
Why do poor people not want to buy cars? Netizens shared their real experiences, which caused a lot of heated discussions among onlookers

author:Funny pencil oTZoG

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about a hot topic today - why do some people always say that poor people don't buy cars? No, recently an old man on the Internet shared his real experience, which immediately stirred up this topic and attracted everyone to watch and discuss. We have to catch up with the fashion and talk about it.

We have to admit that it is true that there is a lot of ability to do a lot of things. Back then, I only had about 200,000 yuan of spare money on hand, so I gritted my teeth and stomped my feet and bought a car in full. At that time, some people also advised me, why not buy a more luxurious car in installments? I pondered, our conditions are really good, there is no need to bear that debt for vanity.

Why do poor people not want to buy cars? Netizens shared their real experiences, which caused a lot of heated discussions among onlookers

If you look at some people now, it's really weird, they have to buy a car when they borrow money, and they borrow it all. We're not saying it can't be done, but you have to do what you can. If you borrow money to buy a car, you have to make sure that you can earn it back, right? Don't buy a car when the time comes, the debt is high, then you really can't cry.

To be honest, the most painful thing in life is that desire is beyond the scope of ability. You think, some people daydream every day, thinking that they can earn a thousand or eight hundred a day, and they will be a little rich in a year. But what about reality? Where the income is so stable depends on whether you have the ability and luck.

We have to say that consumption really depends on your income level. Just like my friend, I bought a Wuling double-row, which can both pull goods and carry people, which is very practical. Do you say he's poor? Not necessarily, but he knows how to live within his means and consume according to his needs and financial capabilities.

In the final analysis, the poor have a poor ability to resist risks and cannot withstand any strong winds and waves. Most of the time, we still have to sell our labor and accumulate raw capital to get by. So, steady and steady is the last word. From this point of view, it is indeed not a wise choice for poor people to buy a car or want to make money by buying a car.

Of course, we're not going to kill everyone with a stick. If you really have the ability and vision, you can buy a car to run transportation, do business, or something. But the point is that you have to weigh yourself first.

Why do poor people not want to buy cars? Netizens shared their real experiences, which caused a lot of heated discussions among onlookers

Oops, having said so much, I don't know if the judges listened to it. In short, we think this matter still depends on personal circumstances. If you really want to buy a car, you have to think about your actual situation first.

Bosses, move your little hands and give us a thumbs up and a follow. I wish you all a happy and prosperous day! See you in the comment area, don't forget to leave your opinions!

(After dividing the line, you can add some more specific cases or analyses to support the point)

In addition, I have a distant relative, and the young man has just been working for a short time and does not have much savings on hand. Some time ago, he had to shout to buy a car, saying that it was convenient to commute to work and that he could go out for a ride on weekends. The family didn't listen to any persuasion, and finally took out a loan to buy a car that was not cheap.

The result? Now he has to pay off the car loan every month, not to mention the oil price, maintenance, parking fees and a bunch of other expenses that make him breathless. I thought that buying a car would improve my quality of life, but now it has become a burden. So, ah, that's the classic example of desire outpacing ability.

Why do poor people not want to buy cars? Netizens shared their real experiences, which caused a lot of heated discussions among onlookers

Let's talk about it, now that urban transportation is so developed, where can't buses, subways, and shared bicycles go? Do I have to buy a car? Of course, if you do need it, such as often having to run long distances, it is inconvenient for your family to travel, etc., then there is nothing wrong with buying a car. But the key is that you have to calculate the financial account, don't end up buying a car and becoming a burden to yourself.

In short, the topic of "why do poor people not want to buy cars" does not mean that poor people can't own cars or anything. Rather, I want to remind everyone to do what we can and consume rationally when consuming. Don't do things beyond your power for the sake of impulse or vanity. In that way, not only will the gains outweigh the losses, but it may also bring endless troubles to yourself!