
It's too explosive! Xiao S blew himself up and her husband haven't had sex with her for a long time, and if you solve it with other things, Big S won't regenerate

author:Arshan the Brave 1T7

Xiao S's unique attitude towards life is frank and honest

In today's society, public figures often talk about their private lives and cause huge repercussions. And Xiao S's informal, straightforward and sincere sharing at a brand event undoubtedly left a deep impression on us. As a female idol who stands out from the crowd in Taiwan's entertainment industry, Xiao S has always been known for daring to say and do, and this time he generously unveiled the mystery of his married life.

From Xiao S's confession, we learned that the living conditions of her and her husband Xu Yajun are quite ordinary, the two have not had an intimate relationship for a long time, and their daily needs are mostly solved by other "tools". This straightforward answer is undoubtedly a bit surprising, but it also reflects Xiao S's frank attitude towards his life. As a 46-year-old middle-aged woman, she has long learned to face life with an open and inclusive mind, not deliberately hiding any details, but sincerely sharing them with everyone.

It's too explosive! Xiao S blew himself up and her husband haven't had sex with her for a long time, and if you solve it with other things, Big S won't regenerate

In fact, in real life, it is not uncommon for couples like Xiao S to be in a state. Many people will inevitably face intimate relationship problems in their married life, but not everyone can be as honest as Xiao S. Some people will choose to hide, some people will choose to escape, and Xiao S chooses to confess. Although this may cause confusion among some people in society, it also reflects her unique attitude towards life.

Xiao S never deliberately concealed his living status, but shared it with the public without twisting. She said that although there is not much intimate interaction between herself and her husband Xu Yajun, the two still have some small tacit understanding in daily life, such as cooking noodles together, pouring water, crossing the street and holding hands. This kind of bland lifestyle of "respecting each other like guests" may be a bit boring for some people, but for Xiao S, this is a new definition and interpretation of her married life.

From Xiao S's point of view, married life is not only physical intimacy, but also spiritual fit and mutual respect. Although she and Xu Yajun are no longer intimate in terms of sexual life, the way they get along in life has not changed, and they still maintain a good tacit understanding and friendship. This state may not conform to some people's stereotypes of a happy marriage, but for Xiao S, this is the married life she is pursuing.

It's too explosive! Xiao S blew himself up and her husband haven't had sex with her for a long time, and if you solve it with other things, Big S won't regenerate

It is this frank and direct personality that allows Xiao S to give his true thoughts unabashedly in the face of various questions from the media. For example, when asked by the media whether she would have a fourth child, she admitted that she and her husband have not had a deeper intimate relationship for a long time and need to use other tools to solve their daily needs. This straightforward answer is a little surprising, but at the same time, it also makes people feel that Xiao S accepts his life calmly.

For her eldest daughter to be admitted to the University of Southern California, Xiao S also expressed her relief and reassurance. She said that she was not worried that her eldest daughter would be keen on having a boyfriend abroad, because her eldest daughter paid attention to her feelings, so she should not fall in love easily. This kind of trust and reassurance in his daughter also reflects Xiao S's unique educational philosophy and outlook on life.

In addition to his own family, Xiao S also revealed some information about his sister Big S in an interview. She said that it is unlikely that Big S will have new children because the number of children is "just right" now. This kind of understanding and concern for her sister's living situation once again reflects Xiao S's responsibility and responsibility as an older sister.

It's too explosive! Xiao S blew himself up and her husband haven't had sex with her for a long time, and if you solve it with other things, Big S won't regenerate

It is worth mentioning that Xiao S also said in the interview that she would not restart the popular talk show "Kangxi is Coming", but let that beautiful memory remain in the past. This kind of cherishing and nostalgia for the past also makes people feel that Xiao S has a unique way of dealing with his life and career.

Overall, through this public appearance, Xiao S once again showed her unique personality. She faces her married life calmly and shares it with everyone without hesitation. This kind of open and inclusive attitude is not only a relief for oneself, but also a responsibility for the society. In the current era full of pretentiousness and concealment, Xiao S's straightforwardness and sincerity are undoubtedly more valuable. She is not only a public figure, but also a life expert worthy of our learning.

Xiao S's honesty injects new vitality into life

It's too explosive! Xiao S blew himself up and her husband haven't had sex with her for a long time, and if you solve it with other things, Big S won't regenerate

Xiao S's public sharing of her private life status this time undoubtedly gives people a deeper understanding of her as a public figure. But it is worth mentioning that she is not simply satisfied with unveiling the mystery of her life, but also injecting new vitality into her life in her own way.

As a middle-aged woman who is nearly half a hundred years old, Xiao S may face many problems that are no different from ordinary people. The maintenance of marital relationships, the assumption of family responsibilities, and the pursuit of personal values are all life issues that everyone needs to face. And Xiao S's choice to face these with a frank attitude undoubtedly resonates deeply.

It's too explosive! Xiao S blew himself up and her husband haven't had sex with her for a long time, and if you solve it with other things, Big S won't regenerate

In this age of vanity and impetuousness, many people are accustomed to glorifying themselves or deliberately covering up various problems in life. But Xiao S chose a completely different path. She candidly admitted that she and her husband, Xu Yajun, had not been intimate for a long time, and said that she needed to use other "tools" to meet her daily needs. This straightforward answer is undoubtedly a bit surprising, but it also highlights Xiao S's unique perception of life.

In her view, married life is not simply limited to physical intimacy, but more to spiritual harmony. Although she and her husband are no longer intimate in terms of sexuality, they still maintain good mutual respect and cooperation in their daily lives. This state of "respecting each other like a guest" may not conform to some people's inherent impression of a happy marriage, but for Xiao S, this is exactly the state of life she is pursuing.

It's too explosive! Xiao S blew himself up and her husband haven't had sex with her for a long time, and if you solve it with other things, Big S won't regenerate

It is this unique perception of life that makes Xiao S dare to face his situation and share it with the public unabashedly. She did not choose to hide or escape, but accepted her life state with an open and inclusive mind, which is undoubtedly admirable. In today's society, public figures often choose to hide their private lives out of various considerations, but Xiao S has chosen a different path.

This candid attitude is not only reflected in her own married life, but also in her care and support for other family members. For example, her satisfaction that her eldest daughter was admitted to a prestigious school, as well as her understanding and support for her sister Da S no longer having children, all show Xiao S's responsibility as a family. She didn't show too much affection or show off her family status, but looked at her life and family from a slightly "ordinary person" perspective.

It's too explosive! Xiao S blew himself up and her husband haven't had sex with her for a long time, and if you solve it with other things, Big S won't regenerate

This kind of peaceful and indifferent state of mind just makes people feel Xiao S's unique wisdom about life. She is not bound by the standards of society, but interprets what a happy life is in her own way. In the era of blindly pursuing material and form, Xiao S's attitude is undoubtedly refreshing.

In general, through this public sharing, Xiao S not only showed her honesty, but also reflected her unique perception of life. She did not deliberately hide her situation, but faced all kinds of changes in life with an open and inclusive attitude. This kind of wisdom and courage is undoubtedly worth learning and learning from each of us. In the current era of disorientation, Xiao S's unique attitude towards life has undoubtedly injected new vitality and inspiration into us.