
Persimmons with "holy products in fruits" were once regarded as "treasures", why are few people eating them now?

author:Cosy Sunshine Nam

Persimmon, scientific name Diospyros kaki, is a fruit with a long history, and its cultivation and consumption date back to ancient times. In China, persimmons have a particularly long history, and according to archaeological finds, the cultivation of persimmons can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty around 1100 BC. At that time, persimmons became a precious fruit exclusive to the aristocracy due to their rarity and unique flavor. they

Persimmons with "holy products in fruits" were once regarded as "treasures", why are few people eating them now?

Persimmon, scientific name Diospyros kaki, is a fruit with a long history, and its cultivation and consumption date back to ancient times. In China, persimmons have a particularly long history, and according to archaeological finds, the cultivation of persimmons can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty around 1100 BC. At that time, persimmons became a precious fruit exclusive to the aristocracy due to their rarity and unique flavor. They are not only a delicious food, but also a symbol of status and wealth.

Persimmons with "holy products in fruits" were once regarded as "treasures", why are few people eating them now?

With the passage of time, the cultivation technology of the persimmon tree gradually became popular, so that this fruit was no longer limited to the aristocratic class, but gradually entered the lives of ordinary people. The persimmon tree is known for its strong adaptability, which allows it to thrive in both the cold climates of the north and the hot and humid environments of the south. This has allowed the persimmon tree to be widely cultivated in the north and south of China, making it one of the main fruit trees in many regions.

The high-yielding nature of the persimmon tree is also one of the reasons for its popularity. A mature persimmon tree can produce hundreds of kilograms of fruit per year, which was an extremely valuable resource in ancient agricultural societies. Especially in times of food shortage, the high-yielding properties of persimmon trees can provide an important source of nutrients for people.

Persimmons with "holy products in fruits" were once regarded as "treasures", why are few people eating them now?

In the 70s of the 20th century, with the development of China's social economy and the progress of agricultural science and technology, the cultivation technology of persimmon trees has been further improved. In some impoverished areas, persimmon trees have become an important source of income for local farmers because of their easy cultivation and high yield. In that era, persimmon was not only a part of people's daily diet, but also alleviated the food shortage in poor areas to a certain extent, and became a veritable "life-saving food".

Persimmons with "holy products in fruits" were once regarded as "treasures", why are few people eating them now?

In addition to its important economic value, persimmons also have rich cultural value. In traditional Chinese culture, persimmons are often endowed with auspicious and beautiful meanings. For example, idioms such as "everything goes well" and "red and prosperous" are related to persimmons. In some places, persimmons are also used to make various traditional foods and handicrafts, such as persimmon cakes, persimmon wine, etc., which are important parts of traditional Chinese culture.

Persimmons with "holy products in fruits" were once regarded as "treasures", why are few people eating them now?

In addition, persimmons also have certain medicinal properties. In traditional Chinese medicine, persimmon is believed to have the effects of clearing heat, moistening the lungs, and stopping bleeding. In some places, persimmons are also used to treat coughs, constipation, and other ailments. These traditional treatments reflect the medicinal value of persimmons to a certain extent.

In general, persimmon is not only a fruit with important economic value, but also a fruit that carries rich historical and cultural value. From the exclusive use of the ancient aristocracy to the extensive cultivation in modern times, from solving the food problem in poor areas to becoming a symbol of traditional culture, the historical and cultural value of persimmon is worthy of our in-depth excavation and inheritance.

Persimmons with "holy products in fruits" were once regarded as "treasures", why are few people eating them now?

With the rapid development of Chinese society and the significant improvement of people's living standards, people's demand for food has shifted from simply filling their stomachs to pursuing a higher level of satisfaction, including diversity of taste and balanced nutrition. In this context, persimmon, as a traditional fruit, is facing unprecedented challenges.

Persimmons with "holy products in fruits" were once regarded as "treasures", why are few people eating them now?

First of all, the high sugar content of persimmons is seen as a disadvantage in modern society. With the increasing health awareness, there is a growing concern about the sugar content in foods, especially for diabetics and those who are losing weight. Although persimmons are highly nutritious, their high sugar content discourages some consumers. At the same time, there are more options for softer and sweeter fruits in the market, such as imported grapes, cherries, etc., which attract consumers' attention with their unique taste and lower sugar content, which poses competitive pressure on the persimmon market.

Secondly, persimmon's reputation has been damaged to a certain extent. In modern society, food safety issues have attracted much attention, and some unscrupulous businesses may add some unhealthy substances, such as pigments, sweeteners, etc., to the processing process of persimmons in order to pursue profits. The presence of these additives not only damages the natural flavor of persimmons, but also affects the health of consumers. In addition, some rumors about persimmons are also circulating in society, such as persimmons are compatible with certain foods, persimmons can cause stones, etc., which further reduce consumers' trust in persimmons, resulting in a decrease in the sales and price of persimmons.

In the face of these challenges, the persimmon industry needs to take proactive measures to deal with them. First of all, the persimmon industry should strengthen its own quality management to ensure the naturalness, health and safety of persimmons. By adopting scientific planting and processing techniques, reducing or avoiding the use of additives, the quality and taste of persimmons are improved to meet the needs of consumers. At the same time, the persimmon industry should also strengthen communication with consumers, popularize the nutritional value of persimmons and the correct way to eat them through various channels, and eliminate consumers' doubts.

Secondly, the persimmon industry should strengthen market research, understand the preferences and needs of consumers, and develop new persimmon products and flavors to meet the diversified needs of the market. For example, low- or sugar-free persimmon products can be developed to meet the needs of diabetics and people who are losing weight; It is also possible to develop new products that combine persimmons with other fruits or ingredients, such as persimmon juice, persimmon cakes, etc., to increase the way persimmons are eaten and tasted.

In addition, the persimmon industry should also strengthen brand building and improve the popularity and reputation of persimmons. By creating the brand image of persimmons, establish a positive image of persimmons, and enhance consumers' trust in persimmons. At the same time, the persimmon industry should also strengthen cooperation with the government and the media, and actively participate in various food exhibitions, cultural festivals and other activities to improve the exposure and influence of persimmons.

In short, in the face of the challenges of modern society, the persimmon industry needs to constantly innovate and improve to adapt to the changes in the market and the needs of consumers. By improving the quality of persimmons, developing new products, strengthening brand building and other measures, the persimmon industry is expected to gain a firm foothold in the fierce market competition and rejuvenate itself.

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