
"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

author:Erle Literary Society

In a luxury apartment in Beijing, a crisp sound shatters the silence. Sun Xin covered her hot cheeks, tears flashing in her eyes, and stared at her husband Wu Jiang, who was yelling at her. His hands were still raised in mid-air, and his eyes flashed with an unfamiliar fierce light.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, Sun Xin returned to the wedding scene a year ago in a trance, and the gentle and elegant appearance of Wu Jiang in his memory overlapped with the angry image in front of him, forming a strong contrast.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Suddenly, Chu Xiaoyu's familiar face came to mind out of place. At this moment, Sun Xin woke up like a dream: this seemingly perfect marriage turned out to be a complete mistake. And this mistake stemmed from the seed of her greed at the beginning.

A few years ago, Sun Xin and Chu Xiaoyu met in the workplace in Beijing, and their fates were intertwined. Chu Xiaoyu fell in love with Sun Xin at first sight and launched a passionate and sincere pursuit, his sincerity and enthusiasm soon moved Sun Xin, and the two fell into the abyss of love sweetly.

In this relationship, Chu Xiaoyu is meticulous to Sun, puts her first, and does her best. gave him unconditional support at work and cared for him in daily life, Chu Xiaoyu did it to the extreme.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

His love is like the warm sun of spring, which immerses Sun Xin in the light of happiness, and every day spent with Chu Xiaoyu makes Sun Xin feel unprecedented happiness and satisfaction.

However, the roulette wheel of fate unexpectedly put Chu Xiaoyu in prison, and their relationship came to an end. Sun Xin fell into deep grief and confusion, she could not face the reality of losing her beloved, and did not know how to continue the road ahead.

At this moment, Wu Jiang appeared. As Sun Xin's colleague, Wu Jiang, who had already secretly had feelings for her, keenly seized this opportunity and began to launch a gentle offensive against Sun Xin. Wu Jiang's thoughtfulness and gentlemanly demeanor are completely different from Chu Xiaoyu's, but they also make Sun Xin feel warm.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Even though Sun Xin and Chu Xiaoyu have broken up, Wu Jiang still persevered and showed great patience. He waited for two whole years, expressing his deep affection for Sun Xin with time and actions.

This long wait touched Sun Xin and made her see Wu Jiang's sincerity In the end, Sun Xin decided to give herself a new start and chose to marry Wu Jiang.

Life after marriage is peaceful and stable, but Sun Xin's heart is full of contradictions. As time passed, she gradually began to miss Chu Xiaoyu, the person who loved her wholeheartedly and was willing to give everything for her, became clearer and clearer in her memory.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

During this period, Wu Jiang's true colors were gradually revealed, and his dedication to his work far exceeded his concern for Sun Xin, which made Sun Xin feel devastated and lonely. She begins to question her choices and think about what true love is.

When Sun Xin's marriage encountered a major crisis, Chu Xiaoyu walked out of prison. His reappearance was like a bombshell, completely disrupting Sun Xin's originally stable life.

Although Sun Xin tried his best to restrain his emotions, the turmoil in his heart could not be calmed.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Chu Xiaoyu's return not only reminded Sun Xin of her past memories, but also became the last straw that overwhelmed her marriage. This emotional entanglement intertwined by the three made Sun Xin's life trajectory change unexpectedly.

Chu Xiaoyu's grandfather personally sent a letter to them, and although no one knew the content, it planted the seeds of unease in Wu Jiang's heart. He pretended to be calm on the surface and didn't care, but those slightly trembling hands revealed the fluctuations in his heart.

Sun Xin noticed her husband's strangeness, but quickly put this scene behind her and immersed herself in the joy of being newly married.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

The sweetness after marriage is like a dream, and Sun Xin feels that she has found true love. However, the good times were short-lived. In just one year, the contradictions between husband and wife began to appear, and Wu Jiang showed a side that he did not show before marriage, which brought disappointment to Sun Xin.

Full text.

Sun Xin's ability in the company could have been promoted a long time ago, but because Wu Jiang had always used the excuse of avoiding suspicion not to promote her, every time she mentioned this matter, her colleagues talked about it, but Wu Jiang watched coldly and did not speak for Sun Xin.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Sun Xin's talent was buried, her career development was hindered, and she felt frustrated and lost as a result.

Weekends are a precious time for couples to reunite, but Wu Jiang always uses his busy work as an excuse and rarely goes home. Whenever Sun Xin sat alone in the courtyard, looking at the warm situation of other families, he would feel a sense of loss in his heart.

She began to wonder if the decision to marry Wu Jiang was the right one.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Sun Xin gradually discovered that in Wu Jiang's heart, work and future always came first. He married her only because he thought she could work with him, in short, Sun Xin was only seen as a tool for him to achieve his career.

This realization left Sun Xin with pain, and she began to question her own worth in the marriage.

At work, Sun Xin felt the pressure brought to her by Wu Jiang. They are in the same company and should help each other, but Wu Jiang is always on her toes and even openly questions her views.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Whenever there is a meeting, Wu Jiang always deliberately keeps a distance from Sun Xin, and this attitude of not separating public and private makes Sun Xin feel hurt.

After returning home, Wu Jiang and Sun Xin communicated less and less. Wu Jiang always buried himself in his work, ignoring Sun Xin's emotional needs. Even if Sun Xin took the initiative to show favor, he was often prevaricated by Wu Jiang on the grounds that he was busy.

The once sweet world of two people is now full of indifference and alienation.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Sun Xin gradually began to think of the bits and pieces with Chu Xiaoyu, although the life at that time was not rich, but it was very happy. However, the current married life is boring and boring, which makes her begin to wonder if she missed true love because she was greedy for stability.

With the passage of time, the contradiction between Sun Xin and Wu Jiang became deeper and deeper. Wu Jiang became more and more authoritarian, asking about Sun Xin's every move, and began to doubt Sun Xin's every phone call, every time she worked overtime, this distrustful attitude made Sun Xin feel suffocated, and she began to miss the self who could speak freely.

On the surface, they are still a model couple that everyone envies. But Sun Xin knows that this seemingly happy marriage is actually like a crumbling castle in the air. She began to wonder if she should make a new choice in her life.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Just when Sun Xin was disappointed in her marriage, an unexpected news exploded like a bombshell and caused ripples in her peaceful life - Chu Xiaoyu was released from prison.

The man she once loved once reappeared in her life, setting off a storm of emotions.

The first reunion, time seems to go back in time. Chu Xiaoyu's eyes are still gentle, just like that period of life behind bars is just a dream. When he looked at Sun Xin, his eyes were still full of the love of the past.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Sun Xin's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably, memories of the past flooded in like a tide, and she tried to restrain her emotions, but the turmoil in her heart was difficult to calm down.

The appearance of Chu Xiaoyu exposed some problems in Sun Xin's married life. She began to habitually compare Chu Xiaoyu with Wu Jiang. Chu Xiaoyu's concern, understanding and unconditional support are in stark contrast to Wu Jiang's indifference and selfishness.

Although Sun Xin knew that she was already a married woman, she couldn't help herself from frequently recalling the good times with Chu Xiaoyu.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Although Sun Xin did not have a substantive relationship with Chu Xiaoyu, on the spiritual level, she had slowly derailed. She began to look forward to meeting Chu Xiaoyu unexpectedly every time, and cherished every minute with him very much.

In front of Chu Xiaoyu, Sun Xin regained the happiness and self-confidence she had lost, which she had never felt in her marriage to Wu Jiang.

This subtle change made Wu Jiang perceive, after hearing the news of Chu Xiaoyu's release from prison, although Wu Jiang was calm on the surface, his heart was like waves. He began to pay closer attention to Sun Xin's every move, and collected Chu Xiaoyu's latest situation through various means.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

The already unstable marital relationship has become more fragile with the return of Chu Xiaoyu.

Wu Jiang's attitude has obviously changed, he has become irritable and irritable, his attitude towards Sun Xin has become worse and worse, and his original patient character is gone, replaced by hysterical suspicion and accusation.

Whenever Sun Xin returned late or received an unknown call, Wu Jiang would always feel like he had taken the wrong medicine, and the vinegar jar would be overturned.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Sun Xin was caught between Chu Xiaoyu and Wu Jiang and felt very painful. She still has feelings for Chu Xiaoyu, but she can't get rid of her marriage relationship with Wu Jiang. This makes her live in the torment of extreme contradictions and struggles every day.

As time passed, Sun Xin realized that Chu Xiaoyu was the person she really wanted to spend her life with. However, she was faced with the problems of her existing marriage and how to explain to her family and friends, which hung like a sword over her head, making her toss and turn all night, making it difficult to choose.

As time passed, the contradiction between Sun Xin and Wu Jiang deepened. At work, the husband and wife, who were once supposed to help each other, have now become rivals in secret competition. Wu Jiang made things difficult for Sun Xin everywhere, using the rules at work to oppress her and make her feel suffocated.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

In every meeting, Wu Jiang always denied Sun Xin's views, intentionally or unintentionally, and even belittled her abilities in front of her colleagues, this public humiliation made Sun Xin feel very sad, and also made her lose the last shred of hope for this marriage.

After returning home, the two communicated less and less, the Cold War became commonplace, and silence replaced the sweet words of the past. In the spacious house, there is a suffocating silence.

Sun Xin worked hard to save this marriage and took the initiative to show goodwill, but in exchange for Wu Jiang's cold eyes.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Eventually, the pent-up emotions erupted like a volcano. Wu Jiang asked Sun Xin in an aggressive posture if he still had feelings for Chu Xiaoyu, and every sentence carried a piercing chill.

Sun Xin couldn't take it anymore, she fought back against Wu Jiang's selfishness and hypocrisy, and spoke out about the grievances she suffered in this marriage.

The argument between the two intensified, their voices echoing through the room. Wu Jiang's emotions were out of control, and a terrifying light flashed in his eyes. In an instant, he made a move that neither of them expected—he raised his hand and hit Sun Xin hard in the face.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

With a "snap", a bright red slap print instantly appeared on Sun Xin's face. The atmosphere in the room was instantly suffocatingly tense, and both of them were stunned. Sun Xin really couldn't believe that Wu Jiang, who was once so gentle and considerate, would actually beat himself.

She clutched her cheeks, her eyes full of shock and pain.

Wu Jiang was horrified by his actions, but he quickly made excuses to excuse himself. He claimed that Sun Xin's actions forced him to do so, and it seems that all the mistakes were Sun Xin's.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

This attitude of shirking responsibility made Sun Xin completely see the true face of Wu Jiang.

Sun Xin decided to divorce, and this domestic violence incident was the fuse that led her to make this decision. If she was looking forward to this marriage before, now she is completely dead.

Sun Xin understands that if she continues to maintain this marriage, she will only plunge herself into deeper pain.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

At that moment, Sun Xin made a decision to end the relationship that brought her to the brink of suffocation. She is no longer the weak woman who is at the mercy of others, and she is determined to take back the control of her life. The future is full of unknowns, and Sun Xin understands that leaving Wujiang is the only way for her to regain her life.

After experiencing the failure of her marriage, Sun Xin underwent deep self-reflection and realized that marrying Wu Jiang was a desire for security and a stable life, not true love. This marriage is like a mirror, allowing her to see her inner insecurity and compromise clearly.

In these difficult days, Chu Xiaoyu has been silently by Sun Xin's side. He didn't take advantage of it, but gave her strength and support to have the courage to face her heart.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

Compared with before they met, Chu Xiaoyu in prison showed a more mature and considerate side, and this growth also made Sun Xin re-examine the relationship between them.

Through this experience, Sun Xin finally realized that true love should support each other and grow together, rather than calculating and suppressing each other. She began to re-examine the value of her life and no longer pinned her happiness on others.

In the end, Sun Xin mustered up the courage to end this failed marriage. She returned to Chu Xiaoyu's arms, but this time, she made the choice as an independent, confident woman.

"All Wishes Come True": After understanding Sun Xin's mental derailment, I understood why she was subjected to domestic violence!

The love between the two has been sublimated to a new level, built on mutual understanding and respect.

This experience gave Sun Xin a new understanding of marriage and love. She understands that love is not only about possession, but also about each other's achievements. Marriage is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new phase.

Only by managing happiness with heart, rather than blindly chasing, can we find true happiness With such an understanding, Sun Xin and Chu Xiaoyu work together to move towards a new chapter in their lives.