
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

author:It's almost class

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There is a shocking news on the Internet that the Internet celebrity "Crazy Brother" suffered a car accident during the ride and unfortunately passed away. As soon as this bad news broke, it immediately sparked a heated discussion on the Internet. Some fans couldn't believe it, after all, just two days ago, "Brother Crazy" happily shared his riding video on social platforms, and no one could have imagined that this would become a dynamic before his death. What's even more heart-wrenching is that he has successfully arrived in Tibet, and the destination of his ride is in front of him, but he was killed by a ruthless fate halfway? This makes one wonder what caused this tragedy. You see, the bizarre encounter has aroused doubts and suspicions among netizens, who are eager to know the ins and outs of the accident.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

Sadly, just two days before his death, he also shared a riding video on social media. In the video, he was fully armed, rode his beloved motorcycle, and wrote the text "Departure from Lhasa, youth has no price, 703 goes directly to Lhasa". It seems that this should have been taken when he was preparing to travel to Tibet. At that time, no one could have imagined that this would become a video of his life.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

What's even more shocking is that in that video, "Brother Crazy" also said that he would insist on riding 1,000 kilometers that day! You read that right, it's 1000 km! For a novice rider, this is definitely a daunting task. Even a veteran driver may not be able to complete this "epic" challenge in one day. It can be seen how strong, brave and decisive the "mad brother" was at that time? How could the god of fate play a cruel joke and make this feat cost him his life. What is the reason for this ride to fall into a situation from which it will never recover? May the "madman" rest in peace in the spirit of heaven, and we will also explore the causes and consequences of the accident.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

Regarding the cause of this tragedy, the riding friend "Wu Laoshuang", who traveled with "Crazy Brother", finally unveiled a corner of the fog. According to his account, at that time, the "mad brother" had a unilateral accident while riding in Tibet, causing serious head injuries, and finally passed away after rescue efforts failed.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

However, the details make it even more confusing. "Wu Laoshuang" said that the speed of the "mad brother" was not fast at that time, but the safety rope of his helmet was not fastened, so his head hit something directly. You see, how ridiculous! As an experienced rider, how could "Wu Lao Stink" make such a low-level mistake for a novice? Didn't he remind "Crazy Brother" to be safe? You must know that when riding in the plateau area, the lack of safety awareness is equal to the loss of life.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

But if you think about it, just if you don't fasten a helmet, I'm afraid it won't cause such a tragic consequence, right? Could it be the cause of this accident, and there is a deeper reason? In this regard, does "Wu Lao Stink" have anything to hide? The suspicion of the matter has not been solved, but it has deepened the suspicion of netizens.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

Regarding the cause of this tragedy, netizens did not swallow all the rhetoric of "Wu Lao Stink". They believe that a single helmet that is not fastened should not be able to cause such a severe head injury. Besides, as a novice cyclist, "Crazy Brother" lacks the necessary experience, how can he judge the various risks that may exist on the road?

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

What's even more strange is that according to the video released by "Brother Madman" himself, the location where they were at that time had come to a high altitude of more than 4,000 meters. In that environment, even experienced riders are prone to altitude sickness such as dizziness and poor breathing. However, the speed of "Crazy Brother" is as high as 104 kilometers per hour, which is undoubtedly a suicide for novices. What's more, in the video, he was full of tiredness and admitted that he was "quite tired". In this state, it is easy to accidentally lose control.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

You see, from all the indications, the root cause of the accident may not be as simple as the helmet not being fastened. As the leader of the team, "Wu Lao Stink", he should have evaluated and taken care of the situation of the novice "crazy brother", but he didn't seem to do so. No wonder netizens have questioned where his sense of responsibility lies? Life is too precious to be overly neglected.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

For this tragedy, many netizens pointed the finger at "Wu Laostin". As the leader of the entire cycling activity, he should have fully assessed and responded to various risks that may arise during the trip, but he let the novice "madman" neglect to take precautions, causing a big disaster.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

If you think about it, Tibet is a plateau area, and the environment has caused great tests to the human body. Coupled with long-distance riding, the physical exertion is huge, and the fatigue will naturally increase. But why didn't "Wu Laoshou" adjust the intensity of the trip, even if he insisted on riding 1,000 kilometers a day, he should also add a break? What's more, he clearly saw that the "mad brother" was already in poor spirits and still did nothing, didn't this push him into the abyss with his own hands?

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!
Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

Some netizens jokingly said, maybe "Wu Lao Stink" is the "Old Stink" of this cycling event? His disregard for security awareness is clearly risking himself and playing with his life. As a professional rider, he is expected to tailor a suitable itinerary for novices, while always paying attention to the risks along the way and taking precautions in time. But obviously, he did not do so, and eventually caused an irreparable tragedy. You say, can such a leader still be trusted? I hope to learn a lesson from this case, cherish life, and avoid creating a tragedy of human life.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

This tragedy undoubtedly makes people sigh, and it is really regrettable that the "mad brother" who was only a young man returned to heaven like this. What's even more distressing is that he still has a family of "old and young" waiting for him to come back, but now he can only wait forever. A young and promising life ended tragically like this, which really makes people feel that life is too impermanent and too humble.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

In the face of such a tragedy, we are extremely shocked in our hearts, and we can't help but reflect on the preciousness of life. You and I are both passers-by on the road of life, and we should cherish and care for each other, instead of being buried by narrow interests and hasty decisions like this accident. I hope to learn a lesson from this tragedy, pay attention to safety awareness, and always be vigilant and cautious while enjoying happiness.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!

You only have one life, and if you miss it, you can never do it again. Let us call together to put life safety first in all our activities and not to let such tragedies happen again. Only in this way can we truly avoid grief and live a healthy life. May the spirit of "Brother Madman" in heaven also rest in peace and no longer be tortured and hurt in any way.

Internet celebrity crazy brother "died in a car accident, and his friends exposed the details of the car accident, and the comment area exploded!