
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

author:Paper Planes No. 8 Entertainment
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

The 29th Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Awards ceremony was lively but controversial.

Hu Ge won the second TV emperor with "Flowers", and Zhou Xun won the second TV with "Imperfect Victim", but the results were questioned.

Fan Wei's acting skills are superb, and Tang Yan's breakthrough is huge but he lost the award.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

The reaction of the stars on the scene was wonderful, Tang Yan was excited for Hu Ge to win the award, and Hu Ge was disappointed for Tang Yan to lose the award.

The supporting actor award was recognized, "Flowers" became a big winner, and "The Long Season" was unexpectedly disappointed.

This raises more questions about the selection mechanism.

The 29th Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Award Ceremony was held at the Shanghai International Convention Center, where a number of film and television giants and rookies gathered together to witness the glorious moment of this annual TV art.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

The grand event under the cover of night is not only a concentrated display of the achievements of the TV drama industry in the past year, but also a feast of acting skills and artistic exploration.

The most eye-catching thing that night was the announcement of the best actor and actress.

Hu Ge won the Best Actor crown with his role as A Bao in "Flowers", with his deeply rooted performance and the complex emotional level of the role.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

On the podium, Hu Ge expressed his deep gratitude to his crew colleagues and characters with his usual humble attitude, and his acceptance speech was sincere and touching.

In contrast, Zhou Xun won the Best Actress for her role as Lin Kan in "Imperfect Victim", a decision that quickly made waves on the Internet.

Some viewers believe that although Zhou Xun's acting skills are impeccable, the in-depth excavation of the role does not seem to meet expectations, and the attribution of awards has become a hot topic.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

Fan Wei's performance in "The Long Season" is remarkable, and the delicate and nuanced emotional processing is moving, but unfortunately he failed to win the award, which made many fans feel unhappy and sighed "When will the spring of acting come".

Similarly, Tang Yan's passionate performance in "Flowers", despite a lot of effort and effort, failed to win the favor of the judges and became another big pearl of the night.

In the competition for Best Supporting Actor and Actress, Jiang Yan and Ning Li won due recognition for their outstanding performances in "South to North" and "Under the Prosperous City".

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

Yao Yuling, played by Jiang Yan, is rich in layers and delicate in emotion, successfully capturing the inner world of the character; Ning Li showed deep and restrained acting skills in the role of Song Chen in "Under the Prosperous City", and the two deserved to win the award, adding a bit of warmth and encouragement to the ceremony.

It is worth mentioning that "Flowers" not only won Hu Ge the Best Actor, but also swept five awards including the best drama series, becoming the biggest winner of the night, fully demonstrating the outstanding achievements of the show in script, production, performance and other aspects.

In contrast, although "The Long Season" only won the Best Director Award, its artistic value and innovative attempts were still highly praised inside and outside the industry, and the disparity in the distribution of awards once again sparked a discussion about the judging criteria and preferences.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

"The Long Season" is a life suspense drama directed by Xin Shuang and starring Fan Wei, Qin Hao, and Chen Minghao.

The show will be broadcast exclusively on Tencent Video on April 22, 2023.

The drama is set in Birch City, Northeast China, and the whole story is connected with the corpse shredding case as the main line, which is divided into three timelines: 1997, 1998 and 2016.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

In 1997, Wang Yang, the son of Wang Xiang, a train driver at the Birch Steel Plant, was not admitted to college, and met Shen Mo, a female college student who worked in a dance hall, and the uncle and aunt who adopted Shen Mo also came to Birch City, and an ulterior secret gradually surfaced.

In 1998, there was a corpse shredding case in Huacheng, the murderer was cruel, due to the lack of clues, the police were helpless, and Wang Xiang was facing a wave of layoffs, he volunteered to investigate the case with the criminal police Ma Desheng.

In 2016, there was another deck crash case, Wang Xiang and his cousin Gong Biao found that the person who hit the deck car turned out to be the murderer who killed Wang Yang that year, so Wang Xiang, Gong Biao and Ma Desheng, three retired old people, decided to find out the truth together.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

The main characters in the play include: Wang Xiang, played by Fan Wei, is a taxi driver who has experienced layoffs and the death of his son; Gong Biao played by Qin Hao, Wang Xiang's brother-in-law; Ma Desheng, played by Chen Minghao, is the former captain of the criminal police.

The plot of the play features the story from the perspective of the elderly, and through the persistent pursuit of the truth by the three old people, it shows the various situations of people's livelihood and the warm interaction between people in different eras.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

Under the shell of suspense, it deeply portrays the characters, life and fate, and conveys deep thinking about life.

Its image and audio-visual have the texture of a large movie, with bright tones and a proper atmosphere for music rendering.

At the same time, the play also presents the humor in the bones of Northeast people, which makes the process of watching the drama full of joy.

In terms of awards, the show has gained a lot.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

In September 2023, Fan Wei won the Best Actor Award in the International Competition Unit at the 18th Seoul International TV Drama Awards.

On February 10, 2024, he won the honorary award of "Outstanding TV Series of the Year" in the "2nd China TV Drama Annual Ceremony".

On March 28, he was awarded the "Quality Model Drama of the Year" award at the "Drama Yao Dongfang 2024 TV Drama Quality Ceremony".

In May 2024, he was shortlisted for the Best Chinese TV Drama Award at the 29th Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Awards.

"The Long Season" has won wide acclaim from the audience with its unique narrative style, wonderful plot and profound theme, breaking the audience's stereotype of traditional suspense dramas.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

It not only shows an unsolved case that spans many years, but also presents the life changes and emotional journey of a generation.

At the ceremony, the emotions of the stars were as dramatic as the ups and downs.

After Tang Yan learned that her friend Hu Ge won the award, she couldn't hide her excitement, and her cheers and blessings became the most beautiful footnotes of friendship.

And Hu Ge's subtle reaction to Zhou Xun's award was also keenly captured by the camera, and the complex emotions - both the respect of the opponent and the silent consideration of the fairness of the award are intriguing.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

For two years in a row, the results of the Magnolia Awards have fallen into a whirlpool of controversy, which is not only a discussion about who wins and loses, but also triggers widespread public doubts about the fairness and transparency of the award selection mechanism in the entertainment industry.

With the fermentation of social media, how to find a fairer standard in art evaluation and balance commercial value and artistic pursuit has become an urgent problem to be solved.

The Magnolia Award of the Shanghai TV Festival, as an important vane in the field of Chinese TV dramas, every time the award is announced, it is a review and promotion of the industry.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! Tang Yan lost the award, Hu Ge didn't hold back, Hu Ge won the award, Tang Yan was excited

On this star-studded night, some people are happy and some are worried, but what remains unchanged is that the love and pursuit of television art by all participants will continue to light the way forward.

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