
12:0! The Security Council adopted a resolution on the situation in the Red Sea, and China again abstained from voting and gave reasons

author:Dignified artist nV

Tensions in the Red Sea region have been going on for months and pose a serious threat to peace and security in the region. The UN Security Council also voted on the extension of the resolution on the situation in the Red Sea, which was adopted by 12 votes in favor, 0 against and 3 abstentions.

According to the United Nations News Network, the resolution requires the UN Secretary-General to report monthly on attacks on ships by Yemen's Houthi rebels in the Red Sea until January 15, 2025. Not only that, but the resolution reiterates the Security Council's demand that the Houthis cease all attacks on merchant ships and release a Japanese-operated vessel seized in November 2023. The Houthi group Ansarala said it had targeted only ships linked to Israel, the United States and Britain in solidarity with Palestinians during the war in Gaza. It is understood that in the vote, China, Russia and Algeria abstained.

12:0! The Security Council adopted a resolution on the situation in the Red Sea, and China again abstained from voting and gave reasons

Although only three countries abstained from voting, it also reflects the fact that the international community does not have a unified view of the root causes of the Red Sea problem. After all, under the impact of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the normal shipping in the Red Sea has been seriously affected, including price increases and ship safety issues. Not only that, but the crisis in the Red Sea shipping has also increased the cost of freight, which may also have an impact on the global economy by raising the price of imported goods.

As everyone knows, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has always upheld a very positive and fair attitude towards its participation in the maintenance of international peace and security. However, in the current situation, the most fundamental solution to tensions in the Red Sea is to resolve international disputes peacefully through diplomatic means. Therefore, on the issue of the Red Sea situation, China adheres to the attitude of resolving differences through dialogue and negotiation and achieving peace at the same time.

12:0! The Security Council adopted a resolution on the situation in the Red Sea, and China again abstained from voting and gave reasons

It should be pointed out that as early as January this year, when the Security Council voted to adopt resolution 2722, China abstained from voting. This resolution is a technical extension of Resolution 2722, and China once again abstained from voting on the basis of the continuation of its position and the development of events after the adoption of Resolution 2722. However, although China abstained from voting, this does not mean that China fully supports the resolution.

After the Chinese side abstained from voting, Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, also gave an explanation. Geng Shuang said that the waters of the Red Sea are important transportation corridors for goods and energy, but since last year, the actions of the Houthis have not only disrupted the normal order of international trade, but also had an extremely negative impact on regional stability. In this regard, China has repeatedly called on the Houthis to respect the navigation rights of all countries in the Red Sea waters, heed the call of the international community, abide by the requirements of relevant Security Council resolutions, and safeguard the safety of shipping lanes in the Red Sea waters.

12:0! The Security Council adopted a resolution on the situation in the Red Sea, and China again abstained from voting and gave reasons

Geng Shuang pointed out that the main reason for China's abstention is that the resolution is vague on many key issues, which will not only bring extremely negative consequences to tensions in the Red Sea, but also exacerbate the further escalation of regional tensions. Geng Shuang also stressed that the cause of the Red Sea crisis is essentially a manifestation of the spillover of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, so the root cause of the Red Sea crisis is the Gaza crisis, and if Israel can comply with the demands of the international community, including China, for a ceasefire, then the Red Sea crisis will cool down accordingly.

12:0! The Security Council adopted a resolution on the situation in the Red Sea, and China again abstained from voting and gave reasons

Although China abstained from voting, it also shows that China maintains a rational and objective attitude in international affairs. Today, the tensions in the Red Sea cannot be fundamentally resolved by resolutions and condemnation, and peace and stability in the Red Sea region can be achieved only through dialogue and diplomacy. That is why China continues to call on all parties concerned to strictly abide by the UN Charter, and at the same time calls on the countries concerned to act responsibly and make sincere efforts to that end. China will continue to work with the Security Council and the international community to promote an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza, a political settlement of the Yemen issue, and jointly maintain peace and stability in the Middle East.

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