
Hu Xijin: Strongly condemn the murderer who slashed the Japanese mother and son with a knife, and call on the public to spurn his evil deeds

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Hu Xijin: Strongly condemn the murderer who slashed the Japanese mother and son with a knife, and call on the public to spurn his evil deeds

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Hu Xijin: Strongly condemn the murderer who slashed the Japanese mother and son with a knife, and call on the public to spurn his evil deeds

Recently, a case of wounding people in Suzhou has attracted public attention. At noon on the same day, a Chinese man suddenly attacked a Japanese tourist mother and son with a knife on a platform in Suzhou, and injured the persuaders. As a result of the incident, several people were injured and the suspect has been detained by the police. Subsequently, Hu Xijin, a commentator of the People's Liberation Army Daily, posted three articles on his personal social media to comment on the incident, and the remarks were fierce and aroused heated discussions.

At about 13:50 on June 24, a case of knife wounding occurred in a tourist attraction in Suzhou. A man in his 50s suddenly pulled out a fruit knife he was carrying with him and attacked a Japanese mother and daughter on a tour, resulting in injuries to both mother and daughter. A number of staff members stepped forward to dissuade them, but they were beaten by men, causing one person to be seriously injured.

Hu Xijin: Strongly condemn the murderer who slashed the Japanese mother and son with a knife, and call on the public to spurn his evil deeds

Witnesses filmed the whole process and called the police, who quickly arrived at the scene to subdue the man. After preliminary investigation, the man was a person who had recently come to Suzhou from other places to work, and the specific motive for the crime was still under further investigation. The Japanese mother and daughter were rescued without serious damage, but one of the staff members was seriously injured and was dying.

In response to the incident, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry called it an incidental case of injury, which was of the same nature as the case that injured Americans in Jilin last month, and called on society to look at it rationally. Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary also expressed regret and expressed the hope that the Chinese side will handle it properly. Officially, both sides hope to cool down the matter appropriately and avoid affecting relations between the two countries.

Hu Xijin: Strongly condemn the murderer who slashed the Japanese mother and son with a knife, and call on the public to spurn his evil deeds

Unexpectedly, Hu Xijin, a well-known commentator, posted a commentary article on his personal social media platform, fiercely commenting on and condemning the wounding case in Suzhou.

In his commentary, Hu Xijin pointed out that the harm committed by the man is a serious crime and should be severely punished by the law, without any excuse or reason to excuse it. He stressed that if a man's motive for committing a crime was based on Japanese nationality against the victim, then such a motive would surely attract widespread spurning and condemnation in Chinese society. A well-civilized society will never tolerate such acts of violence against persons of a particular nationality based on national prejudices.

Hu Xijin: Strongly condemn the murderer who slashed the Japanese mother and son with a knife, and call on the public to spurn his evil deeds

Immediately afterwards, in his comments, Hu Xijin called on China and Japan to strengthen exchanges and cooperation at all levels and strive to develop friendly relations between China and Japan. He said that the broad masses of Chinese should have a welcoming and friendly attitude toward Japanese people in China, and this kind of friendly mainstream public opinion is unshakable in Chinese society. He believes that after more than 70 years of development, China has become a tolerant and self-confident country, and should treat foreigners, including Japanese, with a more open and friendly attitude.

Finally, in his comments, Hu Xijin once again condemned some extreme remarks on the Internet with "anti-Japanese" sentiments, saying that such remarks are irresponsible and irrational, and they do not represent the mainstream of Chinese society's open and friendly public opinion. He called for adhering to the concept of the rule of law and properly resolving such incidents through legal means, rather than taking the opportunity to exaggerate ethnic hatred.

Hu Xijin: Strongly condemn the murderer who slashed the Japanese mother and son with a knife, and call on the public to spurn his evil deeds

In general, in these three commentaries, Hu Xijin strongly condemned the illegal and criminal acts of those involved in the case, and on the other hand, emphasized the importance of Sino-Japanese friendship and the tolerant and friendly attitude of the mainstream of Chinese society towards foreigners.

As soon as Hu Xijin's remarks were issued, they immediately sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Some netizens believe that Hu Xijin has failed to face up to the grievances and hatreds between China and Japan over the past century, and has ignored the history of Japan's aggression against China. They questioned whether Hu Xijin deliberately played up the situation in order to gain eyeballs.

Hu Xijin: Strongly condemn the murderer who slashed the Japanese mother and son with a knife, and call on the public to spurn his evil deeds

Some netizens agreed with Hu Xijin's views calling for the rule of law and opposing extremist speech, but questioned his mention of "Sino-Japanese friendship". They believe that in view of Japan's failure to face up to its history of aggression against China and even to beautify its war crimes, it is very difficult for the two countries to establish genuine friendly relations.

In addition, some media figures criticized Hu Xijin's remarks for having double standards, mentioning the rule of law internally and vaguely speaking externally, and hinting that China lacks the initiative to negotiate with Japan. They called on media personnel to be more cautious in their words and deeds on sensitive topics involving national interests, and to avoid confusing right and wrong and distorting history.

Hu Xijin: Strongly condemn the murderer who slashed the Japanese mother and son with a knife, and call on the public to spurn his evil deeds

In general, Hu Xijin's repeated comments have ignited heated discussions on the Internet on a series of issues such as Sino-Japanese relations, patriotic education, and professional ethics of media personnel. This case not only reflects the differences in national pride and historical perception in the field of public opinion, but also reflects the public's expectations of journalists on major and sensitive issues.

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