
With the escalation of the situation between Russia and Ukraine and Putin's suspension of BRICS expansion, China has captured an unusual signal from Russia.

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

When the international situation is changing and many countries are seeking new platforms for cooperation, a sudden decision has broken the original calm.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, a pivotal leader in the international political arena, went so far as to announce the suspension of the BRICS enlargement process!

With the escalation of the situation between Russia and Ukraine and Putin's suspension of BRICS expansion, China has captured an unusual signal from Russia.

This decision has undoubtedly caused an uproar around the world, and foreign media have exclaimed that the international situation seems to have evolved into a 7-on-10 pattern.

So, what are the considerations behind Putin's decision?

What does the future hold for the BRICS?

In this article, we'll dive into this topic and unravel the mysteries behind it.

Today, as a representative of emerging markets and developing countries, the influence of BRICS countries is becoming increasingly prominent.

More and more countries want to join this platform to jointly promote the development of countries in the Global South.

However, just when everyone generally believed that the pace of BRICS expansion might accelerate, Russian President Vladimir Putin unexpectedly stepped on the "hard brakes".

This decision has undoubtedly shocked and puzzled countries around the world.

Recently, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made it clear in a public statement that the 10 BRICS countries were voted by an "overwhelming majority" due to the doubling of the total number of BRICS members by the number of new members.

It was decided to suspend the expansion for the time being in order to better "absorb" and absorb these new Member States.

He also revealed that the BRICS countries are currently drafting a list of partner country categories, which will serve as an important step for the countries concerned to obtain full membership in the future.

This news undoubtedly further confirms that Putin's decision is not groundless.

Why, then, did Russia make such a decision at this time? The reasons behind this are undoubtedly worth exploring in depth.

First of all, we need to be clear that Russia has always wanted to strengthen the influence of the BRICS, so it is undoubtedly a good thing that more and more countries are joining.

With the escalation of the situation between Russia and Ukraine and Putin's suspension of BRICS expansion, China has captured an unusual signal from Russia.

However, Putin and the Russian government are clearly more focused on the quality and stability of the BRICS.

They are concerned that if the expansion process is pushed forward too hastily, it may attract some partners who are not committed, and even internal vacillation and instability.

In fact, such concerns are not unfounded. Although some countries have applied to join the BRICS, there may be speculation.

Thailand, for example, has expressed its desire to join the US-led OECD while applying to join the BRICS, which is clearly a "two-sided bet" strategy.

Another example is Argentina, which once became a member of the BRICS, but then voluntarily withdrew, which undoubtedly sets a very bad precedent.

If we take into account the huge gap in economic, cultural and political aspects that may exist after the expansion of the BRICS members, then the expansion of the BRICS membership should be treated with even more caution.

Therefore, the core reason for Russia's desire to slow down the BRICS expansion is nothing more than the hope that the BRICS expansion will attract firm partners and avoid some internal vacillation.

They want to make sure that every new member can make a positive contribution to the development of the BRICS countries and not become a potential "ticking time bomb".

Most BRICS countries have expressed their understanding and support for this decision.

They believe that the suspension of the expansion is to ensure that the BRICS countries can develop better and more robustly.

After all, more than 30 countries around the world have expressed their desire to join BRICS.

With the escalation of the situation between Russia and Ukraine and Putin's suspension of BRICS expansion, China has captured an unusual signal from Russia.

If the BRICS membership is blindly expanded, it is likely to lead to various problems and contradictions within the BRICS countries.

Of course, there are also concerns and doubts about this decision.

They believe that the expansion of the BRICS is an irreversible trend, and that a pause in the expansion may cause disappointment and frustration for some countries that were originally interested in joining.

In addition, they are concerned that this decision may weaken the influence of the BRICS countries in the international arena to a certain extent.

However, these concerns and doubts are clearly overly pessimistic.

In fact, the expansion of the BRICS is only a matter of time.

The current pause is only to ensure better and more robust development for the BRICS countries in the future. And the enlarged BRICS bloc.

The share of the global economy will rise to 37% of world GDP, which is even more than the 30.3% of the G7 group.

At the same time, the total population of the BRICS countries will reach 3.5 billion, which is 45% of the world's population!

These data undoubtedly show that the future of the BRICS countries is promising, and the BRICS will become a pivotal international institution.

So, in the face of this decision, why did the foreign media exclaim that the international situation has evolved into a 7-on-10 pattern?

This is mainly due to the fact that some foreign media believe that the expansion of the BRICS will allow it to better confront the G7 bloc.

However, this view is clearly too one-sided and simplistic.

Although it is true that there is a consensus on counter-hegemony in the BRICS and will not condone attempts by the Western bloc to pursue hegemony, this does not mean that the BRICS countries are joining forces to counter the West.

With the escalation of the situation between Russia and Ukraine and Putin's suspension of BRICS expansion, China has captured an unusual signal from Russia.

The BRICS mechanism has never existed to form factions and engage in confrontation with another bloc.

China has always opposed bloc confrontation, which will only undermine the peace and stability of the international community.

Therefore, we must be soberly aware that BRICS exists to promote global development, not to provoke confrontation.

This is the essential difference between the BRICS countries and some Western countries.

The BRICS countries hope to jointly promote the development of the Global South through strengthening cooperation and exchanges, and make positive contributions to building a more just and rational new international political and economic order.

To sum up, although Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to suspend the expansion of the BRICS countries is surprising and shocking, this decision is undoubtedly to ensure that the BRICS countries can develop better and more steadily.

In the face of this decision, we should maintain a rational and objective attitude and see the far-reaching significance and positive impact behind it.

We believe that in the coming days, BRICS countries will continue to uphold the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win results, and make greater contributions to promoting the development of countries in the Global South.

The evolution of the international situation will also become more complex and volatile, and we need to face and respond with a more open and inclusive mind.

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