
Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!

author:Food collector

1. Fresh chicken soup

No Cantonese can resist the charm of chicken stew with mushrooms! Sweet and rich ~ Fresh and fragrant, stewed once or twice a week, people are in a lot of energy!

Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!
Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!
Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!
Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!
Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!

2. Longan red date egg syrup

A bowl of qi and blood every week is really good, and the little face is a lot ruddy~ I often stay in an air-conditioned room in the summer and the humidity is heavier, so I need a bowl to warm up!

Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!
Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!
Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!
Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!

3. Yam black chicken soup

Nourish yin and blood, warm and nourish the skin, especially suitable for friends who often stay up late and have insomnia and cold hands and feet, and it is super comfortable after drinking!

(1) Blanch the black chicken in a pot of ginger cooking wine

(2) Yam cut into pieces (some friends must remember to bring gloves to deal with it if they peel itchy, and blowing hot air can also relieve it to a certain extent when itchy)

(3) Add a large bowl of water to all the ingredients, add red dates, turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes after boiling, and put in wolfberries before cooking

Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!
Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!
Friends who are often weak and sleepy and dizzy try this!

Author: Xiao Zhang loves food丨Ye Xiaoxin丨What does Xiao Gray eat today

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