
People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Have you heard? People with bad liver should stay away from persimmons! Li Wei and his family were walking in the park when they overheard a group of people next to him discussing the topic.

Li Wei's life is fast-paced, he often works overtime, socializes constantly, and often takes out meals to solve the problem. Although he is not a person with a great passion for health, he is still quite concerned about the health of his liver, after all, he himself has a slight fatty liver.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

That afternoon, Li Wei pushed his son's stroller while recalling the topic he had heard in the park that day. His mother also had a history of liver disease, which made him even more concerned about the issue.

I decided to take advantage of the weekend to go to the hospital with the whole family for a comprehensive physical examination, and also consult the doctor about the relationship between persimmons and liver health. When they arrived at the hospital, the family completed various medical procedures. While waiting for the results, Li Wei seized the opportunity and asked the doctor his questions.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

"Doctor, I heard that people with a bad liver can't eat persimmons, is this true?" The doctor explained that the tannin and pectin in persimmons, after these substances enter the intestines, they are prone to chemical reactions with other components in food, such as proteins and fats, which may increase the burden on the liver for people with liver insufficiency.

Li Wei was inspired to realise that although it is inevitable that he will come into contact with various foods in his daily life, it is very necessary to understand the nature and impact of food and choose foods that are suitable for his physical condition.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

The doctor also reminded him that in addition to persimmons, there are other foods that need to be paid attention to, such as some greasy foods and high-protein foods, which may increase the burden on the liver.

This trip to the hospital not only allowed Li Wei to gain knowledge about persimmons and liver health, but also made him think more deeply about the eating habits of himself and his family. He decided to pay more attention to his family's diet from now on, reduce the intake of foods harmful to the liver, and create a healthy living environment for the whole family as much as possible.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

For people with poor liver function, persimmons may not be a harmless option. First of all, we have to understand the main ingredients in persimmons - tannic acid and pectin.

Tannic acid, which sounds a bit lofty, is particularly high in unripe persimmons. When it encounters an acidic environment or other food components in the intestines, it is easy to form indigestible sediments, which are called persimmons. If your liver is already underfunctioning, these sediments can put an extra strain on your liver.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

However, it is interesting to note that while we are usually told to avoid persimmons, moderate amounts of ripe persimmons may have different effects on people with liver insufficiency.

Of course, we're talking about ripe persimmons, because the tannin content of ripe persimmons is greatly reduced and becomes easier to digest. The antioxidants in ripe persimmons, such as vitamin C and β-carotene, can help fight oxidative stress, which is beneficial for maintaining liver health.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

This leads to an interesting point: with proper dietary management and the guidance of a doctor, fully ripe persimmons may be appropriately included in the diet of patients with liver disease.

Of course, the premise is to keep the quantity strictly controlled, because anything in excess can be counterproductive. Patients with liver disease need to pay special attention to the ripeness of persimmons and the amount of consumption each time when considering the consumption of persimmons. But don't forget, the impact of food is always manifold. The high sugar content of persimmons is also a factor to consider.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

The liver doesn't just process fats and proteins, but foods that are too high in sugar can also put a strain on the liver. Therefore, even ripe persimmons cannot ignore their high sugar characteristics. Caution is especially indicated in patients with diabetes or liver disease who need to control blood sugar.

To sum up, persimmon is not a simple "inedible" food for people with liver insufficiency. Its edible effect largely depends on the health of the individual, the ripeness of the persimmon, and the amount consumed.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

If you have a background in liver disease, it's best to develop your diet plan under the guidance of a dietitian or doctor. Before consuming persimmons or any other food, it is important to understand its nutritional content and how it may affect your specific condition.

With sound dietary strategies and professional medical guidance, people with liver disease can better manage their diet, making food a tool to support health rather than an invisible threat. Let's not just be intimidated by certain ingredients in food, but treat them comprehensively and scientifically.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

Each food has its own unique properties and potential health benefits, and the right knowledge and proper application can help us make better use of these nature-given resources.

If you want to have a healthy liver, in addition to avoiding obvious high-fat and high-sugar foods, there are also some seemingly healthy vegetables that you should also pay attention to in moderation. Here, let's talk about two types of vegetables: shepherd's cabbage and purslane. While their nutritional value should not be underestimated, for some people with liver insufficiency, these two vegetables may need to be consumed with more caution.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

First of all, shepherd's cabbage, a wild vegetable that is very common in spring, is favored by many people because it is rich in vitamin C and calcium. However, shepherd's cabbage is also a high-purine food, which can be bad news for people with liver insufficiency or gout. Especially for those with hepatic insufficiency, where the liver's metabolic capacity is weakened, excessive purine intake may cause health problems.

However, if you have liver problems, or if you're dealing with uric acid-related issues, it's even more important to limit your intake of this vegetable.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

Although it is not necessary to avoid it completely, it is necessary to control the amount when eating it to avoid unnecessary burden on the body due to the content of high purines. Next, let's talk about purslane, which is also a common vegetable, especially in summer.

Purslane has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and is rich in vitamins and minerals, which is good for the human body. However, this vegetable is also high in oxalate, which may not be good news for people with liver disease and kidney stones. Oxalate may combine with calcium in the body to form crystals that are difficult to dissolve, which may not only induce kidney stones, but also increase the burden on the liver.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

Although purslane is not as high in oxalic acid as spinach, it is still something to be careful about when ingesting. In particular, people with liver disease may need to adjust their diet plan with the advice of a doctor or dietitian.

Consuming purslane in moderation can help you enjoy its nutrients without putting extra strain on your liver. Overall, while shepherd's cabbage and purslane are both nutritious vegetables, they can be potential "landmines" in the diet for people with liver insufficiency.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

In your daily diet, it is important to understand the specific effects of each food, especially on your own health. We can't eat a certain food indefinitely just because it's rich in nutrients, especially if we have specific health issues.

When you're choosing your daily vegetables, knowing the full picture about them and making an informed choice based on your specific health condition is a skill that everyone should master. In this way, we can truly use our diet to promote health, rather than inadvertently harming it.

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables

What do you think about persimmons? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables


[1] Zhang Linlin. Application of trajectory nursing based on behavioral research method in the perioperative period of patients with liver cirrhosis and hepatic gallstone surgery, Guizhou Medicine, 2024-06-19

People with a bad liver should stay away from persimmons? Doctor's reminder: If you want liver health, eat less of these 2 vegetables


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