
Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

author:Star-falling rain

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Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

Text: Stars fall and rain

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Jiang Ping, the girl who scored 12 points in the preliminary round of the Global Mathematics Competition, has been caught in a whirlpool of doubts that has lasted for two weeks and has not yet been decided.

The authorities of top universities and the bigwigs in the mathematics circle, the sharp eyes are like the cold wind of winter, swishing towards Jiang Ping.

Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth
Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

In the past two weeks, Jiang Ping chose to remain silent, and her teacher Wang Runqiu and the entire Jiangsu Lianshui High School were also like closed city gates, without making a sound.

Is it a wordless default? Or is it to gather strength in silence? Nobody knows. But this silence made the whole incident even more confusing, as if it was shrouded in a thick layer of fog.

Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth
Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

However, an insider revealed that Jiang Ping was not defeated by the wind and rain after the finals, on the contrary, she will choose to go out to work in the summer vacation, pick up the burden of the family with her weak shoulders, and earn money to support her family.

This is puzzling, and just when people thought that the turmoil would reach an impasse in silence, a turning point quietly came. Yin Wotao, the head of the organizing committee of the Damo Academy, stood up and tried to speak for Jiang Ping.

He pointed out that Jiang Ping's writing character problem was just due to the order and habit of writing. Moreover, he also emphasized that it is not surprising that Jiang Ping can use the latex software that middle school students will use.

Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth
Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

But this explanation failed to calm the turmoil. Fang Zhouzi, a character known for his questioning, actually regarded Yin Wotao as a water army, not only spoke ill words, but even blocked the message. This move undoubtedly made this turmoil more and more turbulent.

Let's look at, which also joined this dispute at this time. The short documentary they released was like a warm ray of sunshine, illuminating Jiang Ping's shadow-shrouded world.

In the short film, the neighbors stood up one after another, and you told Jiang Ping's story word by word. It turned out that she went to Lianshui Technical College to get a scholarship and reduce the burden on poor families.

Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth
Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

She is diligent and thrifty, sensible and well-behaved, and these qualities are well-known among the neighbors. Ali was not to be outdone, and spoke up for Jiang Ping together with, affirming her character and ability.

Many netizens also expressed their opinions, and some questioned: "Can the 5 million that Zhao Bin said be honored?" Some people also said firmly: "After watching the video of, I firmly believe that Jiang Ping is a good boy, and this is enough!" ”

In all fairness, it is not incomprehensible to question Jiang Ping's achievements. After all, in the pursuit of truth, questioning can sometimes drive progress.

Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth
Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

But what is thought-provoking is that most of these doubts lack real evidence, and are more like "unwarranted" charges made out of nothing, and now Jiang Ping is in a very embarrassing situation.

On a personal level. This matter is not only about Jiang Ping herself, the scope of the implication is beyond imagination. Her family was disturbed by this sudden turmoil, and the organizers of the event are estimated to be the first two big.

Some people said that Jiang Ping should not be so low-key after participating in the finals, it is not a matter to "hide" so much, although this is a bit of moral kidnapping, but it is not unreasonable.

Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

Jiang Ping's silence can make those who question her and those who support her scratch their heads, those who question her are now even more skeptical, and those who support her are a little anxious, after all, care is chaos.

Actually, if you want me to say, this is not a solution to the problem. As someone suggested, start a live stream, connect with those well-known doubters, and solve the problem on the spot. How direct, how crisp!

Even if the answer is wrong, as long as the solution idea is clear and the process is reliable, it can be convincing. After all, mathematics is a thing that can't be fake, and the idea of solving problems is a real skill.

Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

But why didn't Jiang Ping do that? Is it really as some people guessed, she is afraid of being in the limelight? Or is there something unspeakable? The reason behind this makes people can't help but ponder.

Let's make a bold guess. Maybe Jiang Ping was frightened by this situation, after all, she may have never experienced such a big scene, and she panicked all of a sudden, not knowing how to deal with it.

Or, she felt that the clear person was self-purifying, and there was no need to pay attention to those doubts, in short, this little girl was definitely not mentally prepared now.

Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

Jiang Ping's current predicament can't help but remind me of Quan Hongchan back then, Quan Hongchan was born in a relatively poor rural family, and the sunshine of education seems to be difficult to shine in this corner.

Growing up in such an environment, Quan Hongchan has never had superior conditions, let alone a smooth road built up by connections and money. But fate will always turn quietly, and she was recognized by the coach and embarked on the road of diving.

Finally, with her amazing talent and unremitting efforts, Quan Hongchan stood on the world-class stage, her performance amazed everyone, and her stable performance and superb skills attracted the attention of the whole world.

Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth
Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

But who would have thought that such a brilliant achievement would attract some discordant voices. A well-known host actually said that Quan Hongchan's gold medal mainly depends on luck, not strength. What a ridiculous statement!

Quan Hongchan's every action on the field has been tempered thousands of times, which is the result of countless times of sweat and tears. Her stable performance, how can the word luck be easily erased?

And this person's praise for the runner-up Chen Yuxi is in stark contrast to Quan Hongchan's attitude, how can this not make people feel disgusted and unfair?

Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

There is also a well-known figure in the sports world, who uses "the ignorant and fearless" to describe Quan Hongchan, attributing her victory to the on-site environment. This is simply a blasphemy of Quan Hongchan's efforts!

It's normal for a teenage kid to come all the way from the countryside and be nervous when facing the camera.

She didn't have much education, she hadn't seen the big world, but she had a pure and fiery heart, just to dive, just to give her mother a hope.

Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth
Jiang Ping was unexpected again! After the finals, he resolutely chose to go out to work, and the short film of revealed the truth

Quan Hongchan's experience allows us to see two sides, on the one hand, it is an individual's unremitting struggle for his dreams; On the other hand, it is the shadow of worldly prejudices.

Not to be envied is mediocrity. Jiang Ping, like Quan Hongchan, may be because she is too good that she has attracted so many doubts. But "real gold is not afraid of fire", I believe that Jiang Ping's gold, after experiencing the baptism of wind and rain, will go further and further.

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