
It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

author:Old Dream Classics
It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?
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It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

In 2010, 24-year-old Gan Tingting stood at the crossroads of her life. Originally, she was about to play Master Li in the new version of "Water Margin", but because of the director's words, she took over the role of Pan Jinlian.

This decision was like a butterfly effect, and it completely changed the trajectory of her life.

Gan Tingting quickly became popular with the role of Pan Jinlian, and the audience praised her as "the purest version of Pan Jinlian". However, the controversy that ensued followed. From a pure goddess to the focus of public opinion, Gan Tingting has experienced a huge psychological gap.

Today, 12 years later, when Gan Tingting looks back on the past, will she regret her original choice? Let's step into her inner world and explore the actor's mental journey.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

In the winter of 1986, Gan Tingting fell to the ground in Wuhu, Anhui Province. has been praised as a "beautiful embryo" since she was a child, but her growth path has not been smooth.

When she was in high school, Gan Tingting frequently encountered invitations from strangers to make her filming commercials. However, the earnest teaching of his parents has always lingered in his ears: "You must not have the heart of harming others, and you must not have the heart of preventing others." "

This sentence is like a talisman, which makes the young Gan Tingting maintain a cautious attitude towards the unfamiliar showbiz.

The gears of fate always turn inadvertently. After being admitted to a well-known university in Shanghai, Gan Tingting seemed to be opened to a new world. On the bustling Shanghai Beach, talent scouts shuttle like bees, looking for tomorrow's stars.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

An ordinary shopping experience gave Gan Tingting the opportunity to change the trajectory of her life.

Faced with the invitation of the scout, Gan Tingting hesitated again and again, and finally mustered up the courage to accept the challenge. Her first advertisement was to endorse a certain brand of toilet water, and a simple mosquito repellent action made her earn 500 yuan.

This high income, which is a lot of money for students in school, makes Gan Tingting see new possibilities.

Since then, advertising invitations have come like snowflakes. In just two years, Gan Tingting has shot hundreds of advertisements, with incomes ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands. Her classmates affectionately called her "Little Rich Woman", and industry insiders respectfully called her "Queen of Advertising".

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

However, as time passed, Gan Tingting began to feel a hint of crisis. She knows very well that the advertising industry is "eating youth", and her face is fleeting, and her youth is difficult to keep. Coupled with the concern about her parents' health, she began to think about the way forward.

After careful consideration, 19-year-old Gan Tingting made a decision that surprised many people. She resolutely gave up her privileged life in Shanghai and switched to the China Theatre Academy for further study.

This decision is not only to pursue more professional acting skills, but also to achieve a greater breakthrough in the acting career.

In this way, a young girl from Wuhu, Anhui Province, completed her transformation on the big stage of Shanghai. From a high school student who refuses to shoot commercials, to a college student known as the "Queen of Advertising", to a drama student who aspires to become a professional actor, Gan Tingting's every choice is full of courage and determination.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

This experience not only shaped her character, but also laid a solid foundation for her future development in the entertainment industry.

In 2005, 19-year-old Gan Tingting ushered in an important moment in her acting career. In the TV series "Zhu Yuanzhang", she played a character named Yu'er.

Although there are not many scenes, this experience is like a seed, planting a love for acting career in Gan Tingting's heart.

Gan Tingting's pure and lovely appearance quickly attracted the attention of the industry, and drama appointments followed. In 2006, opportunity favored this Anhui girl again. In the movie "Hanoi, Hanoi", Gan Tingting challenged one person to play two roles, and her performance not only conquered the audience, but also won the favor of the judges.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

With this work, Gan Tingting won the "Best Actress Award" at the Vietnam Golden Kite International Film Festival. This award is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also an important milestone in her acting career.

After winning the award, Gan Tingting's career began to enter the fast lane. She signed a contract with Runxingtang Brokerage Company, a subsidiary of Hairun, and received strong support from the company. 2007 was an extremely busy year for Gan Tingting, and she participated in many TV series such as "Night Run", "Can't Do Without Her", "Jianghu Brothers" and "Lock Spring".

Through these works, Gan Tingting gradually established a distinct image in the hearts of the audience.

In 2008, Gan Tingting ushered in another peak in her career. In "Landing, Please Open the Phone" with the powerful actor Sun Honglei, she challenged a villain female No. 2.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

This seemingly harmless flight attendant role, but in fact a scheming flight attendant, sparked heated discussions among the audience. Gan Tingting's delicate and nuanced performance has been widely praised, and more people have seen her acting potential.

The success of this role laid the foundation for Gan Tingting's future role as Pan Jinlian in "Water Margin". Her ability to portray complex characters has given her valuable experience in challenging more controversial roles in the future.

Looking back on this period, we can see the growth trajectory of a young actor. From a fledgling rookie to a rookie who has won international awards, to a powerful person who can create complex roles, Gan Tingting has used her hard work and talent to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry step by step.

However, at that time, Gan Tingting did not know that fate was about to bring her a life-changing opportunity. The role of Pan Jinlian in "Water Margin" is like a double-edged sword, which will not only bring her unprecedented popularity, but also make her face huge challenges and controversies.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

In 2010, 24-year-old Gan Tingting stood at a turning point in her career. Originally, she was invited to play the role of Li Shishi in the new version of "Water Margin", but due to an unexpected proposal from the director, she took over the challenging role of Pan Jinlian.

Faced with this opportunity, Gan Tingting's heart was full of contradictions. The role of Pan Jinlian has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people by Wang Siyi and other predecessors, and it is not easy to surpass it.

However, as a young actress, she knew that the opportunity was rare, so she mustered up the courage to accept the challenge.

During the filming, Gan Tingting felt unprecedented pressure. The intimate scene with her partner Du Chun made her feel uncomfortable, especially the scene where Ximen Qing kissed Pan Jinlian's "three-inch golden lotus", which made Gan Tingting struggle inheartedly.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

Although these clips were eventually cut, the various experiences during the filming process buried some hidden dangers for her acting career.

As soon as "Water Margin" was broadcast, the ratings continued to rise. With her unique interpretation, Gan Tingting is known as "the purest version of Pan Jinlian". Especially the classic scene of pushing the window open, which is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience.

Her performance not only won the love of the audience, but also brought her the Best Female Newcomer Award at the 2011 Autumn TV Drama Festival and the Best Newcomer Actress of the Year at the 2011 National Drama Festival.

These honors are undoubtedly an affirmation of Gan Tingting's acting skills, and they also make her stand out in the entertainment industry.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

However, the joy of fame was soon overshadowed by the controversy that ensued. The deleted clip video circulating on the Internet plunged Gan Tingting into the whirlpool of public opinion, and many people began to question her private life.

What's more, a person claiming to be Gan Tingting's ex-boyfriend posted a large-scale photo of her on the Internet, which once again pushed her to the forefront.

In the face of the flood of doubts and criticism, Gan Tingting's heart was full of pain and helplessness. She had received disgusting text messages asking her "how much does it cost for a night".

These experiences made Gan Tingting realize that the cost of fame was far greater than she imagined.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

During this difficult period, Gan Tingting has always maintained her professional ethics. She has participated in a total of 18 film and television works in more than two years and devoted herself to her work.

In the face of doubts from the outside world, she responded calmly: "I can earn wealth through my own efforts, why rely on others?" If I had to choose, I'd rather be the mother of the rich second generation! These words not only show her self-confidence, but also show her dedication to her acting career.

"Water Margin" is undoubtedly an important turning point in Gan Tingting's acting career. It made her an overnight celebrity and won a lot of attention and recognition. But at the same time, it has also brought unprecedented pressure and challenges to Gan Tingting.

Since then, the role of "Pan Jinlian" has been like a double-edged sword, which is not only a sign of her fame, but also a shackle that she is difficult to get rid of.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

This experience made Gan Tingting deeply aware of the complexity of the entertainment industry. She realized that a real actor not only needs superb acting skills, but also a strong heart to face the various trials after becoming famous.

Despite encountering many difficulties, these experiences also made Gan Tingting more determined in her acting path, laying the foundation for her future transformation and breakthroughs.

After "Water Margin", Gan Tingting faced a difficult choice: whether to continue along the route of "Pan Jinlian", or seek a breakthrough and try more diversified roles? Eventually, she chose the latter and embarked on a challenging path of transformation.

The road is not smooth. Gan Tingting has tried a variety of different types of roles, from exciting spy war dramas to passionate war dramas, to dignified and elegant costume dramas, her figure is almost everywhere.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

She was also fortunate to work with many well-known artists such as Wu Qilong, Yan Yikuan, Zhong Hanliang, etc., however, these works have never attracted as much attention as "Water Margin".

In 2017, Gan Tingting ushered in an important opportunity. In the TV series "Lonely Fang", she played the breathtakingly beautiful Princess Yaotian. Gan Tingting has put a lot of effort into this role, hoping to show her acting progress.

However, due to the negative news of the heroine Yang Ying (Angelababy), the show was not well evaluated, and Gan Tingting's wonderful performance was ignored.

This experience made her feel deeply lost, but it also strengthened her determination to continue to work hard.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

In 2019, Gan Tingting challenged herself again and played the role of "Red Face and Troubled Water" Chen Yuanyuan in the new version of "The Legend of Deer and Ding". However, this attempt was criticized for her slightly plump figure.

In the face of doubts, Gan Tingting was not discouraged, but actively adjusted her state and worked hard to lose weight.

In 2020, in "The Departed", the audience saw a rejuvenated Gan Tingting. Although the show failed to cause much repercussions due to the gradual decline of TVB, Gan Tingting's efforts are obvious to all.

The new style she showed made people see her progress and breakthrough in acting.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

In the process of this transformation, Gan Tingting faced many challenges. Sometimes it's the poor quality of the script, sometimes it's the production team's inadequacy, and more often it's the constraints of the audience's inherent impressions.

The label "Pan Jinlian" always seems to linger, and whenever she tries a new role, there are always people who compare her to "Pan Jinlian".

However, Gan Tingting did not give up because of this. She always believes that as long as she perseveres, there will be a breakthrough one day. She is constantly learning and working hard to improve her acting skills, while also looking for roles that can show her versatility.

2022 is a turning point for Gan Tingting. In the TV series "Love Fights to Win", she received a completely different role from the past - the unpretentious entrepreneurial elite Ye Dalian.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

This role is both a challenge and an opportunity, giving Gan Tingting the opportunity to show a different charm of acting.

Leaving the gorgeous costumes of costume dramas and taking off the bewitching mask of "Pan Jinlian", Gan Tingting appeared in front of the audience with a new attitude. She fully integrated herself into the role of Ye Dalian, showing the tenacity and wisdom of a modern working woman.

The broadcast of "Love to Fight to Win" not only brought a new breakthrough to Gan Tingting, but also allowed the audience to see her versatility. This success gave Gan Tingting great confidence and made her see hope for the future.

Looking back at the turmoil caused by "Pan Jinlian" more than ten years ago, and looking at Gan Tingting today, we see an actor who has been tempered but still persists. She may feel a little bit about her choice, but she will never regret it.

It's been more than ten years, Gan Tingting, who was tied up by "Pan Jinlian", does she regret it now?

Because it is these experiences that have shaped today's Gan Tingting.

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