
"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

author:Bobo Entertainment
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"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!
"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

Text: Bobo Entertainment

Bobo Entertainment


It was a sunny day, the set was in full swing, and the director's shouts were endless. And our protagonist Hou Mengsha is filming a violent action scene, she is wearing a military uniform, her muscles are tense, and her eyes are focused and sharp.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

"Cut!" Finally, the director shouted out this relieved word with satisfaction, and the staff handed Hou Mengsha towels and sports drinks one after another. But she simply took it and threw herself into the preparation for the next action link...

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

You must be curious, who is this talented beauty? Let me tell you about it.

Hou Mengsha's acting career

Hou Mengsha, born in Dalian, Liaoning Province in 1985, has shown outstanding artistic talent since she was a child, and entered the School of Arts of Nanjing University to study performance. After graduating from university, she was specially recruited by the Art Troupe of the Nanjing Military Region and began her acting career.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

With a pair of peach blossom eyes and tall figure inherited from her mother, Hou Mengsha soon emerged in military-themed film and television dramas. In 2010, she attracted attention in the circle for her role as Bai Jingsu, the heroine of the anti-spy drama "Mask of Anger".

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

In the next few years, Hou Mengsha can be said to have had enough of "dressing" addiction. She has starred in many smash hit military dramas, such as "I Am a Special Soldier", "Spicy Female Soldier", "Gun Hunting", etc., and frequently teamed up with first-line male stars such as Wu Jing and Donnie Yen. Especially in "I Am the Sharp Knives of Special Forces", a life-and-death rescue scene between her and Wu Jing can be described as wonderful.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

Everyone knows that filming action scenes is a technical job, especially for actresses. In order to make this scene exciting, Hou Mengsha and Wu Jing suffered a lot.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

Just by looking at her heroic posture on the set, I am afraid it is difficult to imagine how difficult it was at the beginning. However, this effort was not in vain in the end, with her wonderful performance in this drama, Hou Mengsha became a household name in one fell swoop.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

In the film and television industry, there is also a saying: "If you want to make a military drama, you must find Hou Mengsha."

In the next few years, Hou Mengsha can be described as a leader. She is not only popular all over the country with dramas such as "Special Forces Fire Phoenix", but also joined "Poison Hunter" with Liu Ye, Zhu Yawen, Lu Yi and other top performers.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

This drama, which reflects the vicissitudes and struggles of the anti-narcotics police, is not only full of praise, but also attracts more than 2 billion amazing ratings. And the only regret is that there is no affair between her and the male protagonist in the play...

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

The world generally believes that Hou Mengsha's ability to excel in military dramas is largely due to her resolute and strong temperament and careful study of the role.

Every time before starring in a new drama, she will be full of substitution for the script and practice her movements in front of the mirror. Sometimes they even go to the military camp to experience training, so that the demeanor of the military is not disobedient. On the set, she is often the one who leaves from the earliest to the latest, and never cares about personal gains and losses.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

It's hard to imagine that this now heroic "Iron Lady" also had confusion and wandering when she first entered the entertainment industry. She doesn't like to pretend to be a demon like some popular actresses, and she doesn't like to flirt in private. Her favorite thing is to prepare enough beer and snacks at home and sing happily with three or five friends.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

As she said bluntly in an interview: "The entertainment industry is very dirty, but we actors just want to use honest works to make this circle clean."

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

Hou Mengsha's married life

Although her career is booming, Hou Mengsha is not carried away by fame and fortune, and her married life is very happy. After several years of crazy love with actor Mao Yi, Hou Mengsha announced the marriage news of the two on social platforms. This immediately attracted the attention of the entertainment industry and the media.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

Judging from the photos, the bride and groom are beaming and loving. Hou Mengsha was wearing a white gauze, with exquisite curves, while Mao Yi was handsome and handsome in a suit and leather shoes. The two looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of sweetness and happiness.

For this "golden couple" of a traditional art family, marriage is by no means impulsive, but the crystallization of their love for each other.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

In fact, many years ago, Hou Mengsha and Mao Yi were already friends who talked about everything. Whenever they encounter a difficult script or character, they will ask each other for advice and guide each other. Gradually, mentor-like friendships nurture deeper feelings.

At the instigation of their friends, the two finally mustered up the courage to confess their hearts to each other. In this way, a marriage that seemed to be far away was snapped and closed.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

Now, although they have both entered the golden period of their careers, their love lives have never been cold. Whether it's playing games at home or snuggling up to the outside, both put each other first.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

Once upon a time, Hou Mengsha almost made a compromise for her career and relationship. It was when she was 32 years old, and several masterpieces made her famous, and major TV stations and studios were invited to work.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

Seeing that her career was about to enter her peak, Hou Mengsha suddenly had the idea of temporarily withdrawing from the front line. In those years, she fought hard for her career almost day after day on the set, and she was already a little physically and mentally exhausted.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

Fortunately, with the guidance of family and friends, she finally got it done. She decided to slow down the pace for the time being, avoid some big productions, and only focus on small-budget dramas within her ability, as well as live streaming.

This decision won Hou Mengsha a rare respite. With more personal time, she can spend time at home with her husband, and she can also get together with friends.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!


Now 35 years old, Hou Mengsha is still a jade tree, and she is also passionate about her career and life. I believe that in the near future, she will be able to present us with more wonderful works.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

Looking back at Hou Mengsha's Peak Road, it is not difficult for us to find that the reason why she can stand out and become the real "most beautiful military flower" is not only due to her outstanding appearance and excellent acting skills, but also her down-to-earth, diligent and hard-working attitude.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

It is this diligence and perseverance that allows her to successfully interpret the ordinary role of military dress with twists and turns and vividness. And her cherishing of life and family also makes this "Iron Lady" more warm and interesting under her appearance.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

Some people say that an excellent actor is to be 100% involved in the play on the stage; A successful person needs to have a good balance between career and life at the same time. It seems that Hou Mengsha has fully achieved the unity of the two.

"Flower of the Army" Hou Mengsha: has embarked on a "road of no return" and is addicted to bringing goods and not filming!

From a neglected newcomer to the much-anticipated "most beautiful military flower", Hou Mengsha's life journey is both legendary and inspirational, as she herself concluded: "The road is long, I will go up and down and seek". We have reason to believe that her star path is destined to be even more dazzling!

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