
The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

author:Wen Shi Tianxu


On April 1, 2014, a police station in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, received a report from a man who said his wife was missing.

The police who handled the case immediately set off, and after a careful search of the place where the incident occurred, they finally found the wife in a deep well, but she had already died.

Unexpectedly, a simple disappearance case suddenly turned into a murder case.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

What's even more bizarre is that according to the forensic examination, they found the DNA of the deceased's husband in the victim's body. In addition to this, there is the DNA of an unknown male.

So, could it be that this victim died of murder? Is it the husband of the deceased who is a thief shouting to catch a thief?

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

Information source: All the content stated in this article is reproduced by reliable information sources, please watch it rationally at the end of the article.

The beautiful young woman is missing

The informant's name is Ah Wu, and his wife's name is Xiaowen, who is the number one beauty in the village. The two met when they were working in other places, and Ah Wu fell in love with Xiaowen at a glance, and pursued Xiaowen for a long time before chasing Xiaowen.

After getting married, Ah Wu and Xiaowen lived together in a small village in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. The husband and wife run a pig farm together, and their small lives are prosperous.

Usually, Awu pulls the pig feed into the pig farm, and the husband and wife pour the pig feed into the cauldron together, and after a simple boiling, they are poured into the pig trough separately for feeding.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

Ah Wu suddenly had itchy hands one day and wanted to go out and gamble to have a good time. Xiaowen saw that she could be busy alone, so she didn't stop her husband.

After Ah Wu returned home, he didn't see his wife Xiaowen, and his phone calls to her were never answered, so he immediately mobilized relatives, friends and villagers to help find someone, and he searched for a whole day but couldn't find it.

Xiaowen has a simple personality and treats people very kindly, she has never blushed with anyone, and she usually tells her family when she goes out to avoid her family worrying about her.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

Later, Ah Wu's mother found Xiaowen's green water shoes in the lychee orchard on the edge of the village. At this time, Ah Wu was completely panicked, and Ah Wu's mind constantly imagined countless terrifying pictures, and he was very worried about what happened to his wife.

Thinking of this, Ah Wu hurriedly reported the case to the police station. After the police arrived at the scene and had a detailed understanding of the matter, they immediately entered the lychee orchard to conduct a carpet search.

The lychee orchard covers an area of nearly 100 acres, and after more than 10 hours of rigorous searching, a number of police officers who handled the case still found nothing.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

The body was found

Subsequently, the police who handled the case continued to expand the search scope to the surrounding area, and continued to search the expanded area, and finally found a trace of abnormality in the well of the lychee garden.

The water surface of the well is very deep, and the lower it goes, the darker the light, and the lines of the water can see something floating on the water.

The homicide case is a criminal case, and the county's criminal police team immediately came to take over. Along with this, there are also professional trace examiners and forensic doctors. With the help of professional tools, everyone worked together to salvage the corpses in the well.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

The deceased's hands and feet were firmly tied together, his shirt was still lifted, and his trousers were faded to the base of his thighs, all of which indicate that the deceased had been violated before his death.

The criminal police who handled the case immediately called Ah Wu over to identify, and when he saw the face of the deceased, the man cried while stepping forward and holding the wet corpse tightly in his arms.

Based on the man's performance, it is inferred that the deceased is his wife Xiaowen, who he is looking for.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

Look for clues to solve the case

After examination by professionals, it was found that the deceased had a deep strangulation mark on his neck. After technical comparison, it was determined that the strangulation mark was caused by the body that tied the feet, and the deceased's mobile phone was not lost.

According to the body condition of the deceased, the medical examiner found that the deceased had edema in the abdomen, indicating that drowning was the direct cause of the deceased's death. Although the deceased had deep strangulation marks on his neck, it was not enough to be fatal.

It is likely that the deceased was strangled before being tied up and thrown into the well, where he was eventually drowned alive in the dark, icy water.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

The criminal police who handled the case immediately formulated the direction of solving the case, and they directly divided all the police forces into two directions, mainly focusing on Xiaowen's interpersonal relationship to investigate, and on the other hand, testing the corpse in genetic and other aspects.

The criminal police handling the case checked Xiaowen's mobile phone, and there were only a few contacts in her address book, all of which were her family members, so it can be seen that Xiaowen hardly contacted outsiders.

The village chief and the villagers all said that Xiaowen is a simple person, she usually does not interact with the people in the village much, and she is very industrious, busy in the pig farm every day.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

For the first time, the direction of detection was formulated

Soon, the criminal police handling the case listed two breakthrough directions according to the clues left.

One is that the method of tying up the corpse is very professional, and it is possible that the suspect is engaged in animal-related occupations. The other is that the location of the crime scene is remote, and the suspect is likely to be a person nearby and is very familiar with the vicinity of the crime scene.

According to these two clues, the criminal police who handled the case soon found a 34-year-old single male. His name is Li Ming, and his family also has a pig farm, and his family lives very close to the scene of the crime.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

The most important thing is that this person not only has a life style problem, but also often takes the initiative to fight with others, and has even been sentenced for this.

This seemingly extremely unstable man was immediately listed as the number one suspect as soon as he was investigated by the criminal police handling the case, and he was ready to question him immediately.

Before the criminal police could act, the forensic doctor made an astonishing discovery. In Xiaowen's body, the DNA of two men was found at the same time, one was Xiaowen's husband Ah Wu, and the other was from an unknown male.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

Enter the blind spot

After technical comparison and analysis, Li Ming's DNA was completely inconsistent with that of an unknown male, so the criminal police who handled the case immediately ruled out Li Ming's suspicion of committing the crime.

The presence of two people's DNA in Xiaowen's body at the same time can also indicate that the deceased had a relationship with two men at the same time. Of course, it is normal for a husband and wife to have such a relationship.

So, could it be that the husband found out that his wife was cheating, killed her in a fit of rage, and took this opportunity to blame his wife's lover to kill two birds with one stone?

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

The criminal police who handled the case immediately launched an investigation into Ah Wu's whereabouts. It is reported that on the day of the crime, after Ah Wu unloaded the pig feed, he went to play cards with his card friends, and only played for half an hour and left directly.

Ah Wu left Xiaowen to work alone, but he ran out to have fun with his friends, which is also very different from their image of a "model couple".

According to the inquiry of the criminal police handling the case, on the day of the crime, Ah Wu had a relationship with his wife Xiaowen. According to the activity of the two DNA, the activity of Awu's DNA is lower than that of the unknown DNA, about 10 hours earlier than the unknown DNA.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

However, according to the point of view that Ah Wu is a suspect, Ah Wu's DNA activity is higher than that of an unknown male. Based on this conclusion alone, the suspicion of Ah Wu can be directly ruled out.

And on the day of the crime, the reason why Ah Wu left the card game early was because he lost all the money he brought, and he was embarrassed to tell the card friends directly, so he had to find an excuse to leave directly.

After that, I went to the house of another good friend, drank tea and chatted, and did not return home until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

Detection is at an impasse

Seeing that this conclusion was overturned again, the criminal police handling the case became more and more distressed. The current situation is equivalent to entering a dead end, hitting a wall everywhere and looping endlessly.

Just when the criminal police handling the case had no clue, some people suggested that the "stupid" method of deciphering genes had to be used to screen the genes of criminal suspects.

The main thing is to use the genetic characteristics of all the males aged 15 to 65 in the surrounding villages to take genetic samples and compare them, so as to determine the approximate range of suspects, and then investigate who is the real suspect among these people.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

Although this method is the most direct, the workload is surprisingly large, and there are nearly 10,000 people in several villages, which requires a lot of manpower, material resources and time, which is also a way to do it.

After nearly 100 days of technical investigation, no DNA similar to the suspect was found, and the closest was only 14 loci, which once made the investigation of the entire case deadlocked.

The attention of homicide cases has always been high, which has also brought huge mental pressure to the criminal police handling the case. The criminal police handling the case immediately expanded the scope of sampling and further sampled and compared the butchers in the surrounding towns and villages.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

The hard work paid off, and the criminal police who handled the case finally found genes that were closer to the suspects in these samples, with a similarity of 15 loci.

This gene with a higher degree of similarity comes from a butcher surnamed Hu. This news made the criminal police handling the case excited, which also shows that the truth of the matter is getting closer and closer.

A local security guard who assisted the criminal police in handling the case said that he belonged to the same clan as the butcher surnamed Hu, and offered to provide genetic samples to the criminal police handling the case.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

The real culprit surfaced

After technical comparison, the genetic similarity between the quality assurance officer and the criminal suspect was as high as 16 loci, which also showed that the quality assurance element and the criminal suspect were close relatives. The quality assurance officer said that he only had one brother, whose name was Hu Bing.

The criminal police handling the case immediately conducted technical sampling of Hu Bing. In the end, it was concluded that Hu Bing's genes were genetically related to the suspect. That is to say, the suspect is Hu Bing's son Hu Moumou.

It is reported that Hu Moumou is a bachelor in his 30s, without a serious job, doing nothing all day long, and his main life content is gambling and causing trouble, which is almost exactly the same as the image of the suspect speculated by the criminal police handling the case.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

Just when the criminal police were about to arrest the suspect, Hu Bing brought his son Hu Moumou to surrender.

According to Hu Moumou's own confession, he was addicted to gambling all year round and owed thousands of yuan in gambling debts. The creditor forced him to repay the money many times, and Hu Moumou had the idea of robbery when he was desperate.

On the day of the crime, Hu Moumou walked around the street for a long time, but did not find a suitable target for the crime, so he decided to find a place to sleep before making plans.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!

When passing by the pig farm of Awu's family, Hu Moumou found Xiaowen busy alone inside. So he sneaked into the pig farm, blocked Xiaowen's mouth, and tied him up strongly, and began to rummage for Xiaowen's money.

Xiaowen's desperate struggle not only did not make Hu Moumou give up his wrong approach at this time, but also aroused his animal desire, and directly dragged Xiaowen, who had no power to fight back, into the lychee garden not far away.

After Hu Moumou violated Xiaowen, he was worried that she would call the police in the future and cause trouble for herself. simply didn't do anything, strangled Xiaowen to death, and threw his body into a deep well.

The naked body of a 26-year-old young woman was deep in the well, and two male DNA pieces were extracted from her body, and the murderer's behavior was outrageous!


Who would have thought that the French Open would be restored without leakage. Even if Hu Moumou did things seamlessly, he was still detected by the persevering criminal police, and what awaits him will be severely punished by the law. One thought destroyed two families, and I hope that this kind of tragedy will not be repeated.


"The Missing Young Woman" - Nanyue Police Station - June 14, 2015