half of the real estate and the system shows that the proportion is less than 51%?

For security reasons, the system only allows the use of my ID card information and property right certificate number to query the property, because the individual parents' house is a house with two real estate license numbers (such as XXX-1/XXX-2, etc.), so some parents can only register the query result of a real estate certificate number corresponding to the property, accounting for only 50%. If the other half of the registered property is indeed the guardian of the child and meets the enrollment policy, continue to submit and complete the online registration.

3. How to fill in the detailed address of household registration?

If the household registration address is subject to the information obtained by scanning the QR code door number at the door, if the house number information is wrong or the QR code door number is not handled, please contact the local police station or handle it through the convenience service of the WeChat public account "Fujian Public Security and Convenience for the People" - smart house - problem door number declaration.

Correct example:

(1) Room 1X02, Building 3, Qianlong New Village, No. 13X2, Xinshi North Road, Sanyuan District, Sanming City, Fujian Province

(2) No. 16, Group X, Liujiagou Village, Changle Town, Gaoping District, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province

Examples of errors:

(1) Room XX, Unit XX, Building XX, Qianlong New Village ()

(2) Fuxing Village 3X-X

(3) Yongtai County, Fujian Province

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

4. What should I do if the real estate certificate cannot be queried when I register?

(1) Please confirm whether the type of property is selected correctly: whether the real estate certificate or the contract has been filed.

(2) Please confirm that the property owner you have selected is correct.

(3) Please confirm whether the property right certificate number is filled in correctly, and click on the blue prompt text on the page to fill in the method.

(4) Please confirm whether the use of the property is residential or residential-related, and the non-residential type such as "commercial land", "industrial", "office" and other systems have been filtered according to the policy documents, and cannot be queried and used for enrollment registration. In case of special circumstances, please consult the school or the Education Bureau if the property can be used for enrolment.

(5) If the above inquiry methods are still unable to be queried after trying to register at the time of registration, you can select the property right type as unable to query the property, and then operate according to the page prompts.

5. How to fill in the property right certificate number?

You only need to enter a number for the title certificate number, and you do not need to enter words and other symbols (such as "-1/-2", etc.).

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

6. Under what circumstances is a residence permit invalid?

(1) According to the enrollment policy, the guardian of the relocated child or the relocated child holds a residence permit in the Sanyuan jurisdiction (obtained before December 31, 2023) and has actually lived for more than 1 year.

(2) When the status of the residence permit is: "cancelled", "suspended", "invalid", "(empty)", the system will treat the certificate as invalid according to the policy document.

7. Acquisition of residence permit and social security information?

The system will automatically read the user's residence information and social security information, and the user does not need to fill it in; If the system does not automatically read it, the user can obtain it by clicking [Get Pension Information].

07 Admissions Consultation Hotline

1. School Consultation Telephone:

Northern District:

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

Southern Kataku:

The online registration for new students in primary schools in Sanyuan District in 2024 will start at 8 o'clock on July 1, so please take a quick look at the registration operation guide

2. Consultation time: 8:00-12:00 a.m., 3:00-6:00 p.m

3. E Sanming Points Admission Technical Consultation Telephone: 18050729576 (Time: 9:00-12:00 a.m., 2:00-6:00 p.m.)

4. Education Bureau Supervision Tel: 0598-7991702

Source: Sanyuan District Admissions Committee, Sanming Big Data and Government Affairs Center