
105-year-old Yang Jiang's health secret: Vegetarian and drinking water are all on the sidelines, and the real important thing is these 3 points

author:Dr. Yang is a popular science


[1] Zhang Bangjun. Family Medicine,2024,(01):50.)

[2] Yang Jisheng. The experience of health and longevity of Yang Jiang, the old man of the century[J].Family Medicine,2022,(04):50.)

[3] Li Ruijuan. Healthy Life,2016,(08):4-7.

When people enter middle and old age, they will pay special attention to their physical condition, and health and longevity have become the backbone of most people's lives. The former emperor and the Son of Heaven have devoted all their resources to the mysterious secret recipe of eternal life, but this wish has not yet been realized, and compared to eternal life, longevity can be said to be within reach.

Many people think that the most important factor in longevity is genetics, but this is not the case, and research data shows that genetics account for only 15% of all longevity factors, while self-care methods are as high as 60%. This also shows that as long as the general public learns the correct health preservation method, then living to the age of 100 is not a dream, and health can really be in their own hands.

Yang Jiang, whose real name is Yang Jikang, is a famous modern writer and literary translator in mainland China, born in 1911 and finally died in 2016 at the age of 105. Yang Di was born in a famous family, this top talent is proficient in Chinese, English, French, and Spanish Chinese, and her translation of "Don Quixote" has so far distributed nearly one million copies, and Qian Zhongshu, as her husband, her classic "Siege" is also indispensable to Yang Qi's behind-the-scenes operation.

105-year-old Yang Jiang's health secret: Vegetarian and drinking water are all on the sidelines, and the real important thing is these 3 points

Yang Jiang is the fourth daughter in the family, she has received her father's enlightenment since she was a child, and she is keen to read. As a lover of literature, Tsinghua's Department of Foreign Languages was very tempting to her, but Tsinghua University did not have a quota for female students from the south when she applied for the examination.

Her subsequent literary and love stories all unfold slowly from this place. After Tsinghua's entrance exam, Yang Jiang accompanied his companion to visit his cousin, who was Qian Zhongshu. The two were in their prime at the time, and just looking at each other and nodding their heads left an unforgettable impression in each other's hearts. The second time the two met alone, Qian Zhongshu was also straightforward, and he said: "I'm not engaged yet", Yang Jiang also took over the conversation and replied: "I don't have a boyfriend either." ”

The two gradually got acquainted with each other with one letter a day, and during this period, Yang Jiangwen thought well, published a lot of good works, and the story of her and Qian Zhongshu also became a campus story. In 1935, the two held a wedding, after marriage, Yang Jiang became a veritable superwoman, Qian Zhongshu would ask his wife for help every time he was in trouble or injured, and the words he heard the most were "It doesn't matter, I will do it!" ”

105-year-old Yang Jiang's health secret: Vegetarian and drinking water are all on the sidelines, and the real important thing is these 3 points

Qian Zhongshu was grateful, but his dependence on his wife was increasing day by day, but Yang Jiang's literary career was not stumped by these trivial matters, she still produced many excellent works, and left her name in the long river of culture. Qian Zhongshu couldn't help but sigh that he had married "the most virtuous wife and the most talented woman!" ”

The marriage between the two lasted sweetly and plainly for decades, during which a daughter was born and named Qian Ai. But Yang Jiang's fate also began to change suddenly in 1993, since the beginning of the year, Qian Zhongshu began to be hospitalized with illness and several surgeries, all of which were taken care of by Yang Jiang. But not long after, her daughter was also seriously ill and admitted to the hospital, and the father and daughter were separated by most of Beijing, and Yang Jiang dragged her eighty-year-old body back and forth, suffering tremendous physical and mental pressure.

Generally speaking, women live longer than men, which is more or less the same in both countries and abroad, and there are two main reasons for this. First, there are fewer women who smoke and drink alcohol, so the external injuries suffered by the body are also milder. The second reason is related to hormones, the human body includes two different lipoproteins, low-density and high-density, although the difference between the two is only one word, but the effect on the body can be very different.

105-year-old Yang Jiang's health secret: Vegetarian and drinking water are all on the sidelines, and the real important thing is these 3 points

High-density lipoprotein protects the cardiovascular system, while low-density lipoprotein is an important factor in atherosclerosis. Estrogen in women can effectively reduce LDL in the body and improve the utilization of HDL to a certain extent, which is why there are fewer women in patients with cardiovascular disease.

Qian Zhongshu's condition became more and more serious, and he couldn't even eat normally, so Yang Jiang made him all kinds of fruit juices and vegetable juices, and studied different soups. Even though Yang Jiang has done his best, he still failed to keep the two family members, and in 1997, his beloved daughter, who was called "the only masterpiece in my life" by Yang Jiang, was killed by cancer. The next year, Qian Zhongshu also passed away.

The death of two relatives also made Yang Jiang confused and sad, but he still did not give up hope for life and decided to live well with their beliefs. Yang Jiang returned to the former family of three, ate and lived with the memories of the past, and his life was much simpler, and he had more and more time to cultivate literature. He was not old, not only produced a lot of original works, but also sorted out a few sacks of manuscripts from his husband.

105-year-old Yang Jiang's health secret: Vegetarian and drinking water are all on the sidelines, and the real important thing is these 3 points

As an old man of the century, many reporters visited Yang Jiang before his death, and after learning about Yang Jiang's life, he also admired her tough body. He took care of two patients at the age of 80, and after sending off two close relatives one after another, he did not collapse, but completed the heavy work that even young people could not bear. Many people are eager to learn about Yang Jiang's health experience, and even think that she has an unknown longevity prescription.

Yang Jiang shook his head again and again when he heard this, and said with a kind smile: "I don't have any recipes, I focus on family and academics, and I don't have any in-depth research in health preservation." But if I have to share, then there are indeed three things in my life that are different from many ordinary old people. ”

1. Health preservation first cultivates the heart

Mr. Yang Zhong's life to be 105 years old is inseparable from her transparent heart and compassionate heart. Regarding his own health regimen, Yang Jiang once said: "I have always adhered to five simple and easy rules of happiness: one is not to have hatred in my heart, the second is not to worry in my mind, the third is to live a simpler life, the fourth is to give more to others, and the fifth is to expect less from myself." ”

105-year-old Yang Jiang's health secret: Vegetarian and drinking water are all on the sidelines, and the real important thing is these 3 points

Yang Jiang sees life very clearly, her life is full of ups and downs, there are joys and sorrows, but she regards different encounters as different life experiences, full of hope and savoring. Mr. Yang Jiang wrote in "Will Drink Tea": "The state of the world and human feelings are more flavorful than the bright moon and breeze." It can be used as a book to read, and it can be watched as a play. ”

2. Exercise in moderation

In Yang Zhong's "longevity cheats", exercise is also a very important link. She pointed out that one cannot be lazy and not be motionless all day, but also cannot exercise excessively. For example, when you are still physically fit, you can jump high, long jump, and run a marathon. When you're older, it's time for a change. It is wise to take a walk, do tai chi, stand on a pile, and choose the corresponding exercise method according to your physical condition.

Don't compare yourself to anyone, and don't be reckless. When Yang Jiang was 93 years old, he still insisted on taking early morning and evening walks all year round, practicing the soothing and elegant Baduan Jin Qigong. Through this series of adjustments, a state of physical and mental balance is achieved, which contributes to her health and longevity.

105-year-old Yang Jiang's health secret: Vegetarian and drinking water are all on the sidelines, and the real important thing is these 3 points

3. The six-word proverb of eating

The six-character motto that Yang Jiang follows in terms of diet is "sometimes, in moderation, and in moderation". That is, timed, quantitative, and seasonal. She believes that in daily life, we must pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, eat coarse grains in moderation, eat more vegetables, often eat fruits, and focus on light.

Eat less fried, greasy, high-sugar, high-salt foods, and eat seven or eight minutes full at each meal. You can't just eat because it's delicious and refreshing. Dietary moderation is an essential factor in maintaining longevity. When you learn moderation, you enter the door of health.

(Note: "105-year-old Yang Jiang's health secrets: vegetarian and drinking water are all on the sidelines, what really matters is these 3 points" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)

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