
Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

author:Liuyun said ancient and modern
Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face
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Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

The lights on the stage gradually dimmed, and Yuan Quan took a deep breath, ready for another wonderful performance. However, fate played a cruel joke at this moment.

Suddenly, the curtain of the stage lost control, and like a merciless blade, it fell straight at her. In an instant, Yuan Quan was knocked to the ground, and the sharp pain came like a tide, and her consciousness gradually became blurred.

When she woke up in the hospital, her first question was, "Doctor, will I be able to return to the stage?" The solemn expression on the doctor's face made her heart sink to the bottom.

To prop up her dream of returning to the stage, doctors had to implant six steel nails and a steel bar in her leg. This accident almost destroyed everything for Yuan Quan, but it also became the beginning of testing her tenacity.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

From this moment on, the trajectory of her life was completely changed, and a difficult recovery journey began.

Yuan Quan's artistic journey began with a family full of love and warmth. As the youngest daughter in the family, she grew up healthy under the care of her parents and sister. Without the pressure of men, the family is filled with a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

Xiao Yuanquan's eyes always flashed with a longing for art, as if he was born with an indissoluble bond with the stage.

By chance, the drama teachers came to the school to select actors. The young Yuan Quan's eyes lit up, as if he saw the door to his dream. She was always the first to raise her hand when asked by teachers, even if she was sometimes unsure of the answer.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

This courage and self-confidence made it impossible for teachers to ignore her presence. In this way, Yuan Quan joined the drama club, started her artistic journey, and planted the seeds for her future stage career.

In the college entrance examination, Yuan Quan's outstanding performance won her admission letter from the School of Drama. The news was like a bombshell that caused a huge shock in the home.

The parents couldn't sleep for three nights in a row, and their excitement was palpable. They even held a grand celebration in the village to share the joy with family and friends.

In addition to rejoicing, Yuan Quan also faced unprecedented challenges. With no dance foundation, she felt powerless for basic skills training such as leg presses, and every practice was a huge test of body and mind.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

In the face of the doubts and concerns of the people around him, Yuan Quan firmly said: "I really want to enter the palace of art, this is completely my personal decision. With this determination, the young Yuan Quan stepped into the world of art without hesitation.

Every morning, she is the first to get up and devote herself to the training of basic artistic skills. Lower back, leg press, every movement is accompanied by sweat and pain.

Yuan Quan gritted his teeth and never thought of giving up.

Fate always favors those who are prepared. During the days of Yuan Quan's hard training, a director came to the school for casting, deliberately looking for actors who knew Peking Opera. Yuan Quan's Peking Opera skills made her stand out among many classmates and won a valuable opportunity to star in the movie "Rhapsody of Spring".

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

This film not only brought her her first major award, but also opened a new chapter in her acting career.

Since then, Yuan Quan has gradually emerged in the entertainment industry, but she has always maintained the pure pursuit of art in her heart. Unlike many of his peers who chase fame and fortune, Yuan Quan attaches more importance to the value of art itself.

She once said: "I hope that through my performances, I can convey sincere emotions and touch the hearts of the audience." This dedication to art has become the driving force that supports her to keep moving forward.

Yuan Quan's growth experience, from a Peking Opera girl with dreams to a high-profile acting star, not only shows her talent and hard work, but also shows her love and persistence in art.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

This experience laid a solid foundation for her future development in the entertainment industry, and also shaped her unique artistic personality.

Although he is already well-known in the film and television industry, Yuan Quan's heart has always been concerned about the drama stage. In an in-depth interview, she made no secret of her true thoughts: "If there is a conflict between drama creation and life, I will not hesitate to choose drama."

This sentence not only shows her love for drama, but also shows her determined artistic pursuit.

However, moving from the film and television industry to the drama stage is no easy feat. Yuan Quan knows that this road is full of challenges, but she still devotes herself to it without hesitation. Every rehearsal is a severe test of physical strength and will, and every performance requires full dedication.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

Even so, Yuan Quan never wavered in his determination. She firmly believes that only on the stage of drama can we truly appreciate the charm of performance and the true meaning of art.

In order to improve his acting skills, Yuan Quan began a long and arduous training journey. This insistence lasted for eight years. Every morning, while others were still asleep, Yuan Quan had already begun to practice the basic skills.

Lower waist, leg press, voice training, every link does not dare to slack off. This kind of almost demanding self-requirement not only makes Yuan Quan's figure more and more beautiful, but also makes her acting skills more and more perfect.

On the drama stage, Yuan Quan's performance can always shock and move the audience. She puts all her heart and soul into each character, striving to perfectly present the inner world of the characters.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

Sometimes, in order to figure out a character, she will spend months experiencing life and feeling the joys and sorrows of the characters. This dedication and dedication to art makes her performances always touch the heartstrings of the audience.

Yuan Quan's persistence not only won the applause of the audience, but also won the respect of people in the industry. In the eyes of many, her choice may be a bit incredible. After all, compared with dramas, the film and television industry can bring higher popularity and more lucrative returns.

But for Yuan Quan, being able to stand on the stage, feel the breath of the audience, and convey the charm of art is her greatest satisfaction.

In an interview, Yuan Quan said with a smile: "Someone asked me why I chose drama, and I want to say that this is not a choice, but a mission. This sentence expresses her deep affection for drama.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

For Yuan Quan, drama is not only an art form, but also the destination of her soul.

In Yuan Quan's brilliant acting career, there is a touching love story, like a warm and moving drama, the protagonists are her and Xia Yu. The acquaintance of this golden boy and girl can be traced back to their campus days.

At that time, Xia Yu was a well-known "problem student" in school, always causing trouble and dealing with the teachers. And Yuan Quan is a good student with excellent character and learning in everyone's eyes, and the two seem to be two completely different worlds.

However, fate has bound these two seemingly unrelated souls together. Their encounter is like a well-choreographed drama, full of youthful romance.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

This relationship, like a clear spring, nourishes Yuan Quan's heart. She knows the preciousness of this love and is determined to cherish it. And Xia Yu also guards this relationship in his own unique way.

When Yuan Quan suffered a stage accident and fell into a low point in her life, it was Xia Yu's company that made her rediscover the meaning and direction of life.

The two have walked through the ups and downs hand in hand and faced the ups and downs of life together. In the eyes of outsiders, they are recognized as a model couple in the circle, and they are also high-profile actors and actresses in the industry.

However, for them, the most precious thing is not fame and fortune, but the companionship and understanding of each other.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

Now, their small family has a new member - their lovely daughter. The arrival of this little life has added more joy and warmth to this family full of art.

Xia Yu once revealed in an interview that since the birth of his daughter, he has felt unprecedented happiness.

The road to recovery after the stage accident was an arduous battle for Yuan Quan. Six steel nails and a steel bar became a part of her body and a source of hope for her return to the stage.

Every day of rehabilitation training is a huge test of willpower, pain and frustration are everywhere, but Yuan Quan always gritted his teeth and persevered.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

During these difficult days, Yuan Quan often sat alone in front of the window, staring at the stage in the distance in a daze. There is a nostalgia for the past and a desire for the future in her eyes.

Although the doctor and the people around her persuaded her to give up, the stage dream in her heart never went out. She often said to herself, "As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will persevere."

After a long and arduous struggle, Yuan Quan finally got back on his feet. Her comeback is like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, which shook the entire entertainment industry.

In April 2024, at the kind invitation of the well-known host Lu Yu, Yuan Quan will perform "Farewell My Concubine" again. When she stood on the stage and sang the classic song confidently and magnificently, the audience was all moved.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

At this moment, Yuan Quan seems to have returned to the little girl who loved to perform back then, with a love for art and gratitude for life flashing in her eyes.

Yuan Quan's persistence and efforts have also been highly recognized by the industry. In 2023, she participated in the movie "Legend of the Gods" starring kung fu superstar Donnie Yen, once again showing her infinite possibilities as an actor.

Her performance has received unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders, proving that she is not only outstanding on the drama stage, but also radiant on the big screen.

Immediately afterwards, she received an invitation to participate in the filming of "Fengshen Trilogy", in which she played the important role of Queen Jiang. This high-profile production is undoubtedly another affirmation of Yuan Quan's acting skills.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

Every time he stood in front of the camera, every time he stepped on the stage, Yuan Quan poured all his enthusiasm and focus. Her performance is not only an interpretation of the role, but also a tribute to life.

Those six steel nails and one steel bar have become an integral part of her life story, witnessing how she has regained her brilliance in the face of adversity.

Yuan Quan's comeback road is a moving hymn to life. She proved with her actions that as long as she has a dream in her heart, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome. Her story has not only inspired countless people who have struggled in the face of adversity, but also set an example of perseverance in the entire entertainment industry.

Throughout Yuan Quan's career, we can clearly see a consistent trait - low-key and determined. Whether at the peak or the trough of her career, she maintained an admirable composure and focus.

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

Yuan Quan never deliberately pursues glory in the spotlight, but devotes all his energy to his artistic pursuit. In the film and television industry and on the drama stage, she has taken every step steadily and firmly.

In the face of challenges, her tenacity is moving; In the face of success, she remains humble.

This low-key but unwavering philosophy is not only reflected in her career choices, but also in her daily life. Even after encountering major setbacks, Yuan Quan still maintained his love and dedication to art, constantly challenging himself and breaking through his limits.

She once said: "A real actor should focus on the performance itself, not on external fame and fortune."

Yuan Quan: 6 steel nails and 1 steel bar, he has been sticking to it for many years, and Yuan Quan has slapped many celebrities in the face

Yuan Quan's story has given great encouragement and inspiration to many dreamers. She proves that sincerity and persistence are more important than talent in the path of art. It is this low-key and firm attitude that makes Yuan Quan unique in the entertainment industry and has become a real artist in the minds of many people.

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