
After the Internet celebrity Lang Stomach Fairy became popular, he changed a lot, grew long hair and cut his double eyelids, and admitted that he had plastic surgery!

author:Saudi Arabia tells interesting facts

Photo/Saudi Arabia tells interesting facts

Editor/Saudi Fun Story

After the Internet celebrity Lang Stomach Fairy became popular, he changed a lot, grew long hair and cut his double eyelids, and admitted that he had plastic surgery!


Recently, everyone found out that a blogger looks a lot like the food blogger Lang Stomach Fairy. It was later confirmed that they found out that it was not just similar, but the prodigal fairy himself. Is this foodie blogger thinking about switching fields? Maybe turn on the path of beauty or beauty bloggers. Let's learn about the experience of the Big Stomach King.

Accurately grasp the market, and change greatly after plastic surgery

Although his influence has not returned to the level of the past after the return of Lang Gaixian, and some netizens have noticed that Lang Gaixian's appearance has changed a lot. There have always been doubts about the change in his appearance. Lang Meixian's response did not come from his own social media account, but from an account called "Lang Mei Xian".

After the Internet celebrity Lang Stomach Fairy became popular, he changed a lot, grew long hair and cut his double eyelids, and admitted that he had plastic surgery!

Lang Gaixian gave a detailed explanation of his plastic surgery process, which shows that he seems to want to gradually move towards the world of beauty. However, the account of "Lang Meixian" is not as popular as Lang Meixian's own eating account, and the number of likes for each video is only a dozen. He also explained in the video that plastic surgery is not for others, but for his own needs and preferences.

With long hair and shawls, exquisite makeup, and every movement that exudes the charm of a mature woman, this huge change is amazing: an influencer actually transforms from a male to a female? In this era of "appearance is justice", everyone has the right to pursue a beautiful image in their hearts. This guy made a 180-degree turn, returned from plastic surgery, his appearance soared, and he was directly promoted to the "prodigal fairy"!

After the Internet celebrity Lang Stomach Fairy became popular, he changed a lot, grew long hair and cut his double eyelids, and admitted that he had plastic surgery!

He said that plastic surgery is not about catering to anyone's standards, but about being a gift to yourself and wanting to be better. Not only did Lang Gaixian be honest about the plastic surgery, but he also recounted the whole process in detail as if he were sharing a food guide, from the meticulous sculpting of the double eyelids to the subtle adjustment of the nose. Faced with doubts and curious eyes on the Internet, he chose to confront it head-on, and revealed his "transformation story" on his trumpet "Lang Meixian" in a friendly tone.

What's even more surprising is that Lang Gaixian not only has a new look, but also a 180-degree change in his figure, from the former "foodie representative" to a model of successful weight loss. This change naturally sparked a wave of heated discussions, and many netizens exclaimed: "Is this a career change to become a model?" He shared his daily routine of controlling his diet and enhancing exercise, from sweating in the gym to the nutrition on the dinner table, every step reveals his love for life and sense of responsibility for himself.

After the Internet celebrity Lang Stomach Fairy became popular, he changed a lot, grew long hair and cut his double eyelids, and admitted that he had plastic surgery!

Today's prodigal fairy has transformed from a joyful eating blogger to a mature "royal sister". Her gestures exude the charm of a mature woman, which has attracted a large number of male fans. In addition to continuing to update the content of eating broadcasts, Lang Gaixian also tried to expand the fields of beauty and clothing. Although the traffic of these contents is not as good as that of mukbang, it has achieved initial results.

The origin of the big stomach king

Lang Gaixian, whose real name is Li Hangze, was born in an ordinary family in Yunnan in 1990. He is known for his amazing appetite, especially at the dawn of the Internet, and this talent became a turning point in his career.

After the Internet celebrity Lang Stomach Fairy became popular, he changed a lot, grew long hair and cut his double eyelids, and admitted that he had plastic surgery!

After the game, a media company took a fancy to Li Hangze's potential and signed him to become its food blogger, and gave him a catchy online name Lang Gao Xian. Any influencer in this period has already eaten the dividends of traffic.

However, in addition to catching up with the good time and being able to eat, Lang Gaixian also has a "traffic password", which is to let netizens on the Internet guess his gender. Lang Gaixian has attracted widespread attention and heated discussions on the video platform because of its distinctive style and image. Some viewers had questions about his gender, as his long hair and fair skin looked more like a woman, but his voice was full of the ruggedness that is characteristic of men.

After the Internet celebrity Lang Stomach Fairy became popular, he changed a lot, grew long hair and cut his double eyelids, and admitted that he had plastic surgery!

He is considered to be a male, despite his somewhat unexpected appearance. Rumor has it that he was a big name on campus during his college years, and having a good skin also adds some possibilities to this. Lang Gaixian may deliberately choose to disguise himself as a woman as part of his image to attract more curiosity and attention to him, and this strategy effectively boosts the popularity of his live broadcast.

At the same time as the Great Stomach King Realm was booming, the career of the Lang Stomach Immortal suffered a heavy blow. The rise of the Big Stomach King culture has led many people to imitate the form of eating and broadcasting, and a large amount of food has been wasted, which has triggered criticism from CCTV. However, Lang Gaixian seems to have foreseen it and transformed from eating and broadcasting to a store visiting mode in advance, so it has little impact on him.

After the Internet celebrity Lang Stomach Fairy became popular, he changed a lot, grew long hair and cut his double eyelids, and admitted that he had plastic surgery!

Career turmoil, account disputes

The account dispute case is a sensational event in the online live broadcast industry. The protagonists are You Su and Lang Stomach Fairy, and the one who controls everything behind it is Chongqing Tianquanxing Culture Media Co., Ltd. You Su began to transfer the proceeds of the account to his own account and threatened the company, leading to a confrontation between the two parties. In the end, the court ruled that the account was the property of the company, and Tianquanxing successfully regained the account, and You Su had to hand over the account and password. The legal process was long and dramatic, and it was only in December 2023 that Lang Gaixian finally regained his account.

However, this dispute has had a big impact on Lang Gaixian's career. What's even more dramatic is that You Su was accused of ignoring the company for more than 4 million yuan and was arrested by the police. However, during this period, short video platforms such as Douyin have become extremely popular, and the number of users has soared to one billion.

After the Internet celebrity Lang Stomach Fairy became popular, he changed a lot, grew long hair and cut his double eyelids, and admitted that he had plastic surgery!

All kinds of video content emerge in an endless stream, and there are new development trends in the field of food, such as food bloggers like Li Ziqi, whose style of returning to nature and being quiet is deeply loved by people. Against the backdrop of the office, Lang Gao Xian behaves clearly when cooking, and every dish he cooks is full of color and flavor, and his colleagues are full of praise for his cooking skills.

People thought that Lang Gao Xian would go further and further on the path of a food blogger, but he mysteriously disappeared in a few months. When he reappeared, his change surprised everyone - if it wasn't for someone who was following the prodigal fairy, I'm afraid it would be hard to recognize that this was actually him!

After the Internet celebrity Lang Stomach Fairy became popular, he changed a lot, grew long hair and cut his double eyelids, and admitted that he had plastic surgery!


Influencer Lang Gaixian quickly became popular on social media due to his unique style and personality. Over time, her image has changed significantly. Not only did she have long hair, but she also publicly admitted to having plastic surgery such as double eyelid surgery. Overall, the personal evolution of Lang Gaixian is a prime example of the age of social media, demonstrating the complex pressures that are constantly evolving and adjusting in appearance and image.