
Speech by Cui Jiajun, the representative of the graduates, at the 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony|Strengthen the foundation of growth and take on the mission of the times

author:Qing Xiaohua
Speech by Cui Jiajun, the representative of the graduates, at the 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony|Strengthen the foundation of growth and take on the mission of the times

Strong foundation for growth, take on the mission of the times

- Speech at the 2024 Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

Cui Jiajun, a 2020 undergraduate student of Weiyang College

Speech by Cui Jiajun, the representative of the graduates, at the 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony|Strengthen the foundation of growth and take on the mission of the times

Dear teachers, guests, relatives and friends, dear students,

Good morning!

I am Cui Jiajun from Weiyang Academy, and I am very honored to be able to speak here as a representative of the Class of 2024.

In the past four years, Tsinghua Park has witnessed our growth. In the "Writing and Communication" class, students listened to each other sincerely and expressed themselves bravely. In the volunteer service of the Winter Olympics, the volunteers witnessed the bird's nest in the early morning as "burning snowflakes"; In the newly completed North Gymnasium, everyone sweats and enjoys the fun of sports. On behalf of all the 2024 graduates, please allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to my alma mater, teachers, and family and friends who have accompanied us all the way!

Four years ago, we came to Tsinghua Park with the desire to learn and explore, and four years later, we handed in the answer sheet with actions: to strengthen the foundation of growth and take on the mission of the times.

When studying, I have a strong foundation and let me be down-to-earth. Four years ago, I was deeply attracted by the training model of "integration of science and engineering" in the enrollment brochure of the school's Strong Foundation Program. When I first entered the campus, I was very worried about whether I would be able to take on the heavy responsibility of building a strong foundation for the country. With the urge to prove myself, I put a lot of energy into my coursework. In the study of basic physics, known as the "Three Mountains", hundreds of pages of notes became the earliest footnotes in my college career, and even dreams were scenes where teachers answered questions for us. It is better to learn alone than to learn together, and the Weiyang-Energy 02 class where I am located has the goal of "not leaving anyone behind", and organized a small class tutoring before the exam, and the students will meet in the seminar to discuss the problems, and the ideas will collide in the exchange. When analyzing the flow field in my research, I thought of the electrical model I had learned in the basic physics course, and through the analogy transfer between the two, I finally solved the engineering problem with physical thinking. This made me feel the great charm of the integration of science and engineering, and also had an epiphany about the power of building a strong foundation.

In terms of scientific research, I have never given up from exploring from travel. The training model of the Strong Foundation Program provides us with an early opportunity to understand scientific research and get in touch with the key points of scientific research, and the "Congyoufang" teacher-student salon of the College provides us with a platform to get to know each research direction up close. I was introduced to the concept of fluid mechanics when I was in high school, but it was when I joined the Strong Foundation Program in college that the door really opened for me. In the research group of Professor Liu Shuhong, my supervisor, I have a deeper understanding of the strategic significance of deep-space deep-sea power system research for the mainland's national defense construction, which has enhanced my motivation and sense of mission for continuous exploration. During the summer vacation of my junior year, with the support of the "Breaking the World Project", I had the opportunity to learn and exchange with scholars from other countries. However, my international training journey did not go well. In my research on the mechanism of cavitation erosion, I first need to prepare a sample that meets the experimental requirements, but this small mold has become a difficult hurdle that I have been unable to overcome for a long time. Like a failed bread baker, I pushed the sample into the oven over and over again and found nothing. I began to question myself, and the confidence I had just built was being worn away little by little. At this time, my mentor encouraged me, "Countless times of not being able to find the answer is the process that must be found in the end", and my anxious heart calmed down, and I no longer clinged to the temporary result, but started from the foundation and took root to draw strength. After returning to China, I continued to work on this subject, and the all-night lighting of the Lee Shau Kee Building witnessed my efforts to analyze the high-speed photographic images frame by frame. Finally, my research on the influence mechanism of asymmetric structure on self-focusing cavitation erosion was funded by the "Initiation Program" of the Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation of China, and I was also awarded the "Future Scholar Scholarship" of Tsinghua University. In the future, I will continue to study for a Ph.D. at Tsinghua University, and strive to contribute to solving the problem of cavitation erosion in the field of deep space and deep-sea dynamics.

Facing the future, only by struggling can we take on the mission of the times. As a Tsinghua student, we are fortunate to be able to pursue our personal values while integrating our youth into the cause of serving the major strategic needs of the country. In the past four years, we in the zero word class started from "zero" and climbed the peak bravely facing the times: some students focused on the breakthrough of cutting-edge basic theories of reinforcement learning, and the algorithm proposed by them was widely praised by the predecessors in the field; Some students have devoted themselves to the research of automated astronomy, and have established the first fully automatic microgravitational lensing analysis technology in the interdisciplinary field. Some students are rooted in the philosophical classics, and have developed solid basic skills in the long-term study of difficult literature, and have accumulated a lot in the field of humanities. As young people in the new era, we should live up to the prosperity of the times, and we should be honored to be able to resonate with the times at the same frequency.

Time is like an arrow, and the four years of undergraduate are coming to an end. "Young people should have Lingyun ambition, thousands of miles in the sky to compete for romance", I hope that we will always keep our original intention, strengthen the foundation of the individual and the foundation of the nation, take root and grow with the attitude of struggle, and make new contributions to the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation!

Thank you!

Source | Tsinghua University WeChat public account

Photography: Li Pai

Typesetting & Editor|Yuan Jie

Audit|Xu Liang

All rights reserved by Tsinghua University

Contact email: [email protected]

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Speech by Cui Jiajun, the representative of the graduates, at the 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony|Strengthen the foundation of growth and take on the mission of the times

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Speech by Cui Jiajun, the representative of the graduates, at the 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony|Strengthen the foundation of growth and take on the mission of the times
Speech by Cui Jiajun, the representative of the graduates, at the 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony|Strengthen the foundation of growth and take on the mission of the times
Speech by Cui Jiajun, the representative of the graduates, at the 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony|Strengthen the foundation of growth and take on the mission of the times