
The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

author:One Bee Society

"Between the Ink Rain Clouds" exploded unexpectedly.

With the full plot of stepping on the audience's cool point, the hot search on the screen has been dominated for more than half a month.

With the popularity of the series, Princess Wanning, the villain in the play, has also been frequently discussed.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

is almost crazy when he appears, as a key figure in the tragic fate of the heroine, which makes the audience gnash their teeth;

In the later stage, with the development of the character's experience and fate, he became one of the most empathetic characters for the audience.

Actor Li Meng also became popular again with the role out of the circle.

From Wang Yao in "The Hidden Corner" to the eldest princess in "Ink Rain Clouds", Li Meng has obviously been unbeatable in the track of domestic entertainment crazy characters.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

What does she think of these characters? And how to deduce a different crazy beauty?

In this issue of "Star Talking Club", we talk to Li Meng, and walk into the mental journey of a good actor behind the hit drama.

Talk to the Heart Club

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The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

When I first came into contact with "Ink Rain and Clouds", it was Mr. Yu Zheng who sent me a script called "Marrying a Daughter".

I think it's because he watched "The Hidden Corner" and thinks that this princess should be played by an actress who can resonate with Wang Yao at the same frequency in spirit.

I didn't see the back book at the time.,I only watched the first five episodes.,The pace is fast.,The plot unfolded very quickly.,Soon all the contradictions were concentrated.。

I just think this script is good, and it will attract me to read it.

At the beginning, because I had never acted in costume dramas, and I didn't understand the theme of revenge dramas, a lot of the design for Wanning actually came from director Lu Hao Jiji.

The director himself likes this character very much, and he thinks that in addition to Su Guogong and Xue Fangfei, he can empathize with the role the most, and the contrast and contradiction are very intense.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

Including me pinching Xue Fangfei's neck, teasing her hem, and making Shen Yurong kneel, these are all the director's designs for the characters.

The sense of madness and kneeling literature that everyone sees now, as well as the princess in circles, I didn't understand at all at the time.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

What I can empathize with the most is that the princess was abused in the northern kingdom (Daiguo), she knew that she was going to the northern kingdom (Daiguo) to exchange national peace on behalf of the emperor, and it was miserable to carry these alone.

and that she thought she was pregnant, but in fact had no children.

Actually, I don't think she's a love brain, she knows it very well.

These struggles of the royal family, she has seen, are meaningless to her.

The rules and regulations of the deep palace compound constrain human nature, and it is precisely because she is from a noble family that she knows how important it is to love someone's ability and freedom, so she chose Shen Yurong.

Shen Yurong knows what she knows, but it doesn't matter to her, she cares more about this person, or whether she can be with him.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

She is true love and possessiveness for Shen Yurong, if a person really loves someone, she will have possessiveness, which is not contradictory in itself.

In this process, she really fell in love with Shen Yurong, so she had such a strong possessive desire for him, as well as some relatively extreme behaviors.

And she is not only hostile to Xue Fangfei, she can actually empathize with this woman very much.

Shen Yurong had to choose to sacrifice Xue Fangfei in order to ensure the smooth promotion of the Shen family to fight monsters.

Wanning is the same, in order to ensure the peace of Dayan, she was forced to go to the northern country (Daiguo) to be a proton, and it was her father who chose to sacrifice her, because she was a daughter's family.

In Xue Fangfei, I saw the same tragic fate as Wanning.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

I remember a line that was, "If it weren't for Shen Yurong, we might have become good friends", I didn't feel it when I played it at the time, but now I look back on it and feel very touched.

We are all the same female victims in a patriarchal society, because these family hatreds and hatreds have become opposites.

Without these, we would have been the same women.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

In fact, when I chose to play Wanning, I wanted to expand my acting path more.

I don't want to be stuck in a realistic theme, I want to be a part of the costume theme.

In fact, I was quite reluctant to play the same crazy type of role at the time, but I did think that the book was good, and I was thinking about how to distinguish Wanning from Wang Yao.

In "The Hidden Corner", Wang Yao's dramatic conflict points are there as soon as they come up.

When her daughter died, she went hysterically to find the murderer, and the process of identifying the murderer was completely illogical, relying on her mother's intuition to judge.

But in "Ink Rain and Clouds", it is not until the end that Wanning's first half of life is expanded, which is a more essential difference.

But the mental state may be the same, and they are all in a very self-egoistic, very crazy state.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

When I took over the role of "The Hidden Corner", I thought that I could only play the role of Zhang Dongsheng's wife at my age, but my agent told me that the director asked me to play Wang Yao, and gave me a short time to consider whether to play it.

I was surprised at that moment, how could you want me to play Wang Yao?

It seemed to me that the character was at least 35 years old, but I was only 27 years old at the time, so I had no experience at all.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment
The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment
The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

Source: "The Hidden Corner"

In fact, Wanning is too, I didn't have any feelings when I first watched this character, but I just felt that the script was very good, and the character might be a relatively brilliant supporting role in the script.

But I also didn't want to put my ambition so big, make her such a pervasive, so brilliant, and so resonant with the audience.

A lot of times, it's the director, screenwriter, and rival actors who push you there.

Including the scene in "The Hidden Corner", where the police station identifies Zhu Chaoyang as the murderer.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

When acting at that time, the director felt that nothing was right, and that scene was filmed twice, just to rationalize the matter of "why Wang Yao must think that Zhu Chaoyang is the murderer" through performance.

That's a mother's sixth sense, and you have to put it on.

How to act? I don't know, everything depends on the present, it was Zhang Songwen's teacher, director, including the rival actors who played the police, that made me reach that state.

Before the age of 30, I really wanted to be a movie queen, but in the past two years, my thoughts have not been so strong.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment
The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

In 2013, Li Meng was in Cannes/Photo source Li Meng Weibo

I want to be an actor who can play different roles, and I hope to expand my ability to have my own representative role on every track.

Doesn't stop there, when it comes to Li Meng, he can only play crazy, not anything else.

I haven't positioned myself and I don't want to be positioned, and of course I know the market will always position me.

I've always had ambitions for acting, and that ambition is unconscious.

It's not that I'm going to play a certain character well, but I'm always looking forward to a different role for me to play.

I want to be like dirt, transformed into different characters.

It's not just one type, there may be more tracks, and if it's the reverse "forbearance" of "madness", can I also challenge it?

Whether it's an ancient puppet, a cool drama, or a suspense film, I think it's all right, and everyone is especially welcome to come to me to play different types of roles.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

My MBTI (Type 16 personality) is ISFP, and Eileen Chang's personality is also called the artist personality.

I myself have a more introverted personality in life, and it is impossible to be presumptuous and willful.

But a lot of times my character is biased towards saying whatever you want, and it's very e-person (extraverted), so to some extent, the character heals me.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

In fact, I am very fragile in my heart, but I don't admit defeat easily, fragility and tenacity seem to exist in my body.

I think sensitivity is a gift, and my sensitivity to human nature will help me to present different characters, but sensitivity doesn't mean that I have to be very serious about everything.

It's like I'm very concerned about my negative reviews, but because I've been scolded for many years, I'm not too sad.

I think I'm still an optimistic person, and I don't look down on myself because everyone scolds me, and if I look down on myself at this time, then no one can look down on me.

Later, I felt that since I had fallen on Weibo, then I would play Xiaohongshu.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment
The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

Li Meng's social media accounts

Expression is my nature as an actor, and I have a natural desire to express myself, which is why I became an actor.

I think being an actor is probably the best medium to unleash my desire for expression.

After 30+, I hope to express my understanding of myself, life, the world and human nature at a deeper level, so I will also choose more profound roles to play.

It's a bit gratifying to get so much praise now, as if everyone can really get to know me again.

Because I originally wanted to say that one day I would still use the character to make everyone shut up and stop scolding me.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

I didn't explain the negative comments because I didn't think there was anything to explain, and Zhang Ziyi said that sentence on stage on the night of watching Weibo that day:

"Don't think about the past, don't worry about the present, and don't be afraid of the future."

I can empathize with these 12 words, and I don't need to think about the past anymore, or keep entanglement, keep explaining, and talk over and over again.

At the moment, even if it is at a better stage, all kinds of voices may be coming, don't be disturbed, or be firm in the path you want to take.

The craziest female star this year, there is no meal replacement in domestic entertainment

Don't be afraid of the future, even if other people's definition of me is that I can only play a crazy person now, don't be afraid to say that there are no other good roles in the future, and good roles will still come.

Like Sister Ziyi also said, there is a mountain and a mountain high.

So I am very grateful to director Jia Zhangke, who used me at that time and brought me into the film industry, and was able to go to the Cannes Film Festival at such a young age.

Let me know what kind of actor I want to be and where I'm going.

With this heart, I will go in this direction for the rest of my life.

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