
Three daughters serve one husband together, and each earns 500,000 yuan a month! How to maintain the balance of a wealthy relationship?

author:Luo Xin said


Deng Zhaozun, this name has recently caused an uproar in all walks of life.

Three daughters serve one husband together, and each earns 500,000 yuan a month! How to maintain the balance of a wealthy relationship?

Born into a family with a strong artistic background in Cantonese opera, he could have inherited the family business and settled for the status quo. However, he chose an unusual path - the polygamous lifestyle. This bold life choice begs the question, "Is this a challenge to traditional marriage, or is it another form of seeking personal happiness?" The story behind this makes one wonder how he balances it all.

Three daughters serve one husband together, and each earns 500,000 yuan a month! How to maintain the balance of a wealthy relationship?

Body content

The trajectory of Deng Zhaozun's life seems destined to be different. Looking at his upbringing, his childhood was deeply shadowed, and he witnessed his parents quarrel over property disputes, and the painful memories of this scene are deeply rooted in his heart. He didn't want his descendants to repeat the mistakes of the past, so he decided to take the path less traveled. He developed a unique relationship with three women – Carmen, Cherry, and Claire. Although there is no legal constraint, there are emotional bonds, which is not only a challenge to traditional concepts, but also an exploration of the emotional world of individuals.

Three daughters serve one husband together, and each earns 500,000 yuan a month! How to maintain the balance of a wealthy relationship?

In order to maintain this non-traditional family form, Deng Zhaozun did not hesitate to invest huge sums of money. He pays up to $500,000 a month to his three partners to ensure their material well-being, and he buys luxury apartments for each of them in the high-rise city of Hong Kong. He also carefully arranges his weekly schedule to ensure that each partner receives equal attention and love, and the day reserved for himself is his personal time to meditate and adjust.

Three daughters serve one husband together, and each earns 500,000 yuan a month! How to maintain the balance of a wealthy relationship?

This unusual way of life is not only a challenge to the traditional concept of society, but also an exploration of the boundaries of personal emotion. His lifestyle has attracted a lot of admiring eyes, and people envy him for being able to enjoy the care and companionship of three beautiful partners at the same time; There have also been many criticisms accusing him of destroying traditional family and marriage values. Deng Zhaozun did not respond much to these accusations. He sees it as a redemption for his own emotions and a way to escape the constraints of tradition.

Three daughters serve one husband together, and each earns 500,000 yuan a month! How to maintain the balance of a wealthy relationship?

And for those women who live with him, such a lifestyle is also a choice. They enjoyed the material life provided by Deng Zhaozun, while also accepting the non-traditional model of living with him. Everyone is looking for their place and value in such a relationship, although the outside world often sees it in a complex and contradictory way.

Three daughters serve one husband together, and each earns 500,000 yuan a month! How to maintain the balance of a wealthy relationship?

Sublimation at the end

Deng Zhaozun's "monogamous and three-wife" lifestyle undoubtedly subverts the traditional family model. Although there is much controversy about this, it also reflects the diverse needs of individuals in modern society for freedom and happiness. It will take time to test whether this model can become a trend in the future society, but it does show us the collision and fusion of traditional and modern values. In this story, Deng Zhaozun answers an age-old question in his way: "How far can we go for happiness?" His choices may not be acceptable to everyone, but his life does teach us that the pursuit of happiness is diverse and should not be limited by established norms.

Three daughters serve one husband together, and each earns 500,000 yuan a month! How to maintain the balance of a wealthy relationship?

In reflecting on this phenomenon, we can't help but ask, what is true happiness? Is there a set pattern that works for everyone? Obviously, the answer is no. Everyone's happiness is individualized and unique. Although Tang Zhaozun's life choices have subverted some people's values, they also remind us that in this diverse world, we should be more open-minded and respect different life choices.

Three daughters serve one husband together, and each earns 500,000 yuan a month! How to maintain the balance of a wealthy relationship?

In conclusion, while Tang's choice has caused widespread discussion and controversy, it has also stimulated deep thinking about the balance between traditional family values and the pursuit of personal happiness. In this story, whether we are on a side for or against, we should recognize that everyone has the right to find happiness on their own terms. As the old saying goes, "each has its own eye", in this diverse world, let us be more tolerant of different ways of life, and perhaps, we will be closer to each other's understanding and respect.

Three daughters serve one husband together, and each earns 500,000 yuan a month! How to maintain the balance of a wealthy relationship?

Do you think Deng Zhaozun's approach is normal in modern times? Are you envied?