
Artificial rain enhancement is coming!

author:Kelsey Emotional

Bozhou Meteorology The latest forecast is expected to have a precipitation process in the city today Some areas are accompanied by thunder and lightning, short-term heavy precipitation and other strong convective weather The specific forecast is as follows Today is cloudy, with light to moderate showers or thunderstorms, heavy rain in some areas of the three southern counties, southerly wind level 3, and a maximum temperature of 30 °C; On the 22nd, it was cloudy and cloudy, and the temperature was 26~34 °C; On the 23rd, it was cloudy to clear, and the temperature was 26~36 °C; Cloudy on the 24th; It was cloudy to sunny on the 25th; On the 26th, it was cloudy and overcast; On the 27th, it was cloudy with showers or thunderstorms.

Artificial rain enhancement is coming!

Just now, the Bozhou Meteorological Bureau issued an announcement on weather modification operations from 6 o'clock on June 21 to 24 o'clock on the 21st

Carry out rainfall enhancement operations

Artificial rain enhancement is coming!
Artificial rain enhancement is coming!

Bozhou Meteorological Bureau

Announcement of weather modification operations

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Meteorological Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Regulations on the Management of Weather Modification", in order to ensure the safety of people's lives and property during weather modification operations, the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows: 1. The start and end time of the operation period: rain enhancement operations, from 06:00 on June 21, 2024 to 24:00 on June 21, 2024. During this operation, each operating unit will pay attention to the weather changes at any time, and may continuously carry out weather modification operations or adjust in time until the operation plan is terminated according to the local, actual operation needs and weather conditions at that time. 2. Rocket operation area: the approved artificial rain enhancement rocket operation point in Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City. Combustion (air) gas cannon operation area: Approved artificial rain enhancement (air) gas cannon operation point in Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City. 3. Purpose of operation: drought resistance and disaster reduction. Fourth, the type of operating equipment: the rocket operation uses the WR-98GPS anti-hail rain enhancement rocket launcher, the body of the bomb is military green, made of plastic steel, the diameter of the bullet is 82mm, the total length is 1493mm. The gas cannon operation uses the HY-2 artificial rain and hail prevention gas cannon, and the combustion and explosion mixture gas drives the catalyst to lift into the air, and there is no substantial projectile. 5. How to deal with faulty ammunition: 1. If units and individuals in the operation area find that the rocket body is not separated from the landing faulty rocket, do not panic, do not take pictures and upload them to the network to spread it intentionally, should quickly protect the scene, do not pick it up without authorization, let alone disassemble, burn, roast or knock it by yourself, and immediately report to the local government and the police station and the meteorological bureau, and it is strictly forbidden to deal with it privately, and the offender shall bear the consequences. 2. When the rocket is working normally, the head of the rocket and the body of the rocket are separated in the air, and each floats to the ground with a parachute, which is non-toxic and has no explosion risk. 6. Accident reporting method: Accidents should be reported to the city and county meteorological bureaus immediately. 1. Telephone report. 2. If there are other rapid reporting methods, they can also be used. 7. Other precautions: 1. When carrying out operations, personnel should do a good job of concealment, especially away from the rocket launcher, and do not watch onlookers, so as to avoid danger. 2. In the event of casualties or property damage, the scene should be protected. 3. The general public in the area near the operation site should also pay attention to their own safety when carrying out shadow operations. 8. Municipal Meteorological Bureau Tel: 0558-5522221, 18056739101, 18956788112. Qiaocheng District Meteorological Bureau Tel: 0558-5539061. 9. Announcement time 6 o'clock on June 21, 2024 10. Announcement unit Bozhou Meteorological Bureau